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earthbound spirit

Investigating Paranormal Activity

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe existence of ghosts and the paranormal has been a topic of debate and controversy for centuries. With something so abstract it is nearly impossible to find fact in every ghost story. These tales are many times shrouded in myth, legend, and superstition.

However, there are those who make it their life’s work to prove the existence of ghosts and the paranormal. These people, known as paranormal investigators, use various tools and methods to detect any presence of energy that may be other worldly.

The modern field of paranormal investigation requires much more sophisticated tools than one may think. Professional investigators use an array of various technological gadgets and tools, each with its own unique purpose. For basic equipment, most investigators would go nowhere without some type of energy meter, a camera and a voice recorder.

For the more seasoned investigator, an electromagnetic field meter (EMF) and an infrared (IR) thermometer are crucial to a successful and thorough investigation. An EMF detects high levels of electromagnetism, but they are not ‘ghost detectors.’ An EMF only captures the information, but it is up to the investigator to decipher this data. High readings near telephone lines or wiring may be false positives, but a presence in an abandoned building or open field are likely to be more suspect.

An IR thermometer will simply detect changes in temperature, but as with EMF readings these readings must be analyzed and all other sources must be ruled out, before deeming it supernatural.

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Paranormal Encounters In Unexpected Places

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPeople generally believe that cemeteries, historic battlefields, and old buildings such as castles, forts, and mental hospitals are the most haunted places. The truth is that paranormal activity can be found in many other unexpected and less stereotypical locations.

In fact, as a psychic, I find a cemetery to be a very peaceful place to visit. People sometimes laugh at me when I tell them that I like to go to cemeteries just to walk around and look at the life stories of the people on their headstones.

To be honest, I have never felt the presence of any malevolent energy or restless spirit in a cemetery. To me, a cemetery is like a little piece of heaven on earth. It is truly a sanctuary; a sacred place of peace and rest. I could easily spend the night in a cemetery and sleep like a baby. Graveyards are not haunted in my experience.

Now, a junkyard full of old, wrecked cars is a whole different situation. Creepy, to say the least! Many drivers have died suddenly in these cars and their spirits have never left the vehicle because they have the impression that they’re still in this life and on their way to their destination.

You see, often when a person dies very suddenly, they don’t go towards the light and cross over to the other side. They do not realize that they are no longer alive.

That is why you could not pay me to visit a junkyard. Just driving by and seeing such a place from a distance scares me! I have endless admiration for the people who restore old cars from these places. I can only imagine what kind of residual energies they bring home with them.

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Mediums To The Rescue

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen some people pass away, they are taken by surprise and in shock. These souls aren’t sure what is going on, where they are now, and how they got there, while wondering where everyone else has gone. These individuals find themselves stuck in a physical, human mindset and unable to progress in the spirit realm.

How can such a confused soul energy become unstuck and cross over into the light? Well, that’s where spirit rescue work comes in! Some of the most rewarding spiritual experiences in my own mediumship career have been during rescue sessions that I used to attend. Once every month, a group of mediums would gather in a séance circle and with the aid of a facilitator we would engage in the rescue process. In the trance state, one of us would then begin to channel the energy of someone who needed assistance to cross over and reach the Other Side.

There are several rescue sessions that particularly stand out in my memory, even after all these years. The first was the spirit of a young woman about 35 years of age. She had been sitting on her kitchen counter in Indiana for months, wondering where the rest of her family had gone? We soon discovered that they had all been killed in a car accident and only she had returned home to search for everyone. The facilitator encouraged her to look to the light, reach for their outstretched hands and join her husband and two children.

Another time, I channeled the energy of a little boy about six years old. He was hiding under one end of his bed, which was on an angle forming a tent over him. He had perished in a house fire in Nebraska and couldn’t find his parents. We encouraged him to look towards the light and reach for his waiting mother’s hand.

Another unusual case was a patriotic young WWII soldier who had been killed in combat, but refused to abandon his post. Our facilitator had to give him a direct order to look to the light and immediately report to his commanding officer!

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Into The Eyes Of Pure Evil

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever known someone whose energy is so extremely dark and evil, because they are so deeply wounded that there is no way anyone can bring them joy, love or light? No matter how much kindness you show them, it is always met with the opposite?

When I pulled up to a condo complex recently, where I had been asked to clear the presence of negative energy, I had a strange sense that the troublesome ‘spirit entity’ I was supposed to deal with was in fact still very much alive. Yes, I clearly sensed it.

Normally, there are clear signs that an earthbound spirit is present and active at a location because they typically make their presence known. At times I have even found them waiting for me right outside or in the entrance, guarding and claiming their domain. But this time there was no sign of a ghost, or spirit, or anything of the sort upon my arrival.

