past lives
Remote Healing
After receiving a profound remote healing experience, just a few weeks ago, I now know that distant healing really does work! Successful remote healing sessions have been documented in the past, where the recipient was totally unaware that they were being worked on. But I feel that being receptive to the healing makes a significant contribution to the healing process.
My remote healing was done by a couple who work as a team. Their work has had a profound effect on me. The dynamic healing duo includes an emotional intuitive and a medical intuitive. I never had any pain issues with my hips, but they told me that there was a blockage in my right hip, caused by blocked emotions. To my surprise, the following day, my right hip ached!
The healing team picked up on so much information energetically which they could never have known about me, and in addition to their healing session, they gave me tools to assist in releasing any negative, pent-up emotions, as well as letting go of any people connected to my buried emotional pain. When left unattended, old emotional wounds prevent us from moving forward in joy. Old wounds can go far back to childhood, or even into past lives.
Interplanetary Beings
Many people say we are naive to believe that we are the only intelligent species in the Universe. There are now even declassified government documents that relate to UFO’s, the United States Air Force facility known as Area 51, as well as possible extraterrestrial activity. Sightings continue around the world and Hollywood has created many a blockbuster movie in this genre, including War of the Worlds, ET, Star Trek, Star Wars and Avatar, to name just a few.
Those films all deal with one form of interplanetary being: entities travelling through the Universe. The other type of interplanetary being that Hollywood and conspiracy theorists rarely focus on, are those interplanetary beings whose soul contract is to incarnate in this world and further humanity. This is apparently done through their higher functional skills and technology, and their desire to support our soul’s evolution. These interplanetary beings are spiritually more evolved and connected to higher vibration frequencies.
There is a premise that for the rest of us earthbound souls, this Earth reality is our school of education. We are here to fulfill our karma (missteps of our path) or dharma (behaviors synchronized with the Universe) and we return here to evolve. Being earthbound does not mean that we are stuck, just that our future lives are part of our Earth karmic evolution.
‘Taking Out The Garbage’ With Past Life Soul Regression
The soul is our ‘personal computer’ that retains data from previous incarnations, or past lives, as well as constantly adding to the database in real time from our current experiences in this lifetime. Thank goodness that the soul’s ‘cloud storage’ capability is truly infinite. And did you know that through the process of Soul Regression we can access this data for the purpose of personal growth and spiritual healing?
Many people believe in reincarnation and past lives, yet only a small percentage explore the experience of regression into it. Why would one want to go back into a past incarnation? What value does it hold? What would the purpose be, since we are living in the present time, and our challenges are here and now? This was also my point of view once.
The Man Who Pushed Me Off A Cliff
Since I was a child, I have had fragmented memories of my past lives. These flashbacks are all parts of those lives and lessons that pertain to my soul growth and karma in this lifetime. So far, all of my past life memories have had to do with someone I have interacted with here, in my current incarnation. In other words, I have met all of the people in my past life memories in this lifetime also.
One such memory of a past life, is of a man I was married to in Ireland. We were quite young. I would say no more than 20. We were poor and lived in a little cottage, near a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was a modest, but breathtakingly beautiful home and land. I also remember that I had long, curly red hair.
Sadly, my husband in that lifetime was physically and emotionally abusive. He was always worried that men would desire me and take me away from him. But I had never been with any man but him. I didn’t want to be with my husband, but I certainly didn’t want another man to control and own me either.
Favorite Incense And Essential Oils
Incense and essential oils are a powerful, inexpensive way to fill our senses and surroundings with optimum health, joy and prosperity. With the right fragrance, we can transform our thoughts, release stress and cultivate inner peace. Utilizing the calming vibes of incense and essential oils is a wonderful way to uplift our hearts and reconnect with our souls, as they help to maintain our sense of balance.
The following is a brief guide to my favorite empowering aromas, their properties, and their ability to transform your world.
Use amber to promote beauty, protection, youth, vibrancy and to promote spiritual awakening. Amber is also a powerful conductor when researching past life memories or working through old issues to clear them so one can move forward.
Do You Also Remember Atlantis?
Are you an Atlantean? Since I was quite young, I have been able to remember some of my past lives. I was raised by atheist parents, so I didn’t call them past lives, since I had never heard that phrase before. I called them ‘the other times.’
In one such other time, I was an Atlantean. I have met many Atlanteans on my path in this life. Are you one of them? I remember being always dressed in white, like everyone else there (just like I do now as Kundalini Yoga instructor). White is cleansing and represents purity. More importantly, white deflects negative energy. Black absorbs it.
I have noticed, as technology began to evolve more in recent years, especially since 2000, that I became more nervous, because I remember how technology destroyed Atlantis. Technology is meant to be a good thing, but how it used is a potential danger.
Power And Protection From Your Ancestors
I come from a long line of female herbalists of European origins on my mother’s side of the family. They were seers, healers, and prophets who combined their psychic gifts with ancient healing practices. Today, they still come to me during meditation, to offer wisdom.
The family’s mainly Germanic connection is one I’ve researched for many years, but more recently I discovered that my ancestors crossed into Scandinavian and Norse territories too, which suggests a bloodline of fierce women who were warriors of their time. It’s really not surprising to me, as even my own mother today, who is 84 years old, can still kick anyone’s butt who crosses her path in an unkind way! I always knew she was strong when I was little, and I always admired her power and independence.