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Dream Symbols

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOur dreams have been a source of fascination since the beginning of time. Clients sometimes ask me to help them interpret a dream that’s intrigued them, or which has been of great concern to them. I feel that the best people to interpret dreams are the dreamers themselves, but I will always give my take or feeling on the deeper meaning of the dream, and suggest they take my version on board only if it truly resonates for them.

Many cultures see dreams as life lessons, as a means for our ancestors or loved ones in spirit to connect with, and to communicate with us. Amongst those cultures, much emphasis is placed on dreams as a means of prophecy. Often these dreams are meant to guide us or to warn us of impending danger, but sometimes they are meant to just to show us that we are indeed loved by those in the spirit world. Continue reading

Love Is The Glue That Binds Us

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been asked many times by my clients, and those that know of my gifts, if the people they love are still able to connect with them after they transfer over to the spirit realm. My answer is always “of course!”

When you love someone there is a cord that connects you and that person for all of eternity. That love never goes away. It is always there and it is what makes it possible for us to connect in the dream state with those on the others side. We can connect with our loved ones in the weighted down material realm also, but in the astral realm or dream state it is so much easier. All we have to do is set an intention.

For example, before we go to sleep we may say, “I really want to connect with Grandpa tonight and have a conversation by way of telepathy.” Those of us that have had visitations are already well aware that when we communicate with our loved ones this way it is always through energetic thought transference, and not with actual speech. The communications is clear, fast and seems almost more real then communication in the physical, material realm. Continue reading

How Dream Interpretation Prepared A Family

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI do dream interpretation for many clients. One of my clients dreams is a great example of how I work and how someone could benefit from having the heads up as to what is to come, by way of dream interpretation. Our higher consciousness will often times give us a warning dream before something major happens in our lives.

The client told me she dreamed  that she was in an indoor cemetery inside a huge building. As she was leaving and closing it up, she turned around to go back in. Several doors were unlocked and people were coming in and putting presents at the front door of this building, where a gigantic Christmas tree was standing. In front of this huge tree was an enormous bed on which they were putting all of these presents. She said to these people, “This building is closed and you have to go.” They said, “Okay, but first we just want to put these presents on this bed and then we will go.” The people then left and the dream ended. Continue reading

The Value Of Prophetic Predictions

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe next major lottery winner will be in Pittsburg… The next riots will occur in Alabama… In six years we will face a major global catastrophe.

We are being given these predictions for a reason. They are to help us understand that the Universal Forces can see at any given time where we are headed, and while they cannot interfere, they are hoping if we are shown what is about to transpire, especially if it is something that is going to bring us grief, maybe we will start taking the appropriate action to ward off some of the harm.

It can be extremely frightening to experience these visions. However, we must be courageous enough to accept what we are being presented with and find within ourselves the ability to let others know what is about to occur. Continue reading

Always Listen To Your Inner Voice

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI run a business, have two teenage daughters, and I try to stay in touch with family and friends, so the television is an afterthought. It is something to “chill down” with at the end of the day. I watch mostly re-runs. Yeah, the late night stuff, right before bed time. I love those long-time classics.

Home & Garden Television (HGTV) and The Golden Girls are my key shows, sometimes the late news. The character, Sofia, reminds me of my Aunt Mena. She is always so full of mischief and humor, trying so hard to find dates for Dorothy, who in the end marries Blanche’s uncle. Their set up started as a funny blind date. The message here is that Sofia tried so hard, yet Dorothy’s destiny was right there in front of them. All they needed to do was listen to the voice within. Continue reading

The Powerful Bond Of A Love Connection

Visit and get a FREE reading!I think we can really feel the intensity of true love the most when we are young and experience falling in love for the first time. The feeling is so strong and all encompassing.

When love takes over everything in the world just feels so much better. The grass is greener and everything is perfect and good, in a way that words simply cannot express. If you fall madly in love with someone, and you are really lucky and get to have and hold that love, it is even more profound and deep-seated.

I was fortunate to experience this once. It happened while I was working as a bagger at a local grocery store. I stood up, after stocking the paper bags, and suddenly locked eyes with a wonderful soul. He obviously felt the same way, because he returned with his phone number that he had written on a small piece of paper for me. Continue reading

Become More Aware Of Your Dreams

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne thing that almost every one of us has in common is our dreams. Even if we don’t remember them the next morning, we dream each and every night.

But what do they all mean? Dreams are a way for the subconscious or psychic part of ourselves to work out our problems.

Many of our dreams feature larger-than-life or fantastical images that couldn’t possibly exist in the real world. That’s because they are symbols. Many have written on the subject of symbolism, from the ancient Egyptians to modern psychologist Carl Jung. Just as no two people are alike, nor are their dreams.

You may often ask yourself how to interpret your confusing or murky dreamscape. The first and best way is to keep a dream journal. It’s preferable to have it by your bedside, so you can write it down once you wake up. As you start doing this, you will notice patterns emerging. If you meditate during your waking hours, these recurring images will no doubt appear there as well.
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