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Dare To Find Your Way Again!

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAcccess.comWhy should there be a yellow brick road? The answer is simple: everyone should have a personal path to Oz.

In the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz, after losing her way home, Dorothy was advised to follow the yellow brick road. Along the way, she was given a pair of beautiful ruby slippers. She was also cautioned not to remove these special shoes and not to lose sight of the yellow brick road.

There were times when Dorothy threw caution to the wind and walked away from the path. I recall watching scenes from the movie and holding tightly to the edge of my chair in anticipation of the perils faced by Dorothy. There was the Wicked Witch of the West and her army of dutiful, misguided monkeys. There were wind storms and spells in which day was cast into night. There was even a cranky old man who pretended to be the omnificent power of the Universe.

Much like Dorothy, each of us has faced difficult times in our lives when we have found ourselves without direction and far from home. Some of us have even forgotten where home was, while some never want to return. But within the metaphysical context, home is akin to the center within each of us that is the dwelling place of the soul, which links us to our life purpose and mission.

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The Truth About Manifesting

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpiritual seekers often ask, “Why am I struggling to manifest what I want? Why is it taking so long?” Many books and workshops on the Law of Attraction and the practice of manifesting, tend to give people the false belief that they can simply say something like, “I want a million dollars,” and then it will show up in their bank account.

I have attended many of these manifesting workshops in my lifetime, and I have watched many webinars on the subject. Most of them have one thing in common: the people leading them are charging a fee and are certainly making money. But I have yet to see their students achieve the same!

Manifesting is tricky. You have to learn to allow, and to keep your thoughts, your free will and your ego out of it.  Manifesting is also guided by what you are meant to have, or the lessons that you are meant to learn from past lives, current or past karma, and even your desire to have it all ‘right now.’

We have all had experiences of thinking of a person… and then suddenly you run into them, or receive a phone call, text or email from them. Is it just coincidence, or is it synchronicity, or did you actually manifest it? Take a moment to consider this.

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Divine Timing And Patience

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of the spiritual messages I receive quite often is that everything comes in Divine timing and more patience is required. It is difficult for many of my clients to digest this, as there is typically no specific date provided with this kind of message.

Sometimes Divine timing is due to our guides and angels feeling that we are not ready yet. Other time there may be blockage that has to be removed, or another reason why things are being held up. When it is in regards to a relationship with another person, it may not be that person’s time to be in your life. While you may be ready, something may have to happen to free them up.

As difficult as it seems, if you wait patiently and do not allow yourself to become frustrated, things eventually will shift.  Things will start to happen at a quicker rate. If you carry negativity, frustration, anger, baggage of the past, it creates additional resistance and nothing can move forward. Often we are creating the walls and barriers that prevent the good from coming in ourselves!

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Favorite Incense And Essential Oils

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIncense and essential oils are a powerful, inexpensive way to fill our senses and surroundings with optimum health, joy and prosperity. With the right fragrance, we can transform our thoughts, release stress and cultivate inner peace. Utilizing the calming vibes of incense and essential oils is a wonderful way to uplift our hearts and reconnect with our souls, as they help to maintain our sense of balance.

The following is a brief guide to my favorite empowering aromas, their properties, and their ability to transform your world.


Use amber to promote beauty, protection, youth, vibrancy and to promote spiritual awakening. Amber is also a powerful conductor when researching past life memories or working through old issues to clear them so one can move forward.

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How To Improve Your Money Karma

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comKarma and money can be a very confusing and complicated spiritual matter. There are lessons in being poor and lessons in being rich. We will be rich in some lifetimes, and poor in others. Most lifetimes we will swing left and right of the middle of wealth.

The universe sometimes uses money as karma, but not always. Money is neither good nor bad. Money is energy. It can be used for good or bad.

The test for poverty is: can you be happy, healthy, holy, loving, generous and not be materialist or greedy if you are poor? The test for wealth is: can you be happy, healthy, holy, loving, generous and not be materialist or greedy if you are rich? Can you find peace no matter how much or how little money is in the bank?

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Dealing with Change – Insights From My Garden

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comBeing alive is about experiencing change all the time. The natural order of the world is change and transition. As I was working in the garden this past week, I was observing changes, as well as intentionally creating changes. I had cultivated some seedlings and it was time to transfer them into their new homes.

As I was taking these seedlings and transferring them into the garden, or into larger pots, I observed that they all experienced some sort of shock. Most of them drooped down and looked very sad after their move. Some of them recovered very quickly, within a few hours. Others recovered after a day or so.

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Choosing Your Own Tarot Deck

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPurchasing your own Tarot deck may seem overwhelming for the newcomer, but can actually be a very magical experience. Back in the ‘dark ages,’ when I decided to purchase my first Tarot deck, I remember getting a plethora of recommendations from others to buy certain decks. I was overloaded with opinions, none of which I listened to in the end.

I’ve always been a bit of a rebel, so I chose a deck that I felt most drawn to. I remember the day well, I visited a little metaphysical shop in Michigan and was immediately drawn to the back of the store, where there were some revolving racks with Tarot decks on display. I felt almost mesmerized by one deck.  It’s theme was angelic, and although the images, design, and roman numerals were not really suited for a beginner, it didn’t matter to me, I bought the deck anyway.

When I got it home, I took it into my herbal room, laid it out on some black silk, to anoint it with consecration oils of rosemary, basil, star anise, frankincense, myrrh, and patchouli. I held a pendulum over the cards to program it with my intentions, and to activate it.

After that, I fanned the cards out on my herbal table and slowly waved my palm over the deck, sending my energies into it to align and connect with it as my sacred tool. Lastly, I asked Spirit to oversee the deck by placing it into the right hands once they left mine. Continue reading

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