mind control
Holistic Hypnosis And Past Life Regression
Generally people are mostly familiar with conventional hypnosis, the kind which conjures up images of advertisements for weight loss and to stop smoking, as well as the entertainment version of volunteers running around on stage, performing all manner of antics. For the stage variety, the volunteer will be in a deep state of relaxation, having bypassed the highly critical conscious mind and will have thrown all inhibitions to the wind.
In Holistic Hypnosis, a practitioner relaxes their subject into what is known as the Beta state, assisting them to put to one side their critical conscious mind. Faulty patterning, causing deep seated fears, phobias and depression can respond well to a course of sessions. For the subject, it’s a matter of allowing themselves to be reprogrammed, and consent to the treatment as a means of bringing their being back to its natural healthy state in body, mind and spirit. Continue reading
The Potential Power Of Telepathy
Have you ever had a thought or a feeling that someone was thinking about you? Before we had caller ID and the phone was ringing your would sometime have that feeling who might be on the other end.
Is it possible that someone can connect to a person’s energy through their spirit guide? Is it possible to get an old schoolmate or an former boyfriend to contact you through using your mind? What if you had a song that you really like when you were a kid and could you could use certain lines from the song to communicate telepathically?
I do believe all these things are possible. I feel that human minds can communicate across time and space without limitation. You often hear of instances where a mother knew that something had happen to one of her children, because the child was yelling out to her or calling her. This form of communication is known as telepathy. Continue reading