Spiritual Self-Care For Clairsentients
We all have access to the four channels of psychic energy and intuition. These include clairvoyance (clear vision), claircognizance (clear thinking), clairaudience (clear hearing) and clairsentience (clear feeling). While everyone has access to each of these channels of inner guidance, one or more of these tend to be stronger for every individual.
Clairsentience is the pathway for receiving divine guidance and spiritual information through feelings and physical sensations. You are probably clairsentient if you often saying, “I feel” or “I sense.” For example, you may say, “I feel it would be a good idea,” or “I sense a bad vibe in this place,” or “I just don’t have a good feeling about that person.”
You may also experience clairsentience as ‘tingles’ on your skin or the back of your neck when your Angels or Guides are near or sending you a message. You probably also get ‘gut feelings’ or ‘hunches’ about things and typically experience the sensations in your solar plexus area.
Some clairsentients also pick up strongly on people and animals’ feelings and emotions. This is an aspect of clairsentience known as being an empath or a sensitive.
No matter how one uniquely experiences clairsentience, it is vital to practice good spiritual self-care. Clairsentients are especially vulnerable to energy influences and can easily get sucked into drama, addiction, and co-dependency – all of which negatively affect your psychic abilities and distract you from your true path.
Working With Raguel And Zadkiel
There are two Archangels that I do not frequently see in readings, namely Archangel Raguel and Zadkiel. They typically do not work as guides, but rather serve as consultants that only come in for specific tasks, as and when needed. However, if their energy resonates with you, feel free to ask them for increased assistance.
Archangel Raguel
Archangel Raguel steps forward as a ‘finding angel.’ He shows himself as a shepherd surrounded by a flock. Raguel keeps us on task and guides us to find our own tribe or ‘flock.’
I hear time and again from my clients that they are afraid to make important life changes they know they need to make, because they are afraid of being alone. They also don’t know any other like-minded people in their neighborhood or town, and much less where to find them.
Raguel is the archangel of belonging and fellowship. If you are facing a similar problem, know that with the assistance and support of Archangel Raguel you will soon be surrounded by sincere, loving, and supportive friends. He will guide you to become part of a community that shares your values and beliefs.
Whitney Hopler writes on, “When it comes to dealing with unjust situations in the world around you – such as crime, poverty, human rights, and taking care of the earth’s environment – Raguel may lead you to get involved in certain causes to become a force for justice in the world, doing your part to help make it a better place.”
Working With Sandalphon, Haniel And Jeremiel
Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel Sandalphon is one of only two archangels who has experienced a physical life on planet Earth. The other is Archangel Metatron. Sandalphon has a soft energy and can easily be overlooked, so one must pay close attention and really become quiet when he is in your space.
Sandalphon is associated with healing energy. He also assists the New Children to be born into the best possible families to accommodate their special gifts and sensitivities. He also supports us in finding inner peace.
Archangel Haniel
Archangel Haniel has the presence of a moon goddess. Her energy is subtle and deeply mysterious. She works to support us in embracing the ebbs and flows of life and helps us to connect to the Divine Feminine.
I also see her with a flowing stream of golden coins. She has taken on the task of increasing the financial abundance and prosperity of spiritually aware and conscious women. Through their hands and good works abundance and prosperity will flow that will change the lives of families and heal our planet.
Working With Michael, Gabriel And Jophiel
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is often present in the lives of people who have ‘bitten off more than they can chew.’ He also supports those of us who have taken on a soul contract in this lifetime that involves much clearing and healing.
This could extend to family and ancestral legacies, geographic locations, as well as various life challenges like depression, abuse, financial hardship or problematic relationships.
In this capacity Michael acts as the ‘project manager’ organizing events, circumstances, and synchronicities necessary to extensively heal and clear these karmic energies.
Calling on the guidance and support of Archangel Michael will put you in touch with all aspects of a problem and empower you to most efficiently and effectively move through the challenge, and on to the next level.
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel appears most often in readings with clients who are working on communication issues. I typically see her in romantic relationships, when one partner struggles expressing their emotions.
Call on Gabriel before you go to bed each night, asking her to work with you and your partner in the dream space. You will experience a shift in clarity, mutual understanding, and ease of communication, as well as increased expression of feelings.