Grief Is A Gift Of Experience
Long ago, I yearned for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life. And the door opened. It led me within. Now, I long for a deep wound to be healed, and again I feel the door opening. I am prepared for the changes that come each time the door opens, and welcome them with profound gratitude.
Last year had been a particularly difficult time for me. So much grief! All part of the process, of course. Yet, I was wondering when I would get back into the universal flow? When would the spiritual things I need for my Journey manifest?
Suddenly, “voila”! Sheer magic arrived in the form of three different humans from totally different walks of life that resonate with me so perfectly that I’m totally grateful for the grief. Now I can see the perfection in the stunning beauty of the sum of it.
Grief is not a disorder, a disease or a sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve ~ Earl Grollman
So, what’s new and right? Everything! Never lose faith.
We create neurological pathways in our mind. As a result, the more often we use a pathway, the more easily it is accessible. If the pathway being created is of a high vibrational frequency, the more easily we ascend. Moment by moment, like a baby learning to take baby steps, we create our ascension pathway.
One of the most heart touching events are those people who arrive during a difficult moment without knowing it’s perfect timing. They bring a good ear, love, smile and comfort. I am thankful to them and thankful also that the Creator sends comfort in many ways.
Regardless of how it happened or whatever “it” is, the important part to understand is that it is part of your Journey. It is gift of experience to learn from, no matter how much it may have stung you, or how deeply you grieved. Go for it, one step at a time. It is truly loving and lovely, not to mention life-changing, as we begin to see the universe in a new and profoundly different way.
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