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The Past Can Prevent Your Future

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhy am I stuck? Why am I not advancing? Why can’t I find love? Why is money never coming to me and always flowing out from me? These are questions I struggled with for a long time in my own life.

I delved deep into many aspects of life design, manifesting change, the Law of Attraction, deliberate creating, and personal growth and reinvention. I have watched, listened and been active in more workshops, online webinars and online learning in this genre than most will ever do in a lifetime. I have read the books and taken many notes. I have made the visions boards and spoken the affirmations. But no matter where I turned, I was always confronted with actual reality versus trying to ‘positive think and believe’ something else. How can we believe we are destined to be something different or better simply by speaking it…or visualizing it? The truth is, it isn’t that simple.

In my search for answers I have also watched others who have participated in the forums, seminars and workshops, and actually achieved something significant in their life. And it has been my observation that the people who have truly risen above their circumstances and achieved their dreams, are the ones that did the deeper inner work.

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How To Use Crystals In Your Life

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comStones and crystals have been sought after throughout human history, especially for the making of jewelry, amulets and ornaments. Many cultures also used them for healing purposes. The Egyptians, Sumerians, and Mayans are especially known for using crystals and stones in their healing rituals. Today these ancient traditions are regarded as pseudoscience.

Interestingly, the crystal structure is the basis of one of the biggest technological advances in the last 50 years. That technological advance is the microchip.

Some scientists attribute the healing potential of crystals to the placebo effect. Yet, despite the mainstream notion that there cannot be any scientific basis to the healing effect of crystals, the metaphysical community remains obsessed with the use of crystals and stones for healing and spiritual purposes.

The metaphysical use of crystals and stones has become a multi-billion dollar industry, and it is not appearing to slow down. Many are drawn to the touch, to the color, and to their properties. Rose quartz heals the heart. Amethyst calms. Citrine improves finances. Black tourmaline releases negative emotions and protects.

In my experience crystals really do have the ability to heal. They uplift people. They connect with us. Crystals heal and transform the environment.

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Inspiration – A Message From My Guides

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn times of division and mistrust, it is often easy to see the negative side of any given issue. Rather than letting everything pile up around you and affect your own positive mood, though, it is more helpful to try and find a little sunshine as you go about your day-to-day business.

Whenever possible, search for inspiration in even the simplest of things. If you can put your negative thoughts to one side and look elsewhere for inspiration, it can make it much easier to see the positive side of life.

Look for some good in people, even if they do not share your views. Focus on interesting and creative news stories of the day and look for inspiration in the most unexpected or mundane places.

Find joy in little everyday things and don’t take anything for granted. Imagine the myriad of components that had to fall into place in order for you to be where you are in this time and place. Be grateful for the lessons you have learned and your ability to mentor others by example.

The more you search for things that inspire and make you smile, the more examples you will find and the easier it will be to recognize that your world has many points of inspiration.

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The Power Of Observation

click pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comIn this busy world we rarely take the time to observe things around us. Most people see and feel things only through their own personal lens. Of course, it is only normal to identify with your own feelings and the things you have seen, heard or experienced. But sometimes so much of what we believe as reality is the only way we will accept it. It is necessary in some situations to take a step back and observe a situation, look at all sides of it and try to remain neutral.

I have worked with some clients in my hypnosis practice who just can’t seem to look at a situation from a different perspective. It is much easier for people to observe someone that looks much like them on a television screen playing out a scenario. They may see, feel even hear things that could not be recalled at the time of the event. Another way is to view the scene in a different way in order to rewrite the script to achieve a different outcome by observing. The incident with a different outcome may show the possibility of different realities.

For example, when there is a car accident and four or five people witness and observe it. When questioned, the people usually all have a very different account of what happened. Through their own personal lenses they believe it as gospel. But is it really?

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Is Time Speeding Up, Or Are We Being Prepared?

click pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comI’ve been saying for years that I feel as though time is speeding up. I remember, as a very young child, excited to go on an outing with my grandparents, feeling as though that ‘magic hour’ when we would be leaving, would never arrive.

I also remember my grandmother telling me, “Don’t be in any hurry to grow up. Time speeds up as you get older. Before you know it, years will fly by like weeks.” I’ve always remembered her words and I try to take her advice into consideration when contemplating the idea of time literally speeding up.

But, I still can’t wrap my head around what feels to me as ‘lost time.’ I feel as though I am somehow being cheated out of my time here on Earth.

I look around and I see people my age who don’t appear to look in their mid 40’s. And, when looking at old photos of my parents, and how much older they looked at my age. I have to wonder if time is really speeding up and causing us not to age as rapidly as our parents did?  But, in reality the appearance of aging could be due to environmental factors. Our lives may not be anywhere near as difficult as our forefathers lives were.

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What You Might Not Know About Reincarnation

click pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comReincarnation, or the rebirth of our spiritual form into different bodies over time, is a broadly accepted concept across many spiritual traditions and cultures. It is a natural extension of the Law of Karma, which tells us that there is no cause without effect, nor effect without a cause. But beyond the basic concept, many of us don’t know very much about this eternal cycle.

Nature is full of these ongoing cycles: the planets in their orbits, the seasons here on Earth. We, in both our physical and spiritual states, are no different. At the moment of conception, our cells begin to multiply at exponential, and highly patterned rates, until the time comes for our physical birth. It is widely believed that each soul, or reincarnated spirit, enters the body when we first draw breath.

It is the agents of karma, among them the angels, who decide, for specific reasons, which souls will occupy each new body. Perhaps there are lessons to be learned or obstacles to overcome. The point is, it is believed that we ourselves do not choose.

In many spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism, the purpose of reincarnation is such that each soul may learn the requisite number of lessons in physical form to ultimately achieve enlightenment, or nirvana. One truth not commonly known is that many more souls exist in the Universe than there are physical people on Earth. A soul may not be reborn immediately following one death; it may wait for hundreds or thousands of years.

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Working With Elemental Spirit Guides

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are several different classifications of spirit guides and energies that we as humans can work with to help us on our journey. Most spiritual traditions teach about the elemental energy within the four classical elements. This is found in ancient Buddhist texts, Native American spirituality, shamanic traditions, within the Judeo-Christian and other monotheistic traditions.

Working with elemental spirit guides can give us insights and strategies to promote positive changes in our lives, reveal our unconscious self-destructive patterns, and transform our subconscious mind and create a harmonious and balanced internal story. Elemental guides can also assist us when we are walking through a difficulty or life challenge, as well as intensify our ability to manifest the lives we want.

It is not difficult to connect with the elemental forces. There are many strategies that can assist in bringing these elemental forces into our everyday lives.

The Spirit Of Water

The spirit of water is associated with emotions and love. It can be used to help in assisting with emotional challenges, grief, and a better understanding and greater experience of love in our lives.

In many ancient traditions there is a parallel between water and being humble. It is said to be the humblest of all the elements, always seeking the lowest point. However, in its humble position it is also one of the strongest elements. In seeking the lowest position, it can evaporate into the air, satiate the flames of fire, and carve through the mountains of the earth.

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