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divine intervention

Have Your Guides Led You Astray?

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at“My guides must hate me! They only lead me to things that cause me pain,” one of my clients recently complained. It is also not the first time I have heard something like this.

But how can this be? If our angels, guides and ancestors are here to help us, why do they lead us to things that cause us pain, heartache, or grief? Is spirit perhaps not actually guiding us, but hurting us instead? And if that is the case, what are we to do about it?

In my years of working as a professional psychic and energy healer, as well as my personal life experiences, I have come to the following conclusion on this matter. Our guides have only one mission: to love and support us unconditionally. Any deviation from our highest good is never due to the guidance of spirit, but instead the result of one or more of the following:

Ego Interference

Often, when we believe we are ‘following our guides,’ we are actually following a wounded part of our ego that continues to create a reality of pain – because that is all that we know. Your guides will never encourage you to do anything that causes you, or another person harm. Your spirit guardians will never make you feel belittled, intimidated or frightened.

Now, it is important to note they may steer you towards life choices and experiences that may make you feel somewhat uncomfortable or challenged, because it is outside of your comfort zone and they are wanting you to grow and expand. But there is a difference between being gently nudged towards personal growth and soul expansion, and simply being frightened or emotionally crushed

Lack Of Listening

The fundamental question with spirit guidance is whether are you truly listening? Sometimes we are in so much anger or pain that our guides are actually communicating with us, and guiding us, in vain, because we are unable to hear it clearly.

Explore ways to turn off the destructive self-talk and emotional intensity, and work on tapping into your inner guidance and listening to your inner voice.

For example, ask your angels, guides or ancestors to work with you in the dream state. Once the conscious mind that is hurting so much is asleep, it is much easier for our guides to come in and do their work.

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The Divine Justice Of Karmic Lessons

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe sometimes feel we have been wronged by others in some awful way, and then we wonder if the perpetrators will get their ‘come uppance’ or ‘just deserts.’ We wish to know if divine justice will be served upon them.

Sometimes we are so upset or angry that we would like to see this retribution happen immediately and right before our very eyes. In these emotional moments we are out for revenge and want to see the other person reap what they’ve sown. We believe it may bring us some peace that justice has finally been done.

As a youngster, I often heard my mother refer to it as “The Law of Return,” suggesting that whatever we put out there, both good and bad, will always come back to us. She would say that it always comes back to us tenfold!

There are also spiritual teachings and wisdom traditions that suggest if we don’t learn our lessons and correct our mistakes in this lifetime, it will become karmic in the next. It further suggests that we eventually will experience whatever harm or wrongdoing we have imposed upon others in our own life, sometimes for several lifetimes, until we’ve truly learned our lesson.

So, will others get what’s coming to them for the pain and suffering they have caused us? It’s my experience that this is rarely the case, but from evidential mediumship messages, I am convinced that a life review, when we reach the other side, is inevitable. The soul who has hurt someone else, will be held accountable and will feel what the other person felt very intensely.

I do know from spirit messages that have come through from certain relatives and family members on the other side, that they have relived what I had felt when they were harsh towards in this life. Spirit often comes through with messages of guilt, remorse and regret. The aim is usually to seek healing and forgiveness.

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Once, Twice, Three Times A Synchronicity!

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSynchronicities seem to be coming fast and furious these days! These magical ‘coincidences’ in our everyday world open us up to the Divine Flow, making us feel like we have the key to the ‘Matrix.’ Is it because our spiritual DNA is changing, or is it simply that our focus is now where it had not been before?

The more we become aware of something, the more it enters your daily experience. But it’s also like a boiling pot of water and constantly looking for synchronicities can begin to feel like a guilty obsession.

Of course, many of us are going somewhat ‘nuts’ these days during the pandemic, and we’re searching for deeper meaning while waiting out the crisis. When synchronicities occur these days, they indeed feel like gifts from the gods, and one should never look a gift horse in the mouth.

But that’s precisely what I did about three weeks ago.

My daughter is a young and gifted writer and actress. She recently graduated from a prestigious performing arts school, and her first novel was published this year. She also began working as a theater critic just before the pandemic hit and Broadway went dark, stalling career before it could even properly launch!

I urged her to return home for the lockdown and stay with me, while we waited out the pandemic together. She used this time to write articles for online publications and even landed an acting gig on Zoom. She also successfully pitched a project to a female producer in Hollywood, who graciously took her under her wing, slowly mentoring her with a promising script.

All of this was great, but she feared her trail-blazing would soon grow cold again, and she was hoping to find additional opportunities or prospects.

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Miracles Happen Every Day

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comA miracle is described in the dictionary as “an event attributed to divine intervention”, and also referred to as “a phenomenon that defies the laws of nature”. The online Encyclopedia Britannica defines a miracle as “an extraordinary and astonishing happening that is attributed to the presence and action of an ultimate or divine power”. In certain translations of the Bible the terms “wonder,” “mighty work” and “sign” are also used to describe miracles.

Most people would say that a miracle has occurred when the medical profession says there is no hope for a particular patient, and then, miraculously, the patient recovers fully, and without the complications which would have been expected connected to their condition.

But miracles are not necessarily always larger than life or dramatic. Miracles can happen for anyone at any time. And don’t expect an earthly explanation, or even to be taken seriously by everyone when the miracle has happened to you.

