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Calling On The Archangels

Click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe archangels are extraordinary beings with extraordinary powers. They are here to help us on this challenging planet. The word angel is from the Greek aggelos and means ‘messenger.’

We are able to draw from their gifts and powers to help us on our path and during the most difficult times in our lives. All of the archangels are healers. They come as master surgeons to repair our bodies, and to help us tap into our higher selves. They are reminders that we are never alone.

The belief is that most of them have incarnated on Earth in the past, and they therefore understand the inner workings of Earth’s dimensions. Some angels have never incarnated on Earth, but feel an attachment to those of us in the human body and wish to help guide us. Continue reading

Forgive Yourself And Be Free!

Click this picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSelf-forgiveness is so essential in today’s modern world. With the festive season fast approaching, however, forgiving oneself is more important than ever, so we can enjoy our time to the full and not let guilt, self-punishment and blame get in the way.

As human beings we have all glanced at our calendars and cringed at the fact that we have overlooked a loved one’s birthday, or not spent as much quality time with our family as we intended.  Equally, resentment can kick in when those around us tend to forget our birthdays, or fail to notice our efforts on the professional or home front. Continue reading

Forgiveness As A Spiritual Life Lesson

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI remember telling my friend Audrey many years ago how well she was handling an upsetting situation. The matter related to a mutual friend who had borrowed a significant amount of money, and even though swift repayment was promised, the promise was not kept, nor acknowledged by the borrower.

Audrey seemed to take a really spiritual approach towards the situation and said to me, “I don’t lend money without first considering that I may well have to write it off in the end.” This was ironic, since he wasn’t exactly well-off herself.

“Why should I choose to be a victim, and to carry that huge load of resentment around on my shoulders, when I do have a choice to simply put it down? To carry that heavy knapsack of anger and resentment would only be draining to my health and peace of mind,” she explained. Continue reading

The Ancient Art Of Smudging

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are many effective ways to purify ourselves of old baggage or toxins in our lives. A great place to start is a very ancient art popular among indigenous peoples known as “smudging.” This refers to the burning of sacred or blessed herbs, or grasses to cleanse yourself and your space.

If you are just beginning try burning sage, one of the most popular and fragrant herbs. As you become more adept, you may want to customize your herbal blend. Bundles may be purchased at an esoteric store, or a Native American or natural market, and burned in a vessel of your choice.

Before you start, make sure there are no fire hazards and open a window or two for ventilation. When you light your sage stick, make sure you are only using the leaves and not the other parts. Continue reading

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAll of us have had at least one day in our lives when we’ve done nothing but talk down to ourselves: we’re not good-looking enough, or wealthy enough, or talented enough. It’s okay, once in a while, but for some this habit becomes a lifelong form of self-torture. It becomes a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Did you know the same thing happens when we focus our energy, and our self-talk on the positive?

No matter your belief system, positive thinking energy is good for you: it will increase your mental clarity, boost your immunity, and help you live a longer, more fulfilling life. It is beneficial to see the glass as half full. Like a mirror, the universe reflects back what we put out to it. Ever heard the saying “garbage in, garbage out?” The same is true of our thoughts. What we focus on becomes our reality … whether this is negative or positive. Continue reading

Start Your New Year Right With A Vision Board

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe concept of a vision board as a tool to manifest your desires is simple. Since most of us tend to get distracted very easily, the board is a constant reminder of what we want and the steps we need to take toward our goals.

In short, a vision board is a visual reminder of our hopes and dreams, along with affirming words or sayings. Like people, no two are the same, and you don’t have to spend a fortune to make one for the New Year.

When making your personal board, it’s best to be as specific as possible. For example, almost everyone might say: “I wish to be successful in life!” But really read between the lines. Is this a promotion at work? A better relationship with friends or family? Choose pictures or words that represent exactly what you want. If you only say “I want to travel,” it is not as specific as pictures of a Hawaiian beach or Big Ben in London.  If you need a new car, find a photo of the exact make and model. Continue reading

Watch Your Tongue, For Less Is More

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe all know individuals we sometimes wish had a zipper attached to their lips. You know, those people who constantly gossip and speak out of turn, with a tendency to go on, and on, and on? Some people just don’t seem to care if people view them disrespectfully, or are annoyed by their verbal outbursts or destructive communication. They just don’t care. Period.

I have some personal experiences that you might relate to. How about a family member around whom you always have to watch what you say. Everyone is constantly walking on egg shells, for fear of saying the wrong thing, because this person will take it as a personal attack. You dare say something out of line… and you open a can of blah-blah-blah! Some people truly feel the world revolves around them. They take life much to seriously. Continue reading

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