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In The Shadows Of My Psychic Ancestors

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSince my mother had passed on I wanted to look in to the history of psychics in our family. I am a third generation psychic, like my mother and my older brother. I have nieces who also have the gift, and so it will carry on into the next generation.

I can remember the point in my life when I saw a ghost for the very first time. I never imagined how many doors it would open for me one day. The psychics before me made this possible for several generations on my mother’s side.

I visited my aunt and uncle to ask them about my mother’s side of the family. There are a lot of things I don’t know about my mother’s family, except them being partly descended from the Blackfoot Indians. My grandmother was adopted so there were no records to be found.

The songs of our ancestors are also the songs of our children ~ Philip Carr-Gomm

My aunt and uncle got out an old family photo album with those vintage pictures in which nobody ever smiled. As a child I was always drawn to look at those old pictures, and I was fascinated with the history of the United States Civil War for some reason. I always felt I could related to the old pictures one way or another.

My uncle pointed out the different family members who they were told had the gift. I even have second and third cousins who are gifted. They saw stuff when they were younger around the same age as I did. My aunt then told me when I was a little boy I used to come over to their house. She could already see then that I had some type of gift. They would play cards and I would sit on her lap, and I would point to a card in the deck and just say things. I asked her why was I never told this when I got older?

We’re all ghosts. We all carry, inside us, people who came before us ~ Liam Callanan

Looking back on all my ancestors on my mother’s side, I felt a new awareness arise within me. It felt once again as if those pictures were trying to tell me something, as they did in my childhood, when I would slowly drag my fingers over the pictures. It was like they were talking to me and I heard some language I never understood. But I knew they were trying to help me. One picture is of my great grandmother, and it blows my mind how my mother looks so much like her. It is like looking at my mother in person.

Looking into my psychic heritage on my mother’s side made me come to realize why God gave us all gifts. At times I see things I don’t understand, but there is always a reason later why I had seen it. It is like being on a adventure and it is always a blessing to help others. Sometimes it is not an easy life to be in the psychic shadows of past generations, but I choose to see it as a blessing and not a curse, and I thank god for my gift.

About The Author: Raymond

Growing up on the streets of Columbus Ohio, Raymond learned at a very young age that he was gifted in many ways, including the ability to read someone's eyes and using a regular deck of playing cards to read the future! His mother was from a Native American family, namely the Black Foot tribe, and his father was German. Raymond discovered that both sides of his family had a psychic legacy. Over the years he has gained additional knowledge from books and by talking to trusted family members. Raymond has been doing psychic reading for others for over 3 decades, and over the years he gained many loyal clients from all walks of life. Visit Raymond for a reading at

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