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False Education Appearing Real

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI love the acronym F.E.A.R. (False Education Appearing Real) since we all have people, circumstances, phobias and so forth, that can put us into that space. Fear is an instance of emotion that is triggered by the awareness, or anticipation of danger. It can also become a state of being. Excluding clinical fears, needing professional help, there are many fears we simply impose upon ourselves as a result of life experiences.

One of my fears is acrophobia, the fear of heights. When I get within five feet from the edge of a rooftop, I begin to shake. Climbing 30 foot ladders has me nervous and when I hiked to the pinnacle of the mountain of Macchu Picchu in 2004, I could not take those last six nervous steps onto the plateau pinnacle rock. This was partly being due to a few other tourists already sharing the rock… and I am a little “accident prone.” Continue reading

Gemini – Two For The Price Of One!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe glyph for those born under a Gemini Sun, between May 21 and June 21, is the Roman numeral for the number 2. The Twins. Like their symbol, Gemini tends to have more than one side to their personality. They may have a public persona, and an entirely different private side seen only by their closest friends and confidantes.

Many Geminis are excellent communicators and love to talk. This comes as no surprise, since their planetary ruler is Mercury, the messenger. Talk to a Gemini, and you’ll be talking to someone who is witty, intelligent, and a quick thinker. Sometimes they may forget to put on a filter, so be prepared for anything that comes out. They’re likely to be found in the middle of any lively conversation or party, and chances are, if you’ve ever met a persuasive salesman, he had Gemini somewhere in his natal chart. Continue reading

Creating Your Reality – Survivor, Sinner Or Saint?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTo create, attract and manifest is an innate metaphysical ability we all have access to as beings of Divine origin. Jane Roberts writes in The Nature of Personal Reality, “You are given the gifts of the gods; you create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.”

To be a creator is a function of our free will. We are all co-creators of our shared, physical reality and we shape our own destiny in every single moment of our lives. What you think, feel, believe, wish for, and desire in this very moment, is what you will become tomorrow, and the day after. Continue reading

Asking Your Spirit Helpers To Help Solve Problems

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEarlier this week, I called upon my spirit helpers to assist me in finding some direction. I needed some help with something which, although not yet urgent, has been niggling at me. I needed to find some information which I would require soon.  Although there is information on the subject available online, I hadn’t been able to come up with anything useful to date, even after doing several searches.

So, two night ago, I asked my guides to point me in the right direction and sure enough, today, I did a random search, typing in keywords which literally ‘popped up’ from nowhere. These search terms brought up some useful information and contacts. I believe spirit delivered, and quickly!

When I invoke spirit’s help, I usually call upon my angels and guides individually, but this time, prior to going to sleep, I envisioned I was liaising with the same council of wise beings I recall being summoned to during a life threatening illness many years ago. At that point in my life there was a decision to be made in the presence of these wise souls, as to whether or not I was going to come back to this earth plane. I was on life support at the time. I guess the choice must have had something to do with completing a life contract in this world? Continue reading

The Divine Grace Of A Soulmate Connection

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is a myth that everyone is supposed to meet a ‘soulmate’ in this lifetime. Don’t get me wrong, soulmate connections do exist, but this phenomenon is quite rare. It is a singular spiritual anomaly that is certainly not predestined for most of us.

In a world where intimate relationships have become extremely challenging to navigate, the search for the ever-elusive soulmate has become a contemporary obsession. We have co-created a modern society where detachment, loneliness and disconnection reigns supreme, despite our easy access to social media and communication technology. Against this background, the manic hunt for the ‘love of our life’ has become one of our generation’s most profoundly tragic acts of free will.

In my view, the most disturbing aspect of this ‘wild goose chase’ is the fact that it is so often encouraged, or even set into motion, by well-meaning psychic readers and relationship coaches! Too many times, throughout my career, I have had to help pick up the pieces of a broken heart, or a destroyed life, after someone created false expectations for my client with the sweeping statement, “Yes dear, he definitely is your soulmate!” Continue reading

Grounded In Spirit When Caring For Elderly Parents

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have a friend that is going through the challenging process of watching her aging mom dwindle away. Her mother is losing her memory and the ability to take care of herself the way she used to. So, I try to help when I can. For most of us it’s an issue that we will all most likely face one day.

The spiritual connection to our parents is often a relationship with a history that is very complex. Not everyone has a wonderful, loving relationship with their parents, right?  Those of us who do, should never take it for granted. We are truly blessed. Continue reading

Preparing For The Change

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYou may be aware by now that there is a major change coming to our planet. We are already experiencing many earthly upsets, but because they sometimes appear distant and far removed from us we do not always make the connection.

Some of us will be alarmed, some will be complacent, while others will do everything in their power to deny all this will take place.

My job, as well as others, is not to convince you of anything except to encourage you to prepare for any change that might seem relevant to you. This could mean many different things.

For example, we have installed water barrels alongside our house, we are placing an airtight cooking stove inside our home. We will also put up a few solar panels. If nothing happens , fine, these items are still of great value to us. Should things go awry even on a small scale we will still be able to function with little fuss. Continue reading

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