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Psychic Development 101

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of the most common misconceptions is that one needs to be “born” psychic to have the gift. The truth is we are all born with unique talents! However, like any other skill, practice is essential to honing and developing our psychic abilities.

There are many different kinds of psychic ability. Being able to discern future events, while usually thought of as a psychic’s bread and butter, is just one of these. For example, certain people may be able to telepathically communicate with animals, predict the weather, or have vivid dreams. If you are in doubt as to what your talent might be, think back to when you were small. Children are more psychically attuned than adults. Can you remember a time when you had a supernatural experience, or even more than one? This may very well be your gift. As our culture has become more tolerant of psychic ability, this is less likely to be thought of as coincidence or luck. Continue reading

A Ghostly Encounter On Vacant Land

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of the unusual paranormal experiences I have had with haunted homes began in August of the year 1999. My sister and brother-in-law at this time bought some land to build a new house. And since the land was still not dug into, the property offered a great opportunity to show my son what it was like to camp in the “great outdoors” with no electricity, and living “off the woods”. It was a fun way to give him a taste of how life was back in them good ‘ol days.

I expected it was going to be hard on him to be without a TV or computer games. But I had some ideas about how to entertain him. There was a small stream off the land, and there was plenty of fish to be caught. And then there was also the telling of ghost stories at night around the campfire, like my uncle told us kids when we went camping. Continue reading

What If The ‘Mark Of The Beast’ Has A Ringtone?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI had an inspirational moment recently when I was waiting at a traffic light. I had a fleeting impression that everyone around me was busy praying. Heads bowed in silent, solemn worship. Then I realized, they were all just looking down at their phones.

We’ve all heard the rumors about microchips being installed in people’s hands, arms or foreheads. We are already doing it with our pets. Taking the next step to humans is not all that far-fetched.

There has also been many prophecies and predictions about this from a diverse spectrum of people, including spiritual leaders and conspiracy theorists. We have even heard it being called the “Mark of the Beast,” as described in Revelations in the Bible. Continue reading

Helping A Young Psychic Develop

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA young person with a psychic gift must be recognized early on, and nurtured in their development. If not, they may experience a lot of confusion and even trauma. Their gift must be seen and experienced as a blessing, not a curse.

My niece Rachel was one of the more fortunate. She clearly had a gift from a very tender age. When she was a little girl I would give my brother and sister in-law some time off by babysitting Rachel and her older sister. Every time I would go over to their house to watch the kids, Rachel didn’t want me to read her normal children books. She would grab the family photo album and look specifically at old pictures of deceased family members. She would look at these photos with much interest and talk to the people in them as if they were sitting right in front of her. Continue reading

Dream Weaving With Your Loved Ones

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing psychic readings for a long time. I can immediately tell if someone is thinking about or “dialing up” my client at night, and spending time with them in the dream state.

Sometimes, when we don’t have the time to call or spend time with our loved ones, we do spend time with them on the astral plane.When our body sleeps, our soul travels and does in fact communicate and seek growth by interacting with loved ones in the dream state.

Sleep is not only a time for resting the body and rejuvenating the mind, but also for connecting with loved ones and getting spiritual messages from our guides. It is also an opportunity to see what awaits us in the future. Continue reading

Surround Yourself With Positive People

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSome people have a smile, warmth and depth to them that is out of this world. These are the people you want to stay connected with.

Some people never evolve, but that is okay. Visualize them being away from you and being “great” somewhere else.

Some people think they are in kindergarten and, although they are adults now, they still play the game of “grapevine.” These people you can also wish away, to be “great” somewhere else.

Sometimes you’re lucky enough to find someone on the same frequency as yourself. Cherish and keep in touch with these lovely kindred folks. Continue reading

Not Everyone Chooses The Path Of Healing – Part 2

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comBeing a Virgo, a healer and a seer, it can often times be very burdensome to remote view loved ones and see the terrible things going on in their lives, and not being able to go in and help them. I want to, but I know that not everyone wants to hear it, deal with it, or fix these problems. People don’t like to be told what is wrong in their lives and how to change it.

If you were to see my natal birth chart you would understand my need to help those in need. I will give you a glimpse into my world for just a moment to tap into a part of what goes on daily for me when I forget to turn off my psychic abilities. It can be very frustrating, especially when you sometimes care too much for others – even those you don’t know. Continue reading

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