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The Divine Grace Of A Soulmate Connection

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is a myth that everyone is supposed to meet a ‘soulmate’ in this lifetime. Don’t get me wrong, soulmate connections do exist, but this phenomenon is quite rare. It is a singular spiritual anomaly that is certainly not predestined for most of us.

In a world where intimate relationships have become extremely challenging to navigate, the search for the ever-elusive soulmate has become a contemporary obsession. We have co-created a modern society where detachment, loneliness and disconnection reigns supreme, despite our easy access to social media and communication technology. Against this background, the manic hunt for the ‘love of our life’ has become one of our generation’s most profoundly tragic acts of free will.

In my view, the most disturbing aspect of this ‘wild goose chase’ is the fact that it is so often encouraged, or even set into motion, by well-meaning psychic readers and relationship coaches! Too many times, throughout my career, I have had to help pick up the pieces of a broken heart, or a destroyed life, after someone created false expectations for my client with the sweeping statement, “Yes dear, he definitely is your soulmate!” Continue reading

Grounded In Spirit When Caring For Elderly Parents

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have a friend that is going through the challenging process of watching her aging mom dwindle away. Her mother is losing her memory and the ability to take care of herself the way she used to. So, I try to help when I can. For most of us it’s an issue that we will all most likely face one day.

The spiritual connection to our parents is often a relationship with a history that is very complex. Not everyone has a wonderful, loving relationship with their parents, right?  Those of us who do, should never take it for granted. We are truly blessed. Continue reading

Preparing For The Change

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYou may be aware by now that there is a major change coming to our planet. We are already experiencing many earthly upsets, but because they sometimes appear distant and far removed from us we do not always make the connection.

Some of us will be alarmed, some will be complacent, while others will do everything in their power to deny all this will take place.

My job, as well as others, is not to convince you of anything except to encourage you to prepare for any change that might seem relevant to you. This could mean many different things.

For example, we have installed water barrels alongside our house, we are placing an airtight cooking stove inside our home. We will also put up a few solar panels. If nothing happens , fine, these items are still of great value to us. Should things go awry even on a small scale we will still be able to function with little fuss. Continue reading

Using Stones To Heal – Agates

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comCrystals and gemstones have been used by almost every culture for healing and mystical purposes. They amplify the user’s vibration and bring to the healing practice their own energy and symbolism.

I used to live by a beach that was covered in agates. I collected them and revered them, somehow instinctively connecting to their magic at an early age. Years later I began using a large variety of agates in my healing practice.

Black or Banded Agate. This agate helps to center the first chakra. It is a great stone for combating anxiety and to ground the physical body. Use this stone for self control, physical energy, grounding, and resilience. Continue reading

Love Many, Trust Few

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are few people you can trust to tell your innermost secrets. Be careful who you choose as your close companions. I have  many clients who have trusted people they thought were able to keep a secret or just be discreet as a friend. When you share your problems and concerns randomly with those that you might deem “confidants”, they sometimes will let down, or give you bad advice.

I have personally learned through experience to not share sensitive personal information with just anyone. Trust me, you will save yourself a bunch of grief in the long run. But that does not mean we should never talk or open up to anyone. Sometimes silence can be our worst enemy. There are times in life when we have to reach out and talk to someone! The key is to choose wisely who you confide in. We must all learn the fine art of loving many, but trusting few. That is the way to go. Continue reading

Peace Is To Be Found Right Here

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSunday being my day off from my daily job, I finally decided to spend a few hours at the lake. Born and raised on an island, water has always brought me peace and clarity. It is small lake, about 15 minutes from my house. Unfortunately, it being a Sunday, was not the ideal time to seek peace here.

It was a really nice dry sunny day, which brought many people to the water on the same mission. The park was too crowded to find any inner peace. So, I left after an hour and decided to make my own lake! I had an old tub sitting in my back yard awaiting a new lease of life. After a strong deep scrub and rinse, I filled it with cold water and sat there on the rim, with my legs immersed in the healing water. Continue reading

Groping In The Dark

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe have one ultimate goal when we come into this existence and that is spiritual growth. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? So, how come most of us seem to be just groping in the dark much of the time? Is it because we are continually being told that we must have a life purpose or soul desire?  One hears ridiculous statements like “that never was supposed to happen” or even worse “he died before his time.” Who decided these things for us?

A friend of mine just shared a situation with me trying to find the meaning behind it all. She and her husband owned a farm selling, raising and growing all manner of organic foods, fully believing this was a calling they were meant to pursue. All was going well, the animals were active and healthy, the crops were coming up abundantly and success certainly appeared to be theirs. This went on for about two years and then everything slowly began to disintegrate. The animals began to have major health issues, the crops were not producing as they should and they were in total jeopardy of losing all that they had aspired to achieve. Continue reading

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