mind control
Trust Your Intuition To Avoid Gaslighting
Gaslighting can be a very destructive component of a toxic relationship. It basically refers to any form of ‘reality twisting’ or ‘crazy making’ that aims to confuse or manipulate the victim. Gaslighting is used to gain power and control in the relationship, by making the victim question their reality.
The phenomenon is typically found in romantic relationships, but it can occur in all kinds of social relationships, including friendships, in the workplace and with neighbors. Sometimes it is done in an obvious way, right under the victim’s nose, but mostly it is done under the radar and you don’t always know who is gaslighting you, or even that you are being gaslighted. Continue reading
How To Not Lose Your Mind
I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve heard comments like “people are losing their minds,” or “folks are sure cracking up lately!” The last one is from my sweet Grandma. She says this almost every day when she watches the news. She does have a point – it definitely does seem that way, doesn’t it?
I noticed people losing their minds on the road, at the gas pump, and in grocery stores. There was also the women at the salon, talking on the phone with someone. Many people do seem to be so quick to anger. Some even go into a mad rage over their hamburger not being cooked right (as we heard recently on the news). Continue reading
Controlling Your Psychic Powers
When fictional characters, like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, train to use their abilities, one of the first things their mentors, such as Yoda, tell them is that they must learn control. This is just as important to us as we use our own metaphysical abilities in the real world.
The first and foremost reason for this is that we have to use any psychic ability given to us for our own good, and that of others. If we use these abilities without mindful intent behind them, or with hostile intent, they can be very counter-productive.
So, how is control learned? An easy way to start is by ridding ourselves of negative influences and objects. As the ancient system of Feng Shui dictates, our environments reflect our internal states. First we must ground ourselves, by connecting our energies with those of the physical and spiritual realms. Continue reading
Vision Board Magic
I am more and more pleasantly surprised at the number of clients who are making their own vision boards with great success these days. Yet, I still suggest creating a vision board to many customers who feel it is their lot in life to be poor, unhappy, lonely, or cheated on by a partner.
Often people don’t even realize the extent to which they affirm the negative. I find myself cringing, because in essence they are confirming that the things they really don’t want is part of their destiny. So, for starters, I usually ask them to observe their dialogue and to focus on replacing any negatives and ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ with a positive. Often many years of stating negative words need to be re-formatted in order to manifest the life your truly desire. Continue reading
Is Your Mind In A State Of Zen?
Much like a computer, if you don’t keep your mind clear and sometimes take necessary steps to keep it running smoothly, it can give you some grief in the long run. You will find in the end that you are not happy, lack awareness and even suffer depression.
When our minds don’t function properly, our life doesn’t seem to be as fulfilled as it could be. Achieving this state of clarity, serenity and mental smooth sailing is what I call “living in a state of Zen.”
Have you been going about your life in a constant mad rush with your mind all over the place? This is not living in Zen. If you don’t need it, discard it from your mind. This way you will have the extra space to bring in things that actually serve your highest good and help you to be a happier healthier individual. Continue reading
Do You Drink The Water?
For as long as I can remember, I have absolutely hated the taste of water from the faucet. I’ve been saying for years, that I can taste the chemicals in it. So many of my friends and family have laughed at me, telling me I am crazy.
The taste and smell of water that comes out of my kitchen faucet, repulses me to the point that I refuse to drink it. I have found myself in the hospital for dehydration more times than I care to admit.
So, I began wondering… what chemicals are used to treat the water that we drink? Well, I found that it’s not so much the chemicals to clean the water that may be the problem. It is the fluoride that is added to our water. Continue reading
Magical Thinking
Magical thinking is a common trait found among all children all over the world, between the ages of approximately two until seven years of age. This time frame is also known as the ‘pre-operational stage’ of child development and it is the period in our early life when we increasingly explore our environment, and gradually learn to distinguish between ‘fantasy’ and ‘reality’.
Children at this age initially have all kinds of imaginative ideas and magical interpretations of the world, in order to make sense of their external and internal reality. At this age we still believe that we can grow wings and learn to fly; or that animals can talk and sing; or that our shadow is a magical person following us around; or that the Sun goes to sleep in the ocean; that there is a man living in the Moon; or that the wind, the clouds and the trees notice us and obey our instructions. We often also have ‘imaginary friends’ at this age. Continue reading