Why People Cheat On Their Mates – Part 3
In the previous blog in this series I shared with you Diane’s situation with her now ex-husband. She was married to a man who stepped out on his very happy marriage, because there was some aspect to his personality that made it impossible for him to be faithful. There are many ways to explain why one may cheat. Diane felt that her husband’s wondering eye was just that – he liked to look around and flirt with other women.
Today, I am sharing *Joanne’s story. She has been married for several decades, and she has four children with her husband. They also own a business together. Although she knew her husband had cheated on her decades ago, she decided to forgive him and stay with him to this very day. Her reasoning was that she had small children, and she was also raised Catholic. Therefore, she felt divorce wouldn’t be the right thing to do. Unfortunately, it did not end there. Continue reading
Spring Awaits Within The Sacred Circle
I was concentrating on work last night, while outside my window, without me realizing, a quiet blanket of white fell over the earth. The beauty of the quietness, the purity of the color gave a sense of all is well.
Of course, this snow puts the universe into a time of pause, a waiting time, where even the stars, the Moon, and the Earth seems suspended, still, ending movement, ending growth. Yet, underneath, the seeds and the bulbs are preparing, taking in nourishment, so that in the advent of the Spring season, sometimes even before the snow is gone, the beautiful new growths start to pop up here, there, bringing new life.
Many people wish for Spring all the time. Our lives are so busy. We wish to keep rushing, fast-paced, moving toward our goals and our dreams. We want to keep life moving as quickly as we can. Continue reading
Grief Is A Gift Of Experience
Long ago, I yearned for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life. And the door opened. It led me within. Now, I long for a deep wound to be healed, and again I feel the door opening. I am prepared for the changes that come each time the door opens, and welcome them with profound gratitude.
Last year had been a particularly difficult time for me. So much grief! All part of the process, of course. Yet, I was wondering when I would get back into the universal flow? When would the spiritual things I need for my Journey manifest?
Suddenly, “voila”! Sheer magic arrived in the form of three different humans from totally different walks of life that resonate with me so perfectly that I’m totally grateful for the grief. Now I can see the perfection in the stunning beauty of the sum of it. Continue reading
The Abused Often Becomes The Abuser
I am still not sure why I tend to attract challenging, and sometimes negative personalities into my private space. Am I truly enabling others to give me this lesson over and over again?
I know that having the very experience of these negative souls in my space enables me to identify with the customers I read for. Many of my clients find themselves either in a similar situation, or in a situation whereby they love someone who doesn’t reciprocate their kind or encouraging ways.
Not a day goes by that I will not come across instances where one of my callers is subject to abusive, manipulative or controlling behavior, be it from a spouse, child, neighbor, colleague, or friend. Continue reading
The Fourth Chakra
The fourth chakra, or Anahata is located in the heart center. It is symbolized by a circular flower and 12 green petals called heart-mind. The animal totems of the fourth chakra are the antelope, dove and nightingale. The musical note that resonates with this chakra is “F”. This is considered the heart chakra and love chakra.
The color is green. It rules the shoulders, heart, blood circulation, upper back and lungs. Foods to stimulate the fourth chakra include Lettuce, kale, zucchini, spinach and all green vegetables. The corresponding gland is the Thymus. Physically, Anahata governs the immune system, all blood related issues and circulation. Mentally it governs connection with others’ personal power, while emotionally it governs empathy, compassion, romance, friendship and family love, and spiritually it directs unconditional love. Continue reading
Winter May Come, But Spring Will Always Follow
The delicate African Violets on my window sill are beautiful this season. The window is the best place for them, as each one soaks up the sunlight from the East. The Sun smiles on them this morning.
The key thing with violets that many people don’t realize is that we hurt them the most by over-watering. Water is a good thing for plants, right? Violets, however, are native to the tropics where heat, sun, and a dry atmosphere is more prevalent.
The unique needs of these violets teaches us how to follow our own path. This is the true beauty of nature. See, each of us is different. When we look around us, we can’t follow someone else’s path, or be jealous, or worried that the path they are following is different from our own. Continue reading
The Twelve Archetypal Secrets Of Sacred Love
The need for true love and meaningful romance is a profound longing we all share as spiritual beings in human form. But finding the love of your life is not an easy feat in this day and age. Yes, the pursuit of romantic love is certainly not for the weak and cowardly.
I have heard many weary love pilgrims claim they have called off the search. Many even choose to believe that they no longer want an intimate relationship with anyone; they are completely content to remain single and unattached for the rest of their lives. Who needs a soulmate after all, right? The truth is that we all share a deep-seated need for affection and authentic connection with that one special mate. And deep down we all know it. Continue reading