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Working With Elemental Spirit Guides

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are several different classifications of spirit guides and energies that we as humans can work with to help us on our journey. Most spiritual traditions teach about the elemental energy within the four classical elements. This is found in ancient Buddhist texts, Native American spirituality, shamanic traditions, within the Judeo-Christian and other monotheistic traditions.

Working with elemental spirit guides can give us insights and strategies to promote positive changes in our lives, reveal our unconscious self-destructive patterns, and transform our subconscious mind and create a harmonious and balanced internal story. Elemental guides can also assist us when we are walking through a difficulty or life challenge, as well as intensify our ability to manifest the lives we want.

It is not difficult to connect with the elemental forces. There are many strategies that can assist in bringing these elemental forces into our everyday lives.

The Spirit Of Water

The spirit of water is associated with emotions and love. It can be used to help in assisting with emotional challenges, grief, and a better understanding and greater experience of love in our lives.

In many ancient traditions there is a parallel between water and being humble. It is said to be the humblest of all the elements, always seeking the lowest point. However, in its humble position it is also one of the strongest elements. In seeking the lowest position, it can evaporate into the air, satiate the flames of fire, and carve through the mountains of the earth.

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Moon’s Mailbag # 2

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comWelcome to my monthly blog, Moon’s Mailbag, wherein I answer a variety of questions. Each month I select a few of the questions I receive from my clients on Psychic Access and answer them here for the benefit of all. Please remember, if your question doesn’t feature this month, it could potentially be answered in a future publication.

Q: How does one do a house cleansing? I live alone in an apartment and for some reason I feel inundated by negative energy. Please help.

I feel that the neighbors that live above and below you, as well as to the left and right, are all part of the issue. Begin by smudging your home with sage. Start at the entrance. Close all windows except for the back bedroom window; instead open it halfway for working the negative energy out of your home.

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The Power Of Your Words

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comIf only people realized how powerful their words are each time they make a statement. For example, I have heard some of my callers say things like, “I always attract partners who cheat on me.” The caller will be phoning in with hopes of getting a prediction which indicates a brighter future. And yet, in the meantime, they are programming their subconscious to accept their old negative dialogue.

I aim to help these clients understand that bringing about change is a process. To begin with, they truly have to want change. In truth, there are some individuals who derive a subconscious comfort from remaining stuck. Also, they need to feel worthy, which is why positive affirmations are so helpful.

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When The Empath Becomes An Energy Sponge

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI just completed a psychic reading for a long-standing client who is a successful teacher,  as well as an empath and psychic in her own right. Despite being highly intuitive and, under normal circumstances, able to make good decisions based on her gut feeling, she was feeling totally at a loss, and in limbo concerning her current circumstances.

She asked me for guidance as to what could be happening to her, because even though her situation is not dire, she described herself as feeling like “a sponge that cannot not absorb any more.” She was feeling no sense of creativity or inspiration, nor any initiative to get the ball rolling for a future move for herself and her family. The Tarot’s Hangman card defines how she felt, as if she was just dangling and not getting anywhere fast.

Both she and her husband had made a big geographical move a few years ago, with the well-being of their children in mind. She was beating herself up, because she also felt responsible for every circumstance her family was experiencing, including her 17 year old daughter, who hasn’t quite yet identified her future career niche. Of course, the additional negative energy of guilt was holding her even more in limbo. To top it all, the schooling of her children and work of her husband requires that she lives and teaches remotely, with a several hours commute away from them, so they can only come together as a family once a fortnight. More guilt! Continue reading

Spiritual Cleansing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith a new year comes the opportunity again to better ourselves, but how many of us consider the spiritual along with the physical or mental? Like our homes or our cars, our spiritual selves accumulate ‘junk’ over time and need cleaning too.

The first clue that a spiritual cleansing or psychic clearing is overdue is that general feeling of heaviness, emotional clutter, or being overwhelmed. Just as we tend to get depressed when our living space is a wreck, if our spiritual essence is no longer working properly, neither will we as a whole unit.

A perfect way to get started, which is inexpensive and environmentally friendly, is to smudge your physical space with a healing herb such as sage, or something stronger like frankincense. As you burn these herbs, focus on ridding negative energies and memories and repeat a mantra such as, “I release that which I no longer need, and focus now on the present.” Continue reading

It’s Called Self-Respect

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Energy protection is one of my passions. I take it very seriously. It is vital for our health and mental well-being, so we take the time to do things that will help promote our energy, health, happiness and mental clarity, right? Why then do we still find our energies being drained sometimes? Often times we don’t even realize who, or what is causing this drainage.

My grandma’s fingers are so badly crippled that she cannot text, so she asked me to do her a favor and just send a message to someone on her behalf. I knew in my heart that if I did send this for her, it would be an opportunity for the receiver to throw negativity my way, or rather attempt to. So, I kept putting it off, but she kept begging me. Continue reading

Poco A Poco

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI thought today of how certain expressions tend to stick in our minds; thoughts which we adopt for a while, or even a lifetime. It can be the words of a famous writer we have read somewhere, an expression in a song, or even just the ideas of somebody we just had a brief conversation with.

Internationally renowned author and speaker, Wayne Dyer, once said, “You will never get everything done.” It’s a good feeling at the end of the day, to know that we’ve gotten through much on our ‘to-do list.’ But for me, I also gain some comfort from such as words of wisdom as Wayne Dyer’s, as well as the poem, Desiderata, which advises us to, “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste.” Continue reading

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