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Dealing with Change – Insights From My Garden

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comBeing alive is about experiencing change all the time. The natural order of the world is change and transition. As I was working in the garden this past week, I was observing changes, as well as intentionally creating changes. I had cultivated some seedlings and it was time to transfer them into their new homes.

As I was taking these seedlings and transferring them into the garden, or into larger pots, I observed that they all experienced some sort of shock. Most of them drooped down and looked very sad after their move. Some of them recovered very quickly, within a few hours. Others recovered after a day or so.

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I Am Responsible For Me

click here for a FREE reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all make mistakes. Each one of us has looked back on our life path and thought, if only I could go back and change it.

I wish I would have bought that house while it was still available at a lower price, because I would be on easy street by now. Or if I could go back and take that amazing job, which I did not realize was so wonderful at the time, due to my youth and inexperience, I could have retired with a huge pension and many benefits by now.

One of the biggest regret that comes up quite often, is wishing to go back and tell relatives and friends that we love them… before they passed away so unexpectedly. I have so much to say to them right now, I wish I would have said it then.

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Your Angels As Your Co-Creators

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen we think of angels, we typically think of spiritual wisdom, guardianship, personal serenity and metaphysical insight. But did you know angels can also aid us in our creative pursuits? Have you ever heard of being inspired by a muse or divine inspiration? That is the sure sign of angels at work.

Two Archangels in particular, Jophiel (Beauty of God) and Uriel (Fire of God) are known for their association with creative inspiration. If you’re a creative person feeling stuck, or at a loss, call upon these angels for their assistance.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to create a vision board with a series of images and sayings which relate to your personal creative hopes and dreams. You may also include these two angels in your daily meditations or prayers. Or try writing an open letter to them. They are always listening and willing to help, but only if we call upon them for assistance.

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The Moon Cycles And How They Affect You

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery month, the Moon waxes and wanes creating different changes and cycles in the world, as well as in our personal lives.

Many people are familiar with the monthly full moon as a time of elevated emotions, but there are other phases to be mindful of, since they also affect our energy levels and feelings.

During a full moon, for example, you may realize that you have an abundance, or lack of energy.

The new moon occurs when it is invisible to the human eye. It is a wonderful time for new beginnings in relationships, business, making positive changes and setting goals. The new moon would be when you add something new, or remove the existing problem to strengthen yourself.

The waxing moon is the cycle when it begins to grow in size. Learning, creative projects, healing and transformation are all powerful themes during this time. Continue reading

Your Self-Imposed Prison Of Thought

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou reap what you sow. As a man thinketh, so he is. You are what you eat. Create a vision board, hold that thought and see your goal come to fruition. What we think is what we manifest.

These are probably some of the most common and regularly used phrases to redesign and renovate the thoughts and movements of our lives. They work for some people, when placed in the scope of their reality. But why work only for some and not for others?

The answer I received from spirit was odd, to say the least: “One thousand times in his head he is in a big, famous prison.” This is what was related to me in my sleep state and Spirit must have felt it was of some importance, because they chose to wake me from a sound sleep in order to hear the message clearly… and resoundingly.

My first thought was: what on earth is this? What could it possibly mean? Then, as I delved into it further, I could discovered the true meaning.

The only famous prison I am personally aware of is Alcatraz. Just saying that name sends shudders to many people who have actually visited the place.

Next I thought of a human being found guilty of a crime and then have the most severe punishment handed out, of being sent to that dreadful place. I can only imagine what that must be like: locked up for an indeterminate amount of time, no freedom, and only periodically getting out for a breather. Imagine the rest of the inmates, the fearing for your safety and the struggle to survive. Continue reading

Time To Shake Out Your Rugs!

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery year when spring arrived, my mother used to say, “It’s time to shake out the rugs and get all the dust out that settled over the winter.” I never really understood what she was referring to. At the time I took it to be literal. It simply meant the rugs are dirty, so let’s shake them out and hang them on a clothesline in the fresh air. We would beat them with a rug beater, to make sure all the dust would come out. The rugs would then go back in the house, smelling fresh and looking like new.

Now that I have matured, I realize what she was referring to on a wisdom level. These days when the spring season arrives, I look at my life and say, “What do I need to get the dust out of?”  And I don’t rush through this process, I truly look at the depth of what is slowing me down, from the goals I have set, or from manifesting my best reality. This year it is no different.

These past few days I have been focusing on my business life. I work out of a home office, which has been decorated with things that relate to my spirituality, including vision boards, special metaphysical items, books, cards, crystals and some office supplies, which has become an extremely cluttered mess.

My personal energy has also been cluttered lately, and I realized this while I was walking around the piles of papers on the floor. I also noticed the multitude of cards and books which no longer resonate with me, but were still sitting dormant on over-packed shelves. All this clutter was pulling the good energy out of me every time I come in here to work. Continue reading

Let Spirit Put Ego In Its Place

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently had a conversation with a lovely, learned lady who was quite beside herself, because her husband of ten years simply got up and walked out on her… with no explanation whatsoever! She was understandably beside herself with shock and grief. I asked her what kind of relationship she felt they had and she assured me it was a very loving one. I find it almost impossible to believe that a loving, caring partner would all of a sudden just turn his back with all they had shared together and walk out the door, in what appeared to be a cold and callous man.

I then asked her why she felt they had such a good situation between them and she said it was because she loved him so much. She did all she could to keep him happy and satisfied. Well, now we were obviously getting somewhere. On further probing I found this man had been emotionally detached, and certainly oblivious to her needs. How can this, by any definition, be a warm and loving relationship?

Her ego most assuredly suffered a blow, but I do wonder where spirit was in all of this. It would make no sense to me if spirit accepted such a one-sided relationship that was  completely devoid of any care or kindness.

My suspicion is that she had convinced herself that this ‘relationship’ had to maintain itself, or she would not be an ‘acceptable’ woman if she did not have a prominent male in her life, even under these trying conditions. There we go, when ego runs the show a myriad of pains can certainly appear on the horizon! Continue reading

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