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Learn To Trust Your Inner Voice

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhile meditating one afternoon and deep in the alpha state, I heard a male voice say to me: “You need to work, because someone needs you and needs to hear the message that you were given last night.” I was not feeling very social and certainly not feeling much like working, but the voice was crystal clear.

I kept meditating and let it soak in. I mentally asked this voice to show or tell me how and what could this message be? Then I immediately saw an image of my dream journal.

Once conscious, I went over in my mind what I had just heard. Then I went to my room and grabbed my dream journal, which I keep by my head when I sleep. I always keep a clip on night light, so that I can see when I’m recording all my dreams – I often record them throughout the night. Over the past ten years I’ve gotten really good at waking myself up after a really good dream and writing down all I can remember. Continue reading

The Disappointed Jesus In London

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTo be fair, I did not visit to the city of London solely for esoteric purposes, but I found the energy signature quite different and stark there, compared to Athens and Berlin.

I found the atmosphere in Berlin, for example, electric, yet peaceful. Stepping off the U-Bahn at Wittenberg Platz in the middle of the high season, I was engulfed by a comforting low-level hum of German families and tourists doing their Saturday afternoon window shopping. The people here did not seem to have a care in the world. The streets were crowded , much like that of London, but not once did I feel a sense of angst or claustrophobia. The warm buzz was actually quite welcoming and pleasant… and this is major coming from a highly strung empath like myself.

Berlin woke me up on a Sunday morning with the nostalgic chiming of church bells. I was staying inside one of the surviving wings of the Neues Schauspielhaus on Nollendorf Platz, in the Schöneberg district of Berlin. It was built in 1905 as a theatre and concert hall, in the then fashionable Art Nouveau style. Maybe Bertold Brecht was there in the 1920s, discussing his plays with someone in the very room I slept in that night, or maybe the bands Depeche Mode or The Human League used it as a dressing room in the 1980s. While those bells were ringing in the distance, I almost expected Christopher Isherwood’s character Sally Bowles to sneak down the corridor of this old building, back from a busy, decadent night’s work at the Kit Kat Club cabaret. Continue reading

Spiritual Awakening, Now What?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA few years ago, in the time leading up to 2012, I wrote a blog post about the symptoms of spiritual awakening. Well, here we are in 2014 and some of us are wondering what to do now?

Some of us feel as though we didn’t make it. Some of us are wondering if we made it, but don’t know it? Some feel as though they have awakened, but have hit a plateau and are unsure of what to do next.

All of these examples are types of plateaus we must face in our diverse journeys. I can only offer advice on what I have personally dealt with and come to embrace in my own.

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The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Of Fear

Get your free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently, people have been posing their last question in a reading as: “Is there anything I need to beware, or frightened about in the coming year?”

Sometimes a psychic or spiritual advisor can bring a client additional anguish in their lives by encouraging them to focus on a fearful occurrence which could happen, rather than encouraging the person to be vigilant at particular times or steps they can take to go in a more positive direction.

I recently witnessed a typical example of additional fear being created for a customer when a lady who came to me with her daughter for a private mediumship sitting. The girl’s father committed suicide two weeks before. Although we did manage to get some closure for them from the reading, as well as actual messages from the deceased, they were both still very anxious, because of what their priest had communicated to them almost immediately after the deceased took his life. Continue reading

The Numerology Of The Earth And The Number 9

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe 9 code is everywhere for us to see if we are willing to search for it. For those who have come to understand the code have become the masters of wisdom. Understand this and free thou shalt be.

A brief description of the number 9 according to numerology is that it refers to endings, vision, tolerance, transformation, spiritual consciousness, cosmic teachings, global awareness and perfection. There are thousands, if not millions of instances where the number 9 is encoded in our lives, on our Earth, in our Universe. Below are some amazing instances how the Earth resonates to the number 9.

Numerologically, your life is operating on repeated 9 year cycles. Continue reading

Journey Born Under A Divine Star

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the coming weeks I will be posting a series of articles from my travel blog, which I wrote during my recent trip to Europe. The blogs are a collection of spiritual adventures, pilgrimages to sacred places and accounts of my personal odyssey into self-realization. Let me be your guide to sacred sites like Stone Henge in the United Kingdom and the Oracle of Delphi at Temple of Apollo in Greece.

I was very excited that my journey began under one of the most rare and powerful aspects in astrology, namely the Grand Sextile, or Star of David. The ancients associated this unique alignment of six planets with the birth and anointing of a king. This rare alignment of the planets occurred on July 29th, 2013. Seven of the ten planets were involved to create six sextiles, three oppositions and two Grand Trines! Continue reading

Living In A State Of Transcendence

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany people may claim to be enlightened and living in a very spiritually conscious state. What many believe to be reality is very much not. There is a veil that is in front of most people and most do not see through it, even though they want to. It is for most very hard to reach that state of bliss. Once there though it can be very liberating and this feeling of being truly free is difficult to describe in words.

Once soul has arrived at that ideal state of growth and evolution, you have arrived, or rather transitioned to a frequency that is higher than what most people are attuned to. Most people reside and live in the material realm, paying attention to the latest this, or the greatest that, and buying into the material things of the world. Trying to get happiness from this will always lead to a ‘cup half empty’ feeling. Continue reading

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