Astrology Forecast August 22 – 28, 2022
Brace yourself. This week is so packed with astrological shifts that we’ll have to pay close attention to the daily changes it will bring.
The Sun moves into Virgo today, setting us up for a month of inspired thoughts and the desire to create more order and organization in our lives. However, keep your emotions in check as the Cancer Moon
Moon square Jupiter in Aries may inspire risky behavor and bad investments.
We’ll have a quick breather tomorrow, as the Moon moves through Cancer, but on Wednesday, Uranus will turn retrograde and have us questioning everything and everyone. Sudden changes and reversals are a hallmark of this aspect, so be prepared to change direction at a moment’s notice.
On Thursday, Mercury will move into Libra and thankfully restore some balance to our thinking. What we thought was a great idea on Wednesday may prove otherwise on Thursday. So, the trick is to not take action on things too quickly, but to let the dust settle before you proceed. Thursday evening’s Leo Moon conjunction with Venus in Leo will be a lovely opportunity to spend some quality time with your mom or the motherly figure in your life. It will also be the ideal evening for a ladies night or hanging out with girlfriends.
Take advantage of Friday’s Leo Moon to stop and attend to personal needs, making sure you aren’t letting anything fall through the cracks, as you continue through the maze of this weeks’ astrological influences.
Saturday we will have a New Moon in Virgo and yes, you guessed it, even more brilliant ideas rising to the surface. The fun continues on Sunday as we sort through all we’ve discovered this week, as well as what we are imagining for the future.
Read Susyn’s daily horoscope for your zodiac sign on our website.
Don’t Walk On Eggshells Anymore!
Do you often find yourself around people that make you feel like you have to monitor every single thing you say, for fear you may be hurting their feelings? Do you constantly have to be cautious and guarded around certain people in your life, because they internalize everything you say? It really is like walking on eggshells!
I used to have a friend like that. At first I complied, but then one day I decided to start talking like I would normally talk to my other friends. I wanted to see what effect it would have on this person. Well, it actually helped in the end, as it soon made her see how silly she was being. In fact, she even confessed to how she felt bad for reacting as if the entire world revolved around her and her feelings. It turned out to be a meaningful opportunity for her personal growth.
Also, have you ever known anyone whom you shared some inner most concern or anxiety with, and they act like you are making a mountain out of a molehill? You trusted them by sharing your inner most fear or heartache, and they react like it is nothing or you are just being silly. They may even turn around and act as if what you are saying is just plain wrong, or irrelevant! As a highly sensitive person I have experienced this many times in my life and it’s no fun, trust me. And if you’re like me, you just stop talking to this person all together about anything that may deeply matter to you.
These interpersonal experiences can be frustrating and hurtful, but also very valuable to learn from. As soon as this kind of interaction happens with someone, it is useful to reflect on whom you can really trust and have faith in, and who not. If you become more aware of whom you surround yourself with, more people will come into your life that will truly hear you and really have compassion and a deep understanding of what you’re trying to impart. They will also be willing and able to give great advice and be a great sounding board for you, without being egotistical or simply uncaring!
The Transformational Power Of Self-Care
As you journey towards the end of the beautiful summer season, prioritize self-care, as this is one of the most important things you can do for your mind, body and soul.
What exactly is self-care? Self-care is any activity you do intentionally to take care of your mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical health and well-being. It’s about giving yourself the time and attention that you need to thrive.
When you take care of yourself, the most critical person in your world, you can better care for others, and do your work with greater purpose. It becomes easier to show up fully and more meaningfully for others in your life. In this manner, we can be more present with our loved ones, pursue our passions with greater focus, and feel happier overall.
By showing love to ourselves, we become more open to giving and receiving love from others. When we radiate love and peace, we attract more love and peace into our lives. It’s a beautiful cycle of giving and receiving that creates inner harmony and outer wellness.
It’s essential to find time each day to do something that relaxes and rejuvenates you, whether it is reading, going for a walk, or taking a yoga class. Self-care is vital because it helps you to stay healthy as a whole person.
Making time for yourself can relieve stress and tension, improving your overall health and well-being. Additionally, self-care can help you to avoid burnout on multiple levels.
Make sure to schedule time for yourself every day. You can use this time to do something you love without any obligations or expectations. Nurturing your happiness to be the best version of yourself for others is essential.
