guardian angel
Hugged By An Angel
What is the difference between a Spirit Guide and a Guardian Angel? In my experience a Spirit Guide is a loving person who has walked the Earth long before we were born. It could be a relative who has come back to guide you through this lifetime.
When I was a young boy, my mother used to tell me that certain Spirit Guides were trained and chosen to be sent down to help someone who is asking for a guidance. They always try to help you, but they will never take control of your free will. They always let you make your own choices and decisions.
At times we might have as many as four to seven Spirit Guides in our inner circle. If you ask, you shall receive. You have to believe that they were sent for a reason. They are here to help you reach the goals you have set out in your life. Continue reading
The Bridge
One of my clients once had dreams about a bridge she had never seen before, and many years later I saw the same bridge when she contacted me for a psychic reading. It turned into a very unusual reading. I brought stuff up on what I was seeing that had nothing to do with the actual reading my client originally requested.
For some reason I kept seeing cows around her? I also heard a bell in the distance. It was not a cow bell; it sounded more like an old church bell that was out of tune. And I could see heavy rain, as if a storm was ready to hit, and the wind was blowing really hard where you could not see in front of you. I also felt the need to encourage her to be careful if she goes any place… to please be careful. Continue reading
The Blind Lady Who Looked At Pictures
An old friend of mine, who I have not heard from in a long time, called me recently and left a message on my voice mail to call him back. When I checked my messages I was surprised to hear from him after so many years.
I asked him how he got my number, since I have not talked to him for so long. Apparently he ran into my brother John at the gas station and asked him for my number. We made some small talk at first, and then told me he had some sad news – Sharon had passed away.
Sharon is my cousin and I was very shocked to hear this! But he quickly realized his mistake and pointed out that it was in fact not my cousin; he was referring to Sharon “the blind lady with the pictures”. Oh man, I have not seen her since my childhood, I exclaimed. Continue reading
Addiction And The Calling
If my spiritual calling was masked by addiction once upon time, how many other people could also be masking their calling with such escapism?
As a recovering alcoholic, addictive behavior is something I know all too well – together with the co-dependency behavior that inevitably surrounds the addict. I actually credit my experience with alcohol, and the realization that there is no escape that way, as leading up to me heeding my calling. My life purpose was to work for spirit, and any time not being in touch with that calling left a huge void, or ‘hole in my soul’ type of feeling within me.
My initial training into the mystical was in the African tradition, whereby one is selected by the ancestors and called to the task of healer, priest, counselor and diviner. Channeling and the ancient art of throwing and interpreting the bones are used as forms of divination in this tradition. Continue reading
Angels and Spirit Guides
I am often asked whether I have spirit guides and angels who support me in my work. I am also asked whether I believe in ghosts and demons. My answers to these questions are both yes, and no.
The existence of non-physical beings has always fascinated mankind. We continue to be intrigued by the presence of spiritual entities from other realms, planes or dimensions.
It is an aspect of our spiritual experience that is often the focal point for much discussion, speculation, debate, and sometimes also controversy and conflict. There are many similarities in the range of experiences and encounters reported. However, there is also much disparity and many contradictions in that which people see and believe.
The most commonly sited encounters include the spirits of family members, who have crossed over, as well as guardian angels, celestial guides, elementals and also extraterrestrial beings. Continue reading