Chiron Retrograde Can Heal The Empath
There is much talk lately regarding astrological retrogrades and the seven planets involved, including Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. The fact that some of this energy will be around until next year, led me to reading up on the potential negative effects, but also the metaphysical power of the retrogrades.
As an empath, I am particularly drawn to Chiron, a planet about which I was woefully uniformed in the past. If you are an empath (even if you are usually not paying close attention) it is worthwhile looking in into the role of this planet in your everyday life.
Apparently Chiron was named after a centaur Chiron from Greek mythology. Chiron is known as the wounded healer in astrology or metaphysics. He was the god of healing… but was unable to heal himself. He is epitomized by the concept of ‘healer heal thyself.’
A Spiritual Approach To Chronic Complainers
Don’t complain, don’t ever complain. These are words I read in a book long ago, and they have stuck in my mind ever since. However, I certainly seem to have attracted a lot of complainers into my life – moaners and critics who have taken the very process to an art form! Amongst these individuals are family, friends and love relationships, and they are all challenging in their own way.
I have come to the conclusion that the lesson those souls have given me, is to rise above the irritation, and perhaps to try and see their predicament and unhappiness from a place of compassion. I have since managed to become less affected by other people’s groaning, because I stopped thinking that their displeasure might be my fault, or that I could ‘fix’ them and turn them from a ‘cup-half-empty’ type of person to a ‘cup-half full.’
Traits Of Your Cancer Child
A child born between June 21st and July 22nd is a Cancer. Home and family are very important to children born under this zodiac sign. Anything relating to family and home life will tend to make them very sentimental. Cancers tend to keep elaborate scrapbooks or make videos of special family moments. They are extremely attached to the home, and especially to their mothers.
Cancer is not only a water sign, they actually love water! If your child or baby is having a rough day, sometimes just a warm bath, or a little time in the pool or at the beach, can help calm them down and rejuvenate their soul. They might also love to wash their hands, so let them help with the dishes!
Cancers tend to be highly empathetic. They are very caring, loving and affectionate. They need a lot of affection and love in return, to feel happy and secure. Keep a close eye on them and make sure they aren’t absorbing other’s negativity, or becoming overwhelmed by other people’s emotions.
When The Empath Becomes An Energy Sponge
I just completed a psychic reading for a long-standing client who is a successful teacher, as well as an empath and psychic in her own right. Despite being highly intuitive and, under normal circumstances, able to make good decisions based on her gut feeling, she was feeling totally at a loss, and in limbo concerning her current circumstances.
She asked me for guidance as to what could be happening to her, because even though her situation is not dire, she described herself as feeling like “a sponge that cannot not absorb any more.” She was feeling no sense of creativity or inspiration, nor any initiative to get the ball rolling for a future move for herself and her family. The Tarot’s Hangman card defines how she felt, as if she was just dangling and not getting anywhere fast.
Both she and her husband had made a big geographical move a few years ago, with the well-being of their children in mind. She was beating herself up, because she also felt responsible for every circumstance her family was experiencing, including her 17 year old daughter, who hasn’t quite yet identified her future career niche. Of course, the additional negative energy of guilt was holding her even more in limbo. To top it all, the schooling of her children and work of her husband requires that she lives and teaches remotely, with a several hours commute away from them, so they can only come together as a family once a fortnight. More guilt! Continue reading
Changed Life Is A Mission Accomplished
From time to time a client will ask me how I manage to stay focused when people so frequently seek the same advice over and over. “I don’t know how you put up with me,” they might say.
Well, in all honestly, I don’t feel I am ‘putting up’ with them at all. On the contrary, I feel honored that they feel safe enough to share their concerns with me. If it’s important to them… then it’s important.
What does concern me, however, is that I will be able to offer them some helpful direction and healing during a time which must feel to them like they are in a dark pit of hopelessness, or that the rug has been pulled from under them. They are often in shock over an incident, usually connected to a relationship or a career. But there always is an answer, or a solution. Continue reading
When Your Child Is Your Spiritual Coach
Coming from a family who never communicated their personal feelings, I learned a lot about the importance of communication between age groups in my early teens, when I was sent to live with a Dutch family with three children for several months.
I always admired their closeness, but it wasn’t until I actually moved in with them, that I realized just how far their caring and sharing went towards feeling part of such a close knit family. They prayed together too, and included me, always asking for healing for my mother who was having treatment at the time for her ‘nervous condition.’
In later years, as a recovering alcoholic in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), I would often hear the expression, “A family that prays together, stays together.” I am sure this family has stayed close all these years, even though we have lost touch. Continue reading
Sensitivity Is A Gift
Sensitive people need to give themselves a break! I am very sensitive myself, and I consider it a gift. I wouldn’t be able to have the kind of career that I have without being sensitive. For those of us that are sensitive, it can come as a mixed blessing sometimes. The same sensitivity that allows me to empathically engage with others in an intuitive way, can also be a detriment when I allow the circumstances of this work, or of others, overwhelm me. I must be constantly careful about what I view on Facebook, and read or see in the news.
I personally abstain from following the news for the most part. My world is what I am experiencing at this present time. If we were alive 200 years ago, rather than right now, we would be clueless about most world events. However, these days absolutely everything is streamed into our conscious reality 24-hours a day, seven days a week. For those of us whose life purpose is tied in with sensitivity, it is unwise to partake in this media stream. Continue reading