Keep Your Love Light Shining
You must have experienced the feeling of being in a great mood, and then encountering someone who is just not having a great day. You often feel in these situations that your heart is in the right place, but there is nothing you can do or say to raise that person’s vibration to a happier, healthier one.
There are some people that you can help and give them a reality check, because you know them so well. You connect with them in a way that you can remedy their bad energy or mood, with a funny joke or something that will speak to their soul – if you know the person well enough.
If not, and nothing you can do can bring that person into a better mindset, then you must for your own personal well-being you must learn to just walk away to protect your own energy. Do whatever you need to do to get away from negative people you cannot help, especially if they are doing nothing but bring you down. You must learn to stay above it!
You must learn to not let anyone drag you down, because it will bring everyone else down that you encounter. If you stay around this negative person you will also put yourself at risk to have ‘little negative ones’, as I like to call them.
I am referring to those negative entities that can attach themselves to you and who love to seek, ruin and destroy anything positive and good. They feed on the souls of those that have energy and love in their lives. They seek out all that is good – that is how they get their survival power to wreak even more havoc.
It is therefore important to keep your energy at an altitude that cannot be messed with. Learn to protect yourself and shield yourself from negative people and energies. You want to keep that positive domino effect going in your life, so that you can be a part of making a positive change in the world.
Astrology Forecast August 15 – 21, 2022
We’ll experience a fairly balanced time energetically as the Sun spends its last week of this year in Leo, with only one significant astrological shift created by Mars when it moves into Gemini on Saturday.
Our creative sides flourish under the Aries Moon today and tomorrow, as it awakens our spirits to the possibilities. Even something as simple as taking a different route home can uplift our perceptions and bring greater awareness, so practice making small changes that will soon result in some big ones!
The Aries Moon conjunction with Jupiter in Aries creates ideal Monday morning vibes for financial gains, acquisition of wealth, ambition, and increased social influence. Get your most important business calls done early this morning to make the most of this prosperous energy.
Tomorrow will be a pleasant, positive day on the social front. In the morning, the Leo Sun trine the Aries Moon will ensure happy, harmonious interactions with your partner and family. If you are single, this will also be a great time to ask that special someone out on a date. Tuesday afternoon, Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus will continue to inspire socializing and getting along with others.
This is a great aspect for socializing with friends and creating lots of groups over social media. Things will go very well for you if you’re in the hi-tech industry. You will be very creative, and it’s a good idea to express that in any way you can. You may come up with original and innovative ideas.
The Moon cruises through Taurus on Wednesday and Thursday, allowing us some time mid-week to catch up on obligations of a grounded nature, such as house cleaning or bill paying. Keeping our environment in order makes all our other senses thrive more effectively.
Astrology Forecast August 8 – 14, 2022
Getting the week started may prove challenging this morning with a Sagittarius Moon square Neptune in Pisces, as well as a Venus in Cancer opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. Make every effort to guard against laziness, self-indulgent behavior and a passive attitude, as it may set things back for the rest of the week. It will however be all work and little play by this afternoon, as the Moon shifting in Capricorn will insist we now get down to business and make things happen!
The Capricorn Moon will keep us under pressure to perform until Thursday, when the Aquarius Full Moon insists on a sudden shift in direction amplified by Venus moving into fiery Leo. This combination will bring out our fiery and dramatic personality traits, tempting us to put work on the back burner and let our passions and imagination carry us into another dimension. Venus in Leo also lures us into seeking beauty and pleasure. Be careful not to over-indulge and remember that less is more.
The trend continues Friday afternoon with the Moon moving into Pisces causing us to be dreamy and somewhat self-absorbed. Friday evening’s Pisces Moon sextile with Uranus in Taurus is however a social highlight for the week, as it will be a great time to go out with friends and have some fun! Alternatively, it will also be the perfect evening for a romantic date night of ‘Netflix and chill’ with that special someone.
The remainder of the weekend will continue to unfold under a karmic Pisces Moon, calling us back to ourselves to spend a few days soul-searching and connecting with our higher source. It’s one thing to come up with a great plan, and yet another to empower it by joining hands with spirit to manifest our dreams, so let’s make it a point to engage Spirit in our plans for the future, to assure they come to pass in the greatest manner possible.
Read Susyn’s daily horoscope for your zodiac sign now on our website at: Daily Horoscopes By Susyn.