Awareness – The Path To Enlightenment
We are in a time and community where many speak of enlightenment. This leads to seeking enlightenment or guidance from ‘enlightened masters.’ Yet what does this truly mean?
Enlightened means ‘being in the light.’ It is the space where empaths, lightworkers, intuitives and healers practice and serve, but to become enlightened is something that all can enjoy.
Enlightenment represents attributes of behavior and lifestyle that embodies a high spiritual evolution. Traits of an enlightened person include humility, acceptance, compassion, lack of judgment and selfless service to others. There are so many positive traits in the enlightened individual that we should look up to. Continue reading
How To Not Lose Your Mind
I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve heard comments like “people are losing their minds,” or “folks are sure cracking up lately!” The last one is from my sweet Grandma. She says this almost every day when she watches the news. She does have a point – it definitely does seem that way, doesn’t it?
I noticed people losing their minds on the road, at the gas pump, and in grocery stores. There was also the women at the salon, talking on the phone with someone. Many people do seem to be so quick to anger. Some even go into a mad rage over their hamburger not being cooked right (as we heard recently on the news). Continue reading
My Experience With Aura Imaging
I recently came across a photograph of myself which was taken using an aura imaging camera. The aura camera is a bio-feedback imaging system which translates a person’s energy measured from electromagnetic impulses of the hands into an individual pattern and personal colors which represent the aura.
The pattern of vibrant colors is overlaid onto an instant photograph of the person, to give a visual impression of what an aura would look like to psychics and mediums who are able to see auras.
An aura photograph gives us information about the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance of a person at the time it is taken, and can therefore be used as a basis for further analysis of an individual’s potential.
The photograph of my aura I recently found is 17 years old, and was taken at a psychic fayre in London. In hindsight, that photograph of my aura was very relevant to what was going on in my life at that time, and really accurate. Continue reading
My Psychic Family
Are psychic gifts passed on in certain families? In my family it would certainly appear so.
My maternal grandmother was married at the tender age of 14, had her first child at the age of 16, and just carried on from there. Her life was not a particular happy one. My grandfather worked a steady job with good pay, however he was a alcoholic, as well as a womanizer so money was not always prevalent in the home.
Although she was christened Flora Mae, she was always called ‘Mumma’ by everyone who knew her, because she was a mother figure to many beside her own family. As we grew to know and appreciate Mumma, we had a sense there was something unusual about her. Continue reading
Sensitivity Is A Gift
Sensitive people need to give themselves a break! I am very sensitive myself, and I consider it a gift. I wouldn’t be able to have the kind of career that I have without being sensitive. For those of us that are sensitive, it can come as a mixed blessing sometimes. The same sensitivity that allows me to empathically engage with others in an intuitive way, can also be a detriment when I allow the circumstances of this work, or of others, overwhelm me. I must be constantly careful about what I view on Facebook, and read or see in the news.
I personally abstain from following the news for the most part. My world is what I am experiencing at this present time. If we were alive 200 years ago, rather than right now, we would be clueless about most world events. However, these days absolutely everything is streamed into our conscious reality 24-hours a day, seven days a week. For those of us whose life purpose is tied in with sensitivity, it is unwise to partake in this media stream. Continue reading
It’s Called Self-Respect
Energy protection is one of my passions. I take it very seriously. It is vital for our health and mental well-being, so we take the time to do things that will help promote our energy, health, happiness and mental clarity, right? Why then do we still find our energies being drained sometimes? Often times we don’t even realize who, or what is causing this drainage.
My grandma’s fingers are so badly crippled that she cannot text, so she asked me to do her a favor and just send a message to someone on her behalf. I knew in my heart that if I did send this for her, it would be an opportunity for the receiver to throw negativity my way, or rather attempt to. So, I kept putting it off, but she kept begging me. Continue reading
Resting In The Nothing-ness
A friend and I were chatting the other day of our personal experiences about the realization of the nothing-ness, or the eternal. Just like in the movie The Matrix, the mind can have little moments or blips in time where it pauses long enough for us to clearly see the comings and goings of life are merely that… they’re coming and going from our awareness.
During these pauses something opens up that allows us to notice the obvious – what is blatantly there when we see through the busy mind and how it clouds over the eternal. Our mind gets fixated on whatever is temporarily happening, and it rarely notices the backdrop or container that remains the same or constant amidst the change.
Satsang is a Sanskrit word that breaks down to Sat, which means ‘talking about the truth of my being,’ or the recognition that ‘I am the truth,’ and Sangha, meaning ‘with my community.’ Continue reading
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