Spiritual Rituals Provide Sacred Space
Spiritual ceremonies, where humans gather together in a circle, are especially potent. An energetic hoop gathers over the circle to assist in the endeavor for the gathering, whether it be for the purpose of celebrating a new birth, honoring a solstice, or to express anything of importance to humanity, as individuals, or as a group.
Altars are also powerful. They are a gathering place for spirits to provide protection and shielding, to aid in a calling or, perhaps, to provide a sacred place for the energy of one who has crossed to another dimension to gather and connect. Or, we might choose to build an altar dedicated to providing an anchor for our business when we are away, the same as when we are present. Continue reading
Release Control And Live In Joy
Last month, an old friend reconnected with me on social media. She talked quite a lot about the old days, when we lived and went to school on an island in the Canary Islands. It was fun looking back and reminiscing, as well as sharing all the things we’ve done, and the weird and wonderful places we’ve lived in and traveled to in-between.
I was quite taken back when she made a comment about how controlling my father was back then. In the past, I would have defended him, but she had a valid point. Make no mistake, I adored my father, but as years progressed the controlling behavior actually worsened. Continue reading
Programming Your Crystal
In a recent psychic reading, the client had just visited a psychic fayre, with no intention whatsoever to purchase any more crystals for her collection. She did browse one counter with its beautiful arrangement of crystals. As much as she kept walking away from that particular display, she felt one particular smoky quartz calling her back! So yes, she bought it. Her question to me was how she could best go about programming her new purchase.
Although crystals given as gifts are said to be more powerful, it is my belief that there are also times that a crystal will call out to us, because it has a certain role to play in our lives at a given time. A quartz crystal given as a gift will often be given with loving intention, which is empowering in itself. I have spoken to students who are convinced that they feel at their academic best when wearing a quartz-crystal given to them by a loved one, not to mention the sense of safety and self-confidence a cherished crystal tends to instill in us. Continue reading
You Are More Powerful Than You Realize
Faith is often defined by dogmas, doctrines, decrees, and creeds. However, these qualities have little to do with substantial spiritual aspects of faith and more to do with systems that attempt to define faith. A true spiritual idea of faith is not about believing the right things, but instead recognizing that our lives can be motivated by the good from which our lives originated.
There is a line in A Course in Miracles that says, “If you knew who walked beside you on the path that you have chosen, fear would be impossible.” Faith is at its core the understanding that there is something greater that ourselves assisting us in our forward momentum.
Are there correlations between faith and belief? In my experiences of channeling for years, I would say that the qualities of faith and belief do have a tie. You could say that faith and belief have a symbiotic relationship in our lives. Belief is essentially the catalyst of faith, however ‘right’ belief is not necessary for faith experiences. Continue reading
Traits Of Your Aries Child
A child born March 21st to April 19th is an Aries. Aries children are smart and very physically strong and coordinated. They are usually very athletic. They may be very quick to walk and talk. Aries are also extremely enthusiastic about life and tend to be optimists.
They are known however to have a bit of a temper. It will help you to establish that you are the boss and not give into temper tantrums very early on in your Aries baby’s life. Keep your calm and exemplify a dignified way of expressing anger and frustration. They are also know to hold a grudge, so teaching forgiveness will also be of benefit.
They are extremely generous and tend to want to give their toys to other kids. However, they may also expect to get some of their friend’s toys in return! They are strong forces and can be demanding and bossy. If you teach them to use that power to accomplish rather than control, they can be anything they want. Continue reading