energy blockage
Caring For Mother Earth With Archangel Ariel
Otherwise known as ‘The Angel of Nature’ or ‘Lioness of God,’ Archangel Ariel is the overseer of both the healing and protection of all the plants and animals of Mother Earth. She also manages the care of the natural elements, such as the wind and water, as well as inspiring humans to look after the beautiful God-gifted planet that we live on.
This being the case, her presence is very often felt where conservation projects are taking place, or when any plans are being made to heal the cleanse the environment and heal the planet.
Should you desire to learn more about nature itself, then Archangel Ariel will provide you with valuable insights and opportunities to help both expand your experience and awareness of it.
Furthermore, as the Angel who watches over the planet’s natural resources, she is incredibly helpful in ensuring that your basic needs, such as shelter, food, water and warmth, are always well met. Archangel Ariel also encourages individuals to live life to their fullest potential, by following God’s will of course.
It is also understood that Archangel Ariel is the grand overseer of The Universe itself, including the sun, moon, stars and planets within it.
The Power Of Observation
In this busy world we rarely take the time to observe things around us. Most people see and feel things only through their own personal lens. Of course, it is only normal to identify with your own feelings and the things you have seen, heard or experienced. But sometimes so much of what we believe as reality is the only way we will accept it. It is necessary in some situations to take a step back and observe a situation, look at all sides of it and try to remain neutral.
I have worked with some clients in my hypnosis practice who just can’t seem to look at a situation from a different perspective. It is much easier for people to observe someone that looks much like them on a television screen playing out a scenario. They may see, feel even hear things that could not be recalled at the time of the event. Another way is to view the scene in a different way in order to rewrite the script to achieve a different outcome by observing. The incident with a different outcome may show the possibility of different realities.
For example, when there is a car accident and four or five people witness and observe it. When questioned, the people usually all have a very different account of what happened. Through their own personal lenses they believe it as gospel. But is it really?
Remote Healing
After receiving a profound remote healing experience, just a few weeks ago, I now know that distant healing really does work! Successful remote healing sessions have been documented in the past, where the recipient was totally unaware that they were being worked on. But I feel that being receptive to the healing makes a significant contribution to the healing process.
My remote healing was done by a couple who work as a team. Their work has had a profound effect on me. The dynamic healing duo includes an emotional intuitive and a medical intuitive. I never had any pain issues with my hips, but they told me that there was a blockage in my right hip, caused by blocked emotions. To my surprise, the following day, my right hip ached!
The healing team picked up on so much information energetically which they could never have known about me, and in addition to their healing session, they gave me tools to assist in releasing any negative, pent-up emotions, as well as letting go of any people connected to my buried emotional pain. When left unattended, old emotional wounds prevent us from moving forward in joy. Old wounds can go far back to childhood, or even into past lives.
The Presence Of Playfulness In Your Life
Consider the level of playfulness in your life. Do you allow yourself to have fun, and play? Are you so wrapped up in your past, other’s lives, work, or something else, that is blocking you from having fun, living more fully, and being playful in your life? Do you enjoy being entertained, or do you feel it’s a waste of time or frivolous?
Dig deep on this. The answers to these questions are what defines where your life is going at the moment. Yes, it is a challenge to dig deep. However, it is so essential in this day and age.
Have you become bitter, are you just walking through life, or do you still have that child-like energy to play, live out loud, entertain others, and be entertained yourself.
There are also deeper aspects to the presence of playfulness in our life. Has play disappeared because you are now in over your head and can see no way to move beyond where you are? Are you stuck or trapped in your life? Are you a person of great insight, wisdom and understanding, yet you are not filling your life with enough entertainment, fun and play?
What is your true opinion of yourself? Do you show one face to the world and another to yourself? Do you present who you truly are or become what you think the person in front of you wants you to be?
The Divine Light Within You
Namaste. This is a term that is often used in Yoga practices and certain spiritual services. The word itself is a salutation which means, “The divine light in me honors the divine light in you.” Often people will say this unconsciously. However, it is a spiritual truth that should remind us of the value of our own light and the light of others.
The truth is that you are the light of the world and you always have a choice to honor that light, or hide that light. Spiritual teacher, activist and author, Marianne Williamson, writes, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.”
The main block to experiencing your own light is fear and the main freedom from fear is love. You are here to be a service to the world. You incarnated for this reason. In fact, we are all here serving each other. Even when something terrible has happened, it gives us an opportunity to see what happens when love is not present within an action.
Destiny In Your Hands – The Art Of Palmistry
It is sometimes said that our destiny lies in our own hands. Well, it is true. Literally. With the ancient art of palmistry we can learn deeper truths about ourselves and, yes, even our destiny.
Palmistry, also known as Chiromancy, is the divination of meaning by reading hands. Someone new to this field may think that palmistry is only about the lines on the palm of the hand. However, the size and length of the fingers themselves, fingernails, and the ratio of the digits, all also hold deeper meaning.
Each of us has a dominant hand. The aspects of this hand usually represent the part of ourselves we project to the world, much like our Sun sign in Astrology. The less dominant hand represents our more hidden aspects and desires, which corresponds to our Moon sign. It’s therefore best to examine your dominant hand for an accurate reading.
A Sense Of Wonder – A Message From My Guides
We observe sometimes that individuals can be quick to settle into ruts. The day-to-day routines of school, work and family often become repetitive and, dare we say… monotonous at times.
During these mundane periods of discontent, people often focus on themselves, and their lack. They will complain about being overworked and underpaid. Whether professionally or personally, they often feel under-appreciated and under-acknowledged. Stress and resentment can start to build.
In order to alleviate stress, you already know that there are many options from which to choose. Whether people get into a daily habit of deep breathing, visualization, meditation or various forms of exercise, the body becomes transformed and stress is dissipated for the time being.
Rather than just staving off bubbling-under-the-surface irritation and potential health issues, we recommend taking things a step further. Most people have heard the phrase, “Stop and smell the flowers!” Well, whether you prefer to cultivate the soil or be an observer, it is vitally important to redevelop a new sense of wonder in the garden of your life.