Intrigued and puzzled, I parked my car and walked into the building. The first thing I heard was loud yelling coming from a short woman down the hallway, who then hobbled back to her condo and slammed the door. I wondered who she was yelling at and why?

Another women came down the stairs talking on her phone. I asked her of she knew why the woman was so upset and she said, “Oh, she is ‘upset’ with me. She is always yelling and causing a fuss. She likes to harass whomever she is currently targeting around here, and right now that person is me.”

I then explained to her that I was called in to pinpoint the source of the negative energy in the building and do a cleansing, and that I suspect I have already found it.

“Thank goodness,” she exhaled, “I just needed that confirmed!”

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Cleansing Unwanted Spirit Energies In Your Home

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBenevolent spirit energies are everywhere.  Whether it be a loved one who has crossed over, or your spirit guides and angels. Spirit is simply around in every moment of our daily lives.  However, there are also earthbound spirits who have passed, but not yet crossed over. They have unfinished business in this world, or they have difficulty leaving the people and physical spaces that they had a connection to in this life.

These restless, earthbound spirit energies can wreak havoc in our homes and families. When I was a child, I had horrible nightmares. While we only lived on the main floor in my childhood home, I was fine. However, after my father had built the upper level of the house and I was moved into my pretty, girly bedroom, the nightmares began.

I never felt comfortable or secure in my new bedroom. Also, whenever I had to go into the basement, I would have to run down and back up, because of the ominous, icy cold feeling I would experience through my entire body.  The rest of the house however was never an issue.

I later inherited this house, after both my parents had passed.  I did not really want to own it, because even as an adult that same feeling in the upstairs and the basement was still haunting me, while the main floor felt warm and comforting. I refused to go there alone at night, and rarely alone even in the daytime. It was confusing and frustrating to say the least.

Then I learned how to sage and energy cleanse a home properly. My method involves white sage and a small white candle. I go into each room of a house, starting at the furthest room from the door and smudge each corner of the room. I slowly cleanse each corner and ask all unwelcome spirit entities present to follow the light of the candle as we progress through the house, room by room, towards the outside door.

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Things That Go Bump in the Night

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have never been one to base my beliefs on popular opinion, rumors, or superstition. My beliefs regarding the supernatural or paranormal come solely from my personal experiences, as well the trustworthy accounts of my immediate family. So, if I tell you there are indeed ‘things that go bump in the night,’ you can be sure that I am speaking of personal experience.

When I was a little girl, for example, my father was the first person to bring the supernatural to my attention with a story of his own paranormal experience back in 1946. His story was the first to whet my appetite for investigating the paranormal and the mystical.

The Second World War had just ended, and my dad was only 20 years old at the time. The United Kingdom was still recovering from the horrendous aftermath. As a result, people were seldom out and about after dark. In fact, from what my father told me, there was not much socializing in those days and at night the streets were mostly deserted.

One night, after my dad had walked my mom (his future wife) back to her house, he decided to take a shortcut to his grandmother’s place, where he was living at the time. It was around 11pm and the short route took him past the graveyard on a street called Columbus Ravine. It was here that he saw the strange sight of a lady walking up the road in what appeared to be a Victorian costume.

“That is odd,” he thought. “A woman out alone at this time of night and dressed like that? Maybe she attended a fancy-dress party?”

He did not want to alarm her. After all, she was all by herself, it was dark out, and there was no one else around. To put her mind at ease, he therefore thought it polite to greet her.

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When Spirit Comes To Say Goodbye

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people assume that their loved ones will say goodbye to them before they leave this earth plane. I beg to differ. In my experience this is not always the case. I know this without a doubt from personal experience.

In 2010, for example, my favorite sister became very ill. She was taken to the emergency room with kidney and liver failure in early August. She was admitted on a Monday, and by the Wednesday around dinner time, I received a phone call from her husband telling me that she had passed away.

Seconds after receiving this awful news, as I turned to my left, I saw her sitting next to me. Her apparition was looking at me, as if to say, “Are you okay? How are you taking this?”

Indeed, she appeared to be more concerned for me than herself. After all, where she was going now, she wasn’t going to have any more health problems or human suffering. Once her spirit saw that I had regained my composure, she left my side and continued her spiritual journey to Heaven.

My dearest sister had merely come to say goodbye, until we meet again. Rather than despair about her passing, I was suddenly relieved her soul was heading to God’s Holy Kingdom. There is after all no finer a place in the entire Universe!

In the summer of 2012, my other sister informed me that she was having difficulty breathing and was seeking medical advice about it. Sadly, at the same time, my mother was also having medical issues. Soon after, my phone rang very early one morning. My heart raced as I ran to answer the call, fearing that my mom had taken ill.

Instead, a man’s voice was saying, “Where is your mother? I need to speak to her urgently!”

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