Your Angels As Your Co-Creators
When we think of angels, we typically think of spiritual wisdom, guardianship, personal serenity and metaphysical insight. But did you know angels can also aid us in our creative pursuits? Have you ever heard of being inspired by a muse or divine inspiration? That is the sure sign of angels at work.
Two Archangels in particular, Jophiel (Beauty of God) and Uriel (Fire of God) are known for their association with creative inspiration. If you’re a creative person feeling stuck, or at a loss, call upon these angels for their assistance.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to create a vision board with a series of images and sayings which relate to your personal creative hopes and dreams. You may also include these two angels in your daily meditations or prayers. Or try writing an open letter to them. They are always listening and willing to help, but only if we call upon them for assistance.
Use Color Therapy To Heal Your Chakras
Using color therapy to heal or unblock the chakras is a very effective way to restore balance to your entire being.
The chakras can influence your physical health, the functioning of your reproductive system, energy levels, and emotional balance. It can also affect speaking your truth, clear thinking, spiritual well-being and intuitive awareness. It is therefore important to keep your chakras in good balance and operating at their full potential.
Because each chakra rules a different area of the mind, heart and body, it is easy to spot when one of them is out of balance. For example, if you constantly have health or immune system issues, you may have an imbalance in your root chakra. Or, if you find yourself having trouble speaking up or saying how you really feel, your throat chakra might need some color therapy.
The seven chakra energy centers each resonate with one of the seven colors found in a rainbow or prism. Each chakra is located in a specific area of the body, and influence our energy flow as follows:
Root Chakra
Located at the bottom of your spine it resonates with the color red. Its physical health aspects include the lower body (legs, feet), the groin, male and female genital areas, and the root or base of the spine.
Creation Chakra
Located in your pelvic region it resonates with the color orange. It affects creative aspects and the physical health of the pelvic area, the reproductive glands, hips and lower back. Continue reading
Are You Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening?
Doing psychic readings, I sometimes talk to someone who thinks they are ‘going crazy,’ but in actuality they are experiencing symptoms of spiritual awakening. But how does one recognize the common symptoms of spiritual awakening?
The term ‘spiritual awakening’ is somewhat overused these days in metaphysical circles. Just about anyone who has a ‘woo-woo’ moment, or gains deeper insight into a situation, or suddenly sees chakra colors, seems to believe they are having a true, full-blown ‘spiritual awakening.’
Spiritual awakening does tend to occur spontaneously, and from what I’ve witnessed, the more open-minded the person is and the less attached to outcomes they are, the more available or ‘ripe’ they are for a spiritual awakening to occur.
Just the other day a client was telling me of her experience while peeling a carrot over the kitchen sink. She said she was looking down at her hands, watching them, and wondering what was animating them? It can be a strange moment when you discover that you are not really who you thought you were. It can be disorienting, to say the least, to see yourself from such an objective position. However, if you know ahead of time that this is perfectly normal, and others have experienced these signs too, it can make your life a lot easier. Continue reading
Spring Forward Energy Shift
Many of us know the feeling of disorientation we get when Daylight Savings Time (DST) kicks back in… including perhaps the craving for an extra cup of coffee! But did you know that our physical and spiritual energies are undergoing a dramatic shift at this time also?
The vernal equinox at the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere exposes us to more sunlight, after the short days of winter. The body and mind now send signals for new growth. More cellular activity takes place in spring than any other season. Literally, we are become new versions of ourselves at this time, as our cells are replaced.
It’s the perfect time to begin new routines or rid ourselves of practices which are no longer beneficial. Cleaning out closets and attics in our homes can be likened to conducting a spiritual ‘spring cleaning.’
On the equinox, the hours of light and darkness are evenly balanced. This only happens twice a year. It’s a reminder from the Universe that both sides need to be in harmony, and neither can exist without the other. Our personal energies are more balanced than ever at this time, which makes it a perfect time for meditation, deep psychic exploration, and shamanic journeys. Continue reading
The Truth About Dragons
Dragons are often relegated to the realm of myth, but in my experience the energy of these beings can serve as an ally in our everyday life. Dragons in the western tradition tend to have a bad rap. For example, in some Judeo-Christian theology, the dragon is considered a symbol . When I first encountered this type of being in my own life I was taken aback. My roots stem from the Judeo-Christian tradition and much of my training and personal evolution stems from this background.
In eastern cultures, dragons are looked upon in much the same way westerners consider angels. These beings bring with them blessings, help, and unique power to facilitate change. Dragons are also represented in the Biblical tradition as well, but they have a different name.
Several years ago, I had my first encounter with a dragon-like being. When I saw it I heard the word seraph, even though at the time I had little familiarity with the term. I looked up the term and the literal meaning of the word is, ‘flaming serpent.’
In my experience, the creature looked exactly like the traditional conceptualization of a dragon, with a few minor differences. I realized after this first encounter I had interacted with a seraph – one of the classes of angels. Continue reading
Your Intuition Is Always Right
We are often told to follow our instincts, or trust our ‘gut.’ But what does it really mean?
From a psychic perspective, intuition is the sixth sense, the way we are able to perceive things beyond the scope of our five senses. Some people call it the ‘little voice’ within. We all have it, and unless we use it on a regular basis, it may not be as sharp as we need it to be.
If we fail to listen to our intuition, we may find ourselves making poor decisions, which often lead to confusion, misunderstanding, and strife. Then, when it is too late, we often wonder why we didn’t go with our intuition!
It is often said that the first instinct is usually right. That ‘little voice’ we are hearing is actually the voice of the Universe and the Divine speaking directly to us. Whether or not you follow a particular spiritual tradition or religion, cultures around the world have always had an understanding of this phenomenon. It is also the concept behind prayers and mantras being answered directly. When we speak directly to the Divine, it speaks back to us. Its intent is always benevolent, so, even if the answer is no, or isn’t what we’d hoped for, it is in our best interest to take it to heart. Continue reading
The True Purpose Of Life
It is often said that the purpose of our existence is love. This is in part true, we are constantly evolving into a greater understanding of love. But this is really only half of the answer. The purpose of life is also the experience. The point of it all is to have interactions.
Yes, it is true that each of us has incarnated with a specific purpose for being here. Ultimately the purpose of life is to recognize our most authentic expression of what it means to be us, and then cultivate the freedom to express that authentic self. Love most certainly facilitates this process, but you could say a better explanation of the meaning of life is the experience itself.
We all incarnated on this planet from perfect love, and will return to perfect love. Within the realm of spirit we are all one. In fact, we are all one at this very moment. However, in the time-space paradigm, it is easy to lose touch with this Oneness of Spirit.
Each soul living on this planet has an innate desire to cultivate unique creative expression. Whether that creative expression is writing, musical expressions, serving others, cultivating human ties, and so on. Most of us incarnated with the specific intent to accomplish multiple ‘purposes.’ And so we go through life having a multitude of different kinds of experiences. Continue reading