The Haunted Furniture
When I met my wife and we started to date, I had a hard time to open up to her to tell her I do psychic readings.
Ironically, there was a psychic lady who lived about four miles down the road who told her she was going to meet someone who lives nearby, that he also does psychic readings and that we were going to get married. She told her several other things too. She said this man you will meet went to the same high school, you have a past work connection with his family and he will one day help your sister in a time of need.
A year after we got married, we discovered that my wife used to work for my cousin Charley and that her brother is the supervisor at the same workplace. So, later that night I called my cousin and he confirmed all of it for us. Continue reading
Letter To My Daughter
This is a letter to my daughter – if I had one, that is. But I don’t. So, this letter is to her, the daughter I might have had, and also to those young ladies I have known over the years who I have felt were like daughters to me.
My daughter’s name would have been Chantal-Marie, should she have been born. I suppose I could have had her, but life took its course and time slipped away. I was too busy mothering myself, I think, and I couldn’t have mothered her, in retrospect. But hindsight isn’t always 20:20 – don’t let anyone fool you.
So here goes. Strangely enough, I feel as though I were on the edge of a precipice as I write this. It is a most unexpected feeling. Continue reading
Free Your Mind, Find Your Bliss
What we think, and what we believe, is what we become. We create our own reality. Constantly exposing yourself to popular culture and the mass media will ultimately shape your reality tunnel in ways that are not necessarily conducive to achieving your Soul Purpose and Life Calling. Modern society has generally ‘lost the plot’. Slavishly following its false gods and idols makes no sense in a spiritually aware life.
The same holds true for toxic relationships, and people in your life who consistently indulge in negativity, cynicism, prejudice, fear-mongering, pessimism, and hatred. But have no illusions – the opposite extreme is just as noxious. Be equally cautious of those who deem themselves spiritually superior or ‘holier-than-thou’. Be wary of the well-meaning souls who profess themselves to be paragons of unconditional love and light, or who claim they have attained perfect insight into all the mysteries of the Universe. Continue reading
Good Morning, It’s Good To Be Alive!
Good morning fellow seekers and believers. A warm welcome also to ye of little faith. It is indeed a blessing to greet you at the dawn of yet another perfect Solstice day in this miraculous annual progression of human history. It is December 21st, 2012 and it is exactly 11:11 GMT, the official time of the Solstice. Take a deep breath, you are indeed still alive!
If you are one of the more adventurous and spirited among us, you may very well find yourself today on a Mayan galactic alignment cruise or magical pilgrimage to the Chichen Itza in the Mexican state of Yucatan, or at Stonehenge in the United Kingdom, waiting for the first light to break on the horizon. I can only imagine how much fun you must be having! Continue reading
Just Let it Go
Can you imagine how wretched you would feel if you kept trying to wear a pair of shoes at age 30 that fit you when you were 6? The pain would be unimaginable, excruciating and intense. You would cripple yourself and in all likelihood be unable to walk, be unable to move.
But you wouldn’t do that, right? That doesn’t make any sense, you say. Well, of course it doesn’t make any sense. And of course you’d never try to do that, because they wouldn’t fit you anymore!
At certain times in our lives it becomes really important to acknowledge that something or someone just doesn’t fit us anymore.
Is a person any different from a pair of shoes in this context? Of course not. Yet so often we keep on trying to make a person fit into our lives. We bend ourselves out of shape, trying so hard to make this person fit, when in fact their time, just like the old pair of shoes, has by now long come and gone. Continue reading
Holistic Hypnosis And Past Life Regression
Generally people are mostly familiar with conventional hypnosis, the kind which conjures up images of advertisements for weight loss and to stop smoking, as well as the entertainment version of volunteers running around on stage, performing all manner of antics. For the stage variety, the volunteer will be in a deep state of relaxation, having bypassed the highly critical conscious mind and will have thrown all inhibitions to the wind.
In Holistic Hypnosis, a practitioner relaxes their subject into what is known as the Beta state, assisting them to put to one side their critical conscious mind. Faulty patterning, causing deep seated fears, phobias and depression can respond well to a course of sessions. For the subject, it’s a matter of allowing themselves to be reprogrammed, and consent to the treatment as a means of bringing their being back to its natural healthy state in body, mind and spirit. Continue reading
Going Back To School
At the beginning of this year I did not realize how much my life was going to change. So many times over the years I have told clients that you never know how life can change when a blinking of an eye. Well, that is exactly what happened to me too.
On the last Friday of February 2012 I lost my full time job and they made me retire. I was very shook up, because it was very unexpected and I gave them 27 years of dedicated service. Suddenly, I was on the side of the fence, where many of clients have been who call me to ask what is going to happen in their lives.
How was my life going to pan out? As a psychic we usually see with clarity for others, but not for ourselves. It was time to reflect on my future; what I needed to do and where I was going. I knew in my heart for the longest time that this day was going to come, and I needed help to see what was going to happen. I asked God to show me ways in my life that I never seen before and one thing that came up was I needed to go back to school. Continue reading