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Astrology Forecast December 25 – 31, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHappy holidays! As the year comes to a close and a new one unfolds, I wish you a season of joy, peace, and personal growth. May the eternal wisdom of the stars and planets guide you, and may the spirit of the season fill your heart with hope and wonder.

We close out the year with some significant astrological shifts this week. Today is blessed with a Gemini Moon, which promotes social interaction, lots of communication, and a sense of fun and good times. An ideal lunar energy for holiday gatherings and celebrations!

A Venus in Scorpio trine to Neptune in Pisces with its loving energy could not be more perfectly timed. The kindness you show others during this transit will be returned to you as a karmic reward. It’s a wonderful time to spend with friends and family.

Tomorrow the moon will be full in Cancer, focusing our attention on home, family and security. This may be a good day to pause and consider a new budget for 2024, or at least take a look at spending over the past few months to get an idea of where you stand. The Moon continues to move through Cancer on Wednesday and Thursday, so you may feel like taking advantage of a lull in activity to regroup and reset.

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The True Meaning Of Holiday Gifts

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhile wrapping Christmas gifts for family and friends today, I thought about whether it is better to be on the giving or receiving end of presents during the holiday season?

In my childhood, receiving presents was undoubtedly the best! But my parents also taught me the importance of giving. They gave my sister and me a small allowance during the holidays to buy gifts for others. It was fun to shop for small items to give to our loved ones. With much anticipation, wetried to pick things that people would actually like and appreciate.

I therefore learned early on that while receiving gifts can be exciting and fun, giving them can be even more rewarding.

My parents were certainly on to something, because the value of giving has been scientifically proven to be more than just a sweet sentiment. For example, according to a study by the American Psychological Association, giving to others increases life expectancy by at least five years! Another study found that people who give to others experience lower blood pressure, less depression, and lower stress levels. In addition, giving to others can increase happiness and well-being. A Harvard Business School study found that giving money to someone else increased participants’ happiness more than spending it on themselves.

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How To Beat The Holiday Blues This Year!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe holidays can be a very difficult and depressing time for some people. It can trigger unresolved emotions from childhood, unhealed trauma from past relationships, or unfinished grief from lost loved ones.

It can also make you feel more lonely, disconnected, and isolated than usual.

Especially for people struggling with existing mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression, their symptoms may worsen during the holidays due to increased stress, social demands, and cultural triggers.

But there are ways to beat the holiday blues and overcome sadness, depression, or low spirits during “the season to be jolly.” There are ways you can take back your power and improve your mood and overall well-being.

First, it is necessary to determine what is causing you to not feel the holiday cheer that everyone else seems to be experiencing.

Several factors can contribute to negative, gloomy thoughts and feelings during this time of year. A common trigger for many of us is that mainstream holiday traditions tend to emphasize spending time with loved ones and family, which can exacerbate feelings of loneliness for those who are socially isolated or have lost loved ones. This isolation can be particularly acute for those of us who live far from family or have strained relationships with them.

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Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPeople have the power to either energize or drain us because we are all energetic spiritual beings in human form. This is especially true if you are highly sensitive and empathic.

Energy vampires are people who mostly unintentionally drain or ‘steal’ the energy of others, leaving everyone they interact with feeling mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually drained, even depressed.

Although they may not be intentionally malicious or evil, their dysfunctional personalities and toxic behavior patterns can have a detrimental effect on our health and well-being.

Energy thieves are everywhere, from the workplace to our social circles. Understanding their effects and protecting yourself from their toxicity is critical to mental and emotional well-being.

It is important to recognize the signs and patterns in your interactions with these people. There are many signs that you may be the victim of an energy vampire. Some of the most common indicators include feeling drained or exhausted, having a change in mood or energy level, or difficulty concentrating or making decisions after spending time with someone. You may also feel that you are always giving and never receiving from someone, or that you are being used or manipulated by them.

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Navigating Loneliness During the Holidays

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe holiday season is traditionally portrayed as a time of togetherness, love, joy, and belonging. We are inundated with media images of families gathered around a festive table, friends celebrating, and communities coming together.

Paradoxically, for many people, this time of year is instead filled with feelings of loneliness, isolation and disconnection.

The root cause is the societal stereotype and cultural assumption that everyone should be joyful, happy, and surrounded by loved ones during the holidays. If you’re not, for whatever reason, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy, isolation, and social failure.

Holiday loneliness is exacerbated by the stark contrast between our actual circumstances and the commercially driven, idealized versions of holiday gatherings and celebrations we see in advertisements, television shows, movies, and social media. This increases feelings of disconnection, low self-esteem, and even depression.

Loneliness during the holidays can have a significant impact on mental health. Feelings of isolation and disconnection during this time of year can exacerbate existing mental health issues and lead to the development of new ones. The constant reminders of togetherness and joy, combined with a lack of social connections and meaningful interactions, can increase feelings of loneliness, leading to emotional distress, feelings of emptiness and hopelessness, and a decline in overall well-being.

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The Spiritual Importance Of Releasing Resentments

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI went out for lunch today and had a bad service experience with the waitress. It was as if she didn’t care much to listen to what I wanted. She seemed distracted and careless.

Two and a half months ago, I had a similar experience at another restaurant when the server packed the wrong items for me to take home. I felt ignored, even disrespected. Today’s experience brought back the same feelings and memories.

I was so upset that I decided I was not going to leave her a tip. But then, in the middle of my meal, while feeling angry and somewhat sorry for myself, I overheard a nearby customer calling her friend by the same name as my late mother.

This caused me to pause and reflect on my toxic thoughts about the careless waitress. You see, my mother was also a waitress many years ago. It was how she put food on the table and put us through school.

Perhaps today’s events were meant to remind me during the holiday season how many of us go through life with unhealed “mother wounds.”

Spirit now had my attention and proceeded to make me aware that my waitress had her own issues with her mother growing up, and that she is now a single mother herself, barely making ends meet. This realization instantly changed my perspective and my petulant attitude.

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Astrology Forecast December 18 – 24, 2023

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The moon glides through Pisces today and tomorrow, bringing a more spiritual tone to the beginning of our week. Those of us who are more sensitive will be more heart-centered and philosophical.

A Mercury in Capricorn trine to Jupiter in Taurus this morning will be very beneficial for business and career prospects. It is a great time to ask for that job offer or apply for that business loan. Just be sure to communicate clearly and effectively, as we are still in the tail end of Mercury Retrograde!

This evening a Pisces Moon trine with Venus in Scorpio will add some romantic spark to love and marriage. Even though it is a ‘school night’ at the beginning of the week, taking that special someone out for a nice dinner could be the start of an entirely new chapter in your relationship life.

Wednesday and Thursday will be busy as the Aries Moon reminds us that there is work to be done before the weekend begins. Fortunately, our energy levels will be elevated and we should easily get through whatever tasks come our way.

The Sun moves into Capricorn when a new zodiac season begins on Thursday, casting a more grounded and safety-conscious aura around us through the end of the year and into the New Year.

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