People have often told me of little miracles that have happened to them. For example, they don’t know how their bills will be paid, and out of the blue they receive a check in the post, or money is given to them, or they would win the exact amount needed to lift them out of their financial dilemma. Although I can’t prove it scientifically, I also know for sure that miracles have happened to me.

Two separate miracles I recall very vividly are both connected to my pets. A dog, and a cat named Miracle!

When my 5 year old Rottweiler, Sophia, was rushed to the vet with what we thought was an upset stomach, a burst duodenal ulcer and peritonitis were diagnosed instead. The vets had little hope, because even for strong humans this ailment can be life threatening.

Following the diagnosis, the vet phoned me and said they had to operate immediately. I asked if I could phone my husband and get back to them. I was informed with a sense of urgency that there was no time to do that, and even if they did operate on Sophia immediately there was very little hope.

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Divine Timing And Psychic Predictions

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring a psychic reading it is not unusual for the question to arise, “When will this happen?” The human mind is naturally geared towards anticipating, planning, strategizing and looking for patterns and solutions.  Asking ‘when’ supports our goal to ensure progress in the hopes of achievement.

The desire to know or estimate when something will occur can be traced as far back as ancient times, when our ancestors relied upon the movement of the planets and changing seasons for planting seeds, harvesting crops, stockpiling food, and so on.

In the physical world we have schedules to adhere to these days, and our time is dictated every day by clocks, watches and time zones. However, in the spirit realm there is no such thing as ‘time’ as we know it.

What if all clocks were obliterated and we had no more calendars saying which day of the week it is?  Some metaphysicians and spiritualists believe that humanity invented what we know as ‘time’ and ‘dates’ as a means to measure the progress of our species.

Psychics can see into the future of probable outcomes for their clients to help them make choices that will support a specific outcome. These predictions come from the spirit realm.

There is however one problem with that. Remember, in the world of Spirit there is no such thing as chronological time. So, when a psychic sees a particular future event during a reading, a number of factors may still determine or change the timing of when it might occur.  This is also known as ‘divine timing.’

The main factor usually influencing the ‘when’ of an outcome is our own free will. The choices and decisions we make every day can either speed up, slow down or even prevents outcomes from manifesting. The second factor is what is known as ‘divine timing.’ Spirit may hold off on a certain outcome, for example, until the circumstances are ideal and we are ready for it to come to pass.

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The Karmic Fruit Of Our Past Life Seeds

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTo be the architect of our own destiny is a spiritual concept that has been spoken of for thousands of years. The Vedas call it Karma. The Bible refers to it as ‘reaping what you sow.’

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action, as well as reaction. It has made its way into our everyday language to represent the good or bad we create in life that will eventually come back to us.

However, the true meaning of karma goes much deeper than that. In this life it does refer to ‘sowing and reaping’ in the short-term, but it also extends into the long-term, over thousands of years and many lifetimes.

The Padma Purana, an ancient Hindu encyclopedic text of spiritual truths, compares karma to seeds that are sown and harvested in due course of time. It explains that every activity we perform bears four kinds of effects. The first is merely a seed, the second is not yet fructified, the third is in the process of being fructified, and the fourth has blossomed and is already mature.

The karma we are experiencing today, are the sweet and sour fruits of the past seeds we have planted, – not only in this lifetime, but also from thousands of years and lifetimes before this life.

Therefore, we may not be able to recognize why certain things are happening that seem out of sync with the efforts and energies we are extending in the now. Similarly, it may sometimes be disheartening and difficult to understand why the desired results of our best endeavors do not appear to be coming to fruition.

To thoroughly resolve these misgivings, a broader scope of our soul’s journey before and beyond this one body and lifespan must be considered. Clarity can come with spiritual vision and higher consciousness.

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The Daily Protection Of Your Guardian Angels

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOur guardian angels are always around. I have witnessed their work and protection many times throughout my adult life. Earlier tonight, I had a sobering reminder of this.

The miracle of divine intervention often is all about divine timing. If we had been a mere 60 seconds further down the road on our drive home today, we may have become another tragic statistic. Instead, we witnessed a horrific accident scene this evening that happened about a minute before we arrived on the scene!

What kept us from being the vehicle hit? What kept us back, just far enough to not be in that accident? Our guardian angels, of course! This is why I offer gratitude daily to the angels for keeping me and my family safe.

We were the first to arrive at the accident scene, and while I was calling the emergency services, I silently said a prayer for those involved. I also gave thanks to Archangel Michael for the protection he has always provided me since I started to work with him.

To process my shock I even jokingly said, “You know, Archangel Michael, sixty seconds is maybe still too close for comfort, wouldn’t you say?” The message I got in return was more serious: “Sheri, I don’t want you to be complacent and too self-satisfied in life. These moments teach appreciation and faith.”

I know my husband was also rattled by what he saw – he was the one that went to the hit vehicle. I just could not do it. However, I held him in Archangel Michael’s cloak until we were released from the scene.

As I watched the earth angels from the fire department cut the people out of their vehicle, and witnessed the kindness of the police that came to close the roads, direct the traffic and check on everyone involved in the accident, I had a sense of calm come over me. I felt a ‘knowing’ that I was there for a reason.

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