Ghosts Are Real
Are ghosts real? I certainly know that they are, because I have come face-to-face with them during paranormal investigations. Many paranormal experts claim there is scientific evidence that they are real. Believers say that skeptics are not listening to what is in front of them, but skeptics say that any paranormal evidence likely has a rational explanation and that those who are chasing ghosts are fooling themselves. All I know I is this: I have seen ghosts right in front of me… standing there, looking right at me.
I have been to many haunted sites and sometimes ghosts can be downright nasty, not to be confused with spirits. Ghosts do not know that they are dead, and they can become very annoyed when you are in a house that they dwell in. In these cases you are the intruder. I have had objects thrown at me, heard voices telling me to get out. I always smudge myself with sage. I use it before and after an investigation so that nothing attaches to me.
Do Loved Ones Become Our Spirit Guides?
While doing mediumship readings, I often have people ask me if their loved ones who have crossed over are now their spirit guides. The answer is, no. While our loved ones, who have crossed over, do watch over us, and communicate with us through dreams and other means, they are not our spirit guides.
Becoming a spirit guide requires many life times of experience, schooling and training. Our loved ones can give us energy, love and light, but they are not allowed to interfere with our destiny in any way.
So, what is the difference between spirit guides and loved ones who have crossed over? Spirit guides are with us before we choose our life. They help us decide what goals we have and what we want to emphasize and work on in the next life. They remind us of the lessons in life we struggle with every life.
Connecting To The Universal Power
I have been in a very contemplative situation lately; probably because there have been so many deaths of loved ones that I have been so attached to. We all accept the idea that one day we will leave this existence and move on to another. But what happens in between? Where do we go immediately after leaving this realm? Is it safe? Will we enjoy it there? Do we get to come back? All of the above may be a small part of what plagues us, while we are trying to establish and maintain ourselves in the meantime.
My greatest desire for myself right now is to find a way to connect to the grand Universal Power and to solidify that connection. This will enable me to go about my daily existence with inner peace and calmness, and not allow myself to get mired down in the minutia of circumstances that I cannot change.
My first step is to understand why I am here. I feel part of the reason I incarnated into this world was first of all to help repair my karmic debt, by becoming immersed in some pain and suffering as a human being. There is no other world that I have been made aware of that would enable me to do this.
Near-Death Experiences Teach Us About Living
Near-death experiences have been in the public consciousness for some time now. The experience itself is rather universal across different cultures: a feeling of peace and serenity, as well as a glimpse of the world beyond, before returning to this life. Each of these experiences has a lesson to be learned for those still living, no matter who the survivor may be.
Maybe the most widely reported feeling by those who have had a near-death experience (NDE) is a renewed sense of purpose and meaning. A mundane life may lack these qualities (we think) until a brush with death reminds us why we live, and for whom – ourselves, our loved ones. Additionally, even those who previously said they were not spiritual may find themselves more drawn to the Divine and the mysteries of the Universe following a NDE.