the other side
Our Time Of Passing
A very good friend passed away recently. She left behind five children, and each of them was questioning why they didn’t do more to help their mom prolong her life, despite the fact that this very loving soul was in pain most of the time and had an extremely lonely existence.
She no longer had what one might call a ‘good quality of life.’ But they have taken it upon themselves to hold one another responsible to keep her on this plane, when it was becoming increasingly clear she was so very prepared to leave.
We discussed the situation at length and some of the siblings were finally convinced their mother’s time of passing had very little to do with them. If they had no bearing as to when she entered the planet, why on earth would they have a say as to when she could leave? Continue reading
A Flower For Suzy
My best friend and I went to a parade the other day, where we did a lot of walking. Flowers were everywhere. It was fun seeing all the different people who came to this festival. I usually don’t like being around crowds, but it was fun and relaxing on that day.
When we needed to take a break, we spent some time sitting in a nearby park. While doing some people-watching, someone unusual caught my eye. But it was not a human… it was a ghost! A beautiful young lady who was obviously disembodied.
I watched her pick up a flower and walk to the nearby road. It seemed as though she kept doing this over and over. She would pick the same flower, over and over, walk to that same spot next to the road, and lay it down. Continue reading
Why A Psychic Did Not Foresee My Father’s Illness
When my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2005, he seemed to be equally upset by an event that happened many years prior. A psychic medium had told him that he would never get cancer. This was the same well-known psychic medium who had helped him make the transition from atheist to spiritualist, by giving him undeniable evidence of the existence of the afterlife.
My father often mentioned that health prediction, whenever he relayed the stories of his many subsequent readings with the same medium. The prediction came along with messages from my grandfather, which confirmed specific details of his final battle with lung cancer. He had been a smoker and also worked in the coalmines in Wales during his youth. Continue reading