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Embrace Who You Are

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe all came to this planet with our own unique gifts. Just like no one on the planet has the same fingerprint as you, they also do not have the same talent, voice or look. Sure, some may come close, but the entirety of a person, their personality and so on, is completely different from one to the other.

I feel saddened when I see young people copying one another. Why they do this is uncertain to me, however I’m sure they want to fit in or be accepted, and they fear being rejected by their peers. There are also adults who do this. I asked one girl who was mimicking her friend recently, why would you want to be a photo copy of someone else? You’re beautiful and you have a lovely voice, and you are a very talented artist. She looked at me and said: “Oh my goodness, you’re so right!” I told her that each person came to this planet to share their light in their own unique way, no matter what your personal qualities and talents may be. Continue reading

Psychic Angelic Heights at

Gail was only four when some unusual friends started paying her visits. Very large, beautiful beings would often call on her to comfort her at night. Her parents dismissed these strange visitations as part of Gail’s vivid imagination. But it was her great grandmother who knew she had been telling the truth, and identified them correctly as Angels. Gail was just six when she realized that what she saw, felt and heard from the higher realms was not being seen, heard or felt by everyone else. She had this unique way of knowing what was on the mind of others and could even feel their emotions. At times, she caught glimpses of their future, and knew what was going to happen before it occurred to them. Continue reading

Prayers For A Prodigal Son

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI had been wanting to write this for some time, hoping to use the right words to say this. I feel the time is now.

Recently, we celebrated another Father’s Day in many countries all over the world. For the seventh year in a row I did not see my son, Raymond. Yes, as always I got my hopes up, only to be disappointed again. I usually try to prepare myself days in advance, to get myself out of a bad attitude for knowing that he won’t be around.

I am sure there many fathers or mothers who do not get to see their children. I was a good father, and I know that no one can take that away from me. Father’s Day is a lot harder to me than Thanksgiving or even Christmas, because that one day out of the year is to honor your parents. Both of mine are gone, but I still reflect on what I did for them when they were alive, and what they did for me. Continue reading

In The Shadows Of My Psychic Ancestors

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSince my mother had passed on I wanted to look in to the history of psychics in our family. I am a third generation psychic, like my mother and my older brother. I have nieces who also have the gift, and so it will carry on into the next generation.

I can remember the point in my life when I saw a ghost for the very first time. I never imagined how many doors it would open for me one day. The psychics before me made this possible for several generations on my mother’s side.

I visited my aunt and uncle to ask them about my mother’s side of the family. There are a lot of things I don’t know about my mother’s family, except them being partly descended from the Blackfoot Indians. My grandmother was adopted so there were no records to be found. Continue reading

I Thank You

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are many people who touch our lives every day, often without us knowing this. Too often we forget to thank these people for the sacrifices they make on our behalf. We all serve in our own special way, but some deserve to be thanked more often than they are. They deserve our appreciation and gratitude.

There are those who serve in the military, and the parents of those sons and daughters who chose a career as protectors of the nation. They are out there to put their lives on the line to keep our country safe. And when you get a call from a mother or father who is sending their child a care package, of stuff we are so used to having here at home, it reminds you how privileged we all are.

Then there are also those ordinary people who put their lives on the line when there is a fire or when others need to be rescued. Many of my clients are volunteers who do this work without compensation. They work for free because they want to contribute to their communities. Continue reading

The Powerful Magic Of Being Authentic

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf anyone were to ask me what the highlight of my life has been thus far, I would not even need a nanosecond to think about it. It is the easiest question I could ever answer. The most profound moment for me simply was the day I discovered the true power of authenticity. It was the day I discovered me.

Since that day, the quest for authenticity has completely altered my life. Like a Columbus of the heart, mind and soul I have hurled myself off the shores of my own fears and limiting beliefs, to venture far out into the uncharted territories of my inner truth in search of what it means to be genuine and at peace with who I really am. I have been abandoning the masquerade  of living up to the expectations of others and have been exploring the new horizons of what it means to be truly and completely me, in all my amazing imperfection and most splendid insecurity. Continue reading

Thanks Mom For Teaching Me Unconditional Love

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe all know people who have come in and out of our lives at just the perfect time to say just the right thing at just the right time. Some of these wonderful people may have stayed in our lives, or perhaps left just as quickly as they came.

I have had several experiences with Earth Angels, but looking back maybe they were not of this earth at all. When I think of Earth Angels, I think of one person in particular and that is my Mother. My mother has taught me many things that has helped me in my life. She has taught me the fruits of the Spirit by applying them in her life.

So, with this blog post I simply wish to thank my mother for being present in my life. Continue reading

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