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Embrace Who You Are

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe all came to this planet with our own unique gifts. Just like no one on the planet has the same fingerprint as you, they also do not have the same talent, voice or look. Sure, some may come close, but the entirety of a person, their personality and so on, is completely different from one to the other.

I feel saddened when I see young people copying one another. Why they do this is uncertain to me, however I’m sure they want to fit in or be accepted, and they fear being rejected by their peers. There are also adults who do this. I asked one girl who was mimicking her friend recently, why would you want to be a photo copy of someone else? You’re beautiful and you have a lovely voice, and you are a very talented artist. She looked at me and said: “Oh my goodness, you’re so right!” I told her that each person came to this planet to share their light in their own unique way, no matter what your personal qualities and talents may be. Continue reading

Is Honesty Always The Best Policy?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHonesty is always the best policy, but sometimes it doesn’t score you points with the family, or win you any friends.

Honest people want so desperately to speak the truth at all cost, because they know that honesty makes you feel a ‘lightness of being’. It is a liberating feeling. Not telling the truth makes you feel weighted down and guilty, and creates dis-ease in the body. Being dishonest is not good for your health.

The old saying goes, “The truth shall set you free.” This can be interpreted many ways, but I find this quote to have deeper meaning on many levels. Sometimes people get in the habit of lying, because they fear someone won’t like them, or maybe they feel they need to tell people what they want to hear for fear of rejection, or hurting someone’s feelings. Continue reading

Is Your Partner Cheating?

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn recent years I have been getting an increasing number of calls from married people wanting to know about another person they are interested in, or someone with whom they have been cheating on their spouse. In fact, I have several clients who are married, but are also dating and having sexual intimacy with people outside their marriage.

Interestingly, I get more calls from women than men who are cheating. Often times I see that the person they are having the affair with is much more compatible with them, compared to their current spouse. I never judge, my clients who call with such questions have always commented to me how they love how I don’t judge, or lecture them, or voice my personal opinion. I always treat my clients with the utmost respect and am blessed that they are calling me to get the best possible answers, insight and information I can possibly give. Continue reading

Please Don’t Shoot The Messenger!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI’ve have been doing psychic readings for many years now, and I still feel the same joy I did when I was just a youngster drawn in by the lure of the Tarot.

Throughout the years I’ve had some wonderful clients and some incredible readings, as most professional psychic readers will tell you. But throughout the years I’ve also had some unpleasant moments. The most disagreeable experiences have been with clients that got angry with me, because of what I saw, or didn’t see. Those angry clients can ruin your psyche for a minute, for an hour, sometimes even longer than that. They can make you doubt yourself, and question your own abilities. Continue reading

The Powerful Magic Of Being Authentic

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf anyone were to ask me what the highlight of my life has been thus far, I would not even need a nanosecond to think about it. It is the easiest question I could ever answer. The most profound moment for me simply was the day I discovered the true power of authenticity. It was the day I discovered me.

Since that day, the quest for authenticity has completely altered my life. Like a Columbus of the heart, mind and soul I have hurled myself off the shores of my own fears and limiting beliefs, to venture far out into the uncharted territories of my inner truth in search of what it means to be genuine and at peace with who I really am. I have been abandoning the masquerade  of living up to the expectations of others and have been exploring the new horizons of what it means to be truly and completely me, in all my amazing imperfection and most splendid insecurity. Continue reading

Finding A Psychic You Can Trust

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs a psychic it is not easy to find the right psychic to read for me. Like many psychics, I can do readings for others, but I can’t read for myself. But trying to find the right psychic for me is like buying a car or a house – it is a process and a challenge!

Just like a house or a car, you look for a psychic who offers you certain special features that will suit your unique needs. There are so many psychics out there, who do you choose from?
When I was younger I needed the guidance of a good psychic from time to time for my love life. This was before the Internet. I remember deciding to take a bike ride on my 18x speed to find a psychic. Along the way I noticed a lady was moving in to a new psychic store, and she already had her sign out, before she was completely moved in. So, I decided to stop and talk to her, and she seemed really nice. Continue reading

Faith In Faith

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comGeorge Michael sang about it, prayers have been written about it, songs have been sung about it… and yet it remains a mystery to so many. So, I put forth this question to you: what is faith and where does it come from?

Right now there is either silence on your end, or a rapid fire response. Or maybe you are saying, “Well, let me think about it.”

They say faith moves mountains, but then that begs the question: do you have Faith in faith? That’s a different concept altogether – one that must be looked at.

It’s easy to go to your preferred place of worship on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, or whenever it is that you attend. Lovely. Absolutely. Without a doubt. There you show your faith. But what happens the rest of the week? This is where Faith in Faith comes into play, and without it you don’t even get to pass go. Continue reading

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