Healthy Boundaries – The Best New Year’s Resolution!
The best New Year’s resolution many of us can work on in 2019 is to create healthy boundaries with the people in our lives. These boundaries don’t have to be all about just creating space or distance between you and a few toxic people and things in your life. It can also include keeping yourself from being exposed to negativity on social media, or avoiding those foods you are intolerant to. In 2019 I recommend we all take a moment to think about the things we do, say, consume, and the people we spend our time with. Whatever it may be that brings us down, or steals our energy, needs to go. And no more people-pleasing.
Dr Seuss says, “Those who matter don’t mind, and, those who mind, don’t matter.” Well, it’s true. Those people who have a problem with you, because your belief system is different from theirs, for example, are absolutely out of line! I have said it once and I will say it again: the world will be a very boring place if we all had the same ideas and way of thinking. Diversity is what keeps our world going. So it’s okay to be different. I am big on keeping it real and being authentic. I refuse to be a conformist.
Connecting To The Universal Power
I have been in a very contemplative situation lately; probably because there have been so many deaths of loved ones that I have been so attached to. We all accept the idea that one day we will leave this existence and move on to another. But what happens in between? Where do we go immediately after leaving this realm? Is it safe? Will we enjoy it there? Do we get to come back? All of the above may be a small part of what plagues us, while we are trying to establish and maintain ourselves in the meantime.
My greatest desire for myself right now is to find a way to connect to the grand Universal Power and to solidify that connection. This will enable me to go about my daily existence with inner peace and calmness, and not allow myself to get mired down in the minutia of circumstances that I cannot change.
My first step is to understand why I am here. I feel part of the reason I incarnated into this world was first of all to help repair my karmic debt, by becoming immersed in some pain and suffering as a human being. There is no other world that I have been made aware of that would enable me to do this.
Are You A Magnet For Drama And Chaos?
One of my clients recently relocated to a quieter area, after many years of living a city life. Naturally, she was anticipating a more tranquil existence in her new rural setting, as well as in her new job in a ‘not-so-corporate’ environment. But her new lifestyle did not live up to her expectations. Her geographical change still brought with it a fair amount of chaos.
“What is it with me?” she asked me. “I am like a magnet for drama, and I want the chaos to stop!” Although I kept my focus on doing a reading for her with psychic tools, this was quite a challenging question or me personally, because I had, in fact, also been attracting my own share of drama these past few years.
From my own experience, I know that a certain amount of drama can feel temporarily invigorating, as it prompts the body to produce an adrenaline rush. It can produce a pleasant surge of energy. But it can eventually become particularly debilitating when we are in continuous adrenal overdrive. It’s not an advisable state to be in constantly. After all, we are spiritual beings in a body, and spiritual teachings advise a balance of work, sleep, rest and play!
Favorite Incense And Essential Oils
Incense and essential oils are a powerful, inexpensive way to fill our senses and surroundings with optimum health, joy and prosperity. With the right fragrance, we can transform our thoughts, release stress and cultivate inner peace. Utilizing the calming vibes of incense and essential oils is a wonderful way to uplift our hearts and reconnect with our souls, as they help to maintain our sense of balance.
The following is a brief guide to my favorite empowering aromas, their properties, and their ability to transform your world.
Use amber to promote beauty, protection, youth, vibrancy and to promote spiritual awakening. Amber is also a powerful conductor when researching past life memories or working through old issues to clear them so one can move forward.
How To Avoid The Sunday Blues
I am sure you can easily picture the following scene. Your weekend has been somewhat action-packed. You have had your night out with friends, been for a meal with the family, and perhaps had a couple of hours at the gym on Saturday morning. The weekend was awesome, until Sunday evening arrives. Then your mind turns to what the week ahead could have in store for you…and your mood suddenly change for the worse.
If you suffer from what is known as the ‘Sunday blues,’ then it is essential you look at what you can do, from a practical point of view, to make the first day of the week far better than you may currently be experiencing it.
It is imperative you begin by looking at the actual reasons you dread your Sunday evening, and having done so, focus on what you can do about it. Get ready to take some action! Continue reading
Take Some ‘Me Time’ This Holiday Season
The current holiday celebrations, extensive to-do-lists and family gatherings is usually a hectic time of the year for many. But this year we can expect it to be even worse.
Whether you are battling the crazy crowds at the mall doing your last minute shopping, or trying to find a way to inform co-workers or family that you don’t particular enjoy holiday gatherings, or simply dealing with the stress of trying to do it all and be perfect at it, things are going to be just a bit more difficult this year with the incoming energy of Mercury Retrograde. Continue reading
We All Thrive Differently
I love plants and enjoy sharing space with them. I several in my home and take very good care of them. I’m mindful to water them around the same time every week and I even talk to them. In many ways, I look at them as my friends.
I live in a home that doesn’t get much sunshine, so I have selected plants that require low light. While they never receive any direct sunlight, they are thriving like champs and are healthy and happy.
Plants are much like people in that sense. Some of us require a lot of people around us to be happy, the same way some plants need lots of sunshine. But some of us require lots of quiet, alone time, like some plants prefer the shade. We all recharge and thrive in different ways. Continue reading