paranormal phenomena
‘Space Clearing’ Is Actually Rescue Work
In my earlier days of doing psychic mediumship work, I used to get many requests from homeowners and businesses, requesting that I do a space clearing in their premises. Typically, these clients would complain about strange things happening onsite and disturbances by unwanted spirits, which negatively impacted their daily activities or lifestyle. Some people would refer to this work using terms like ‘ghosthunting,’ but prefer to call it ‘rescue’ work.
When someone passes, they can either go to the Light, back to the realm of Spirit, or they can remain in the Earth plane dimension. Sometimes a person dies suddenly, from a murder, for instance, or in a robbery or some other controversial way where they were somehow wronged. Their spirit may then choose to remain here, in some attempt to claim justice. They may also choose to remain here because they don’t feel a sense of completeness with this life. Or sometimes they are simply just confused.
‘Clearing out’ the spirits disturbing the occupants of a home or business premises, has taught me the most about death, and what really happens when we die and leave our physical body. For instance, one time I was clearing a pretty large antique furniture store. As I made my way through the shop, I asked the owner who Norma was? She was sitting in one of the antique rocking chairs in the front corner, and she was scaring people away.
The Spiritual Cleansing Of Negative Energies
Negative energies and dark entities are sometimes misunderstood and misused concepts in spirituality. The term ‘negative energy’ is typically thought of as an ‘evil force’ that is intending harm to you, or something sinister that lies hidden in your home. But this is often not the case. I have a somewhat different view of this.
I believe much of the modern day fear and superstition around ‘dark entities’ may be due to the misunderstanding of old texts scribed in a style that may be too cryptic for today’s language and worldview. There are many instances in both Christian and Buddhist religious literature, for example, in which ‘demons’ are mentioned, but in my opinion they are referring to these phenomena in a poetic manner, as a metaphor.
One clear example of this is the so-called ‘Noonday Demon,’ or ‘Midday Devil’ found in Psalm 90:6 of the Hebrew Bible. It is a demonic figure believed to be active around noon every day to make people restless, distracted and excitable, causing its victims to neglect their work or duties. Well, we all know that sluggish feeling we tend to get after a lunch hour. The digestive process takes quite a bit of our energy, and spikes in our insulin levels, as well as neurotransmitters like serotonin and melatonin, doesn´t help to keep our focus on a specific task.
The solution proposed in traditional texts for this ‘demonic activity’ does not, however, involve exorcisms with Holy Water or other radical metaphysical interventions. Instead what is recommend is mere tenacity and patience. It is evidently more of a normal, physical challenge that one has to overcome, instead of it being a ‘psychic attack by the devil.’
Make Precious Memories With Those You Love
I had the wonderful pleasure of recently reading for a man who had a wonderful, larger-than-life spirit, as well as a wonderful personal story to share about his experience connecting with his dearly departed mother.
He told me he is not one to share his personal beliefs or private experiences about spirituality and the paranormal. He was raised to not talk about such things. But more recently he has felt the need to talk about these things, because he is not getting any younger, and his wife of many years may not have much longer to live.
He told me how was getting ready to go to sleep one evening, and while saying his prayers, a very sweet smell of perfume entered the room. It reminded him of his mother. Then a very bright light appeared all around him. It brought with it an immense sense of joy, serenity and inner peace. Something he very much needs at this time.
He just wanted to bask in that feeling forever. Suddenly he no longer cared about anything else in the world, only for that blissful moment to continue. Before he drifted into sleep, he opened his eyes for a moment, and saw his mother standing before him.
From Believing To Knowing
“I wish I believed in the spirit world like you do,” my best friend commented many years ago. I then told her that it wasn’t so much a case of believing, but more of a matter of knowing.
Last week, a new friend asked me to teach him how to have this ‘knowing’ that I have. But I really have no idea how to do that? I never experienced a transition from believing to knowing. The ‘knowing’ has always just been there.
I have always felt that the spirit realm is our true connection to home. As the years passed, I began more and more to view planet Earth as our schoolroom. And boy can we get some lessons while we are here!
When I think back, I have recollections of spirit activity around me from when I was about five or six years old. My parents and I were living in Ottawa, Canada, at the time, where my dad had recently been employed. We were temporarily living in a creepy rental home, until my father found his feet and we would be able to move to a house with better vibes.
I recall seeing and hearing shadow beings in the hallway of that eerie house in Ottawa, and I remember telling my mother about the paranormal activity I sensed there. But she thought I was just imagining things, or seeking attention. I also recall lying in bed, scared, listening to what sounded like chattering voices. The energy in that old place wasn’t malevolent, but it didn’t feel benevolent either.
The most profound experience occurred when I was just nine years old. We had moved back to the United Kingdom and were visiting family friends. They were hosting a party, and the kids were sent off to bed, while the adults carried on with their social event below.
Spiritual Attachment And Detachment
The physical world is not the only realm in which some of us struggle with issues of detachment (alienation), or attachment (codependency). The same holds true in the spirit realms.
If we experience spiritual attachment, this usually happens as a result of an addictive personality. In life, one could be addicted to unhealthy relationships, various substances, shopping, food, and so on. The driving force behind all of these is basically the same – the attempt to fill a perceived void with a substitute.
This inclination can then lead to the presence of negative spirit attachments with addictive energies. Perhaps the spirit entity had the same kind of addiction when it was in physical form, and still needs to experience that ‘high.’
When this happens, the victim in the physical world, to whom the spirit entity has attached itself, may become more stubborn and in denial over the need to change their habits. Many friends and family members who have had to deal with addicts, will tell you that addiction changed their loved one’s personality. From a spiritual perspective this is very true.
Spiritual detachment, on the other hand, happens when someone is the victim of abuse or trauma. A part of themselves ‘detaches’ or becomes distant from their core self, which may unintentionally invite a more powerful spirit presence to enter, to ‘protect’ or ‘guide’ the victim. Aristotle’s phrase ‘nature abhors a vacuum’ comes to mind. It means every space or void in nature always needs to be filled with something. The same holds true in the spirit realm.