Dolphin – The Magical Marine Mammal
At one time in the distant past all of us came from the sea. Our bodies are still about 70% percent water and we have a natural connection with it. Is it any wonder then that humans and dolphins, one of the most intelligent and intuitive animal species, have such an ancient and powerful connection?
In myths from around the world, there are stories of dolphins assisting, healing, and guiding humans at sea. With their kind eye, perpetually ‘smiling’ face and use of language, they are in many ways like us. Scientists observe that dolphins are among the few animal species who have their own ‘dialects’ depending on their location. Some evidence even suggests that dolphins may be telepathic!
Calming The Stormy Waters Of The Inner Child
I walk on the beach daily, near my home. In fact, I often walk multiple times a day. This is my meditative and contemplative time, to reflect and see what areas in my life I can improve or change, what areas are working well, and what shifts are going on.
In the morning, the water can be as smooth as glass. This represents true peace, clarity and reflection. In the afternoon, the water can have three-foot to ten-foot waves, and the beach space that was so abundant in the morning, is gone. This represents the turmoil that is happening in my life and on our planet, or just what comes and goes in the daily news.
In the evening, the water settles down. It’s not quite as glass-like as in the morning, however it has a small and calming wave. This represents all the cleansing that happened during the day and the cleansing that is to happen through the night, bringing me full circle to another calm again in the morning.
How To Improve Your Money Karma
Karma and money can be a very confusing and complicated spiritual matter. There are lessons in being poor and lessons in being rich. We will be rich in some lifetimes, and poor in others. Most lifetimes we will swing left and right of the middle of wealth.
The universe sometimes uses money as karma, but not always. Money is neither good nor bad. Money is energy. It can be used for good or bad.
The test for poverty is: can you be happy, healthy, holy, loving, generous and not be materialist or greedy if you are poor? The test for wealth is: can you be happy, healthy, holy, loving, generous and not be materialist or greedy if you are rich? Can you find peace no matter how much or how little money is in the bank?
Introduction To The Chakras
The chakras are energy vortexes or wheels of energy located throughout the body. They inter-penetrate our subtle energy body and weave together with the layers of our auric field. The word chakra originates from ancient Sanskrit and it basically means ‘spinning wheel.’
There are seven main chakras and each are associated with one of the spectrum colors. Each chakra color is a natural etheric light that shine from within us, and I like to think of them as the colors of the rainbow. Each chakra regulates certain organs in the body, and also governs certain areas of our life.
Just like everything else that needs cleansing, like our houses and cars, our chakras also need clearing and purification, so they can spin and shine at optimal frequencies.
The Mystery Of The Mandela Effect
There is an unexplained phenomena known as the ‘Mandela Effect.’ Its name is derived from the occurrence of a collective ‘false memory’ that a number of people shared. They all remembered that Nelson Mandela had passed away in prison back in the 1980’s. Yet, his actual death was December 5, 2013.
These false memories are said to be more common than we may realize and that thousands of people may be experiencing the same false memories. Some paranormal experts and theorists believe they could be attributed to some of us shifting to a parallel dimension, or alternate reality. This parallel realm of existence might be so close to our own that there are only subtle differences – so much so that if you’re not paying attention, you may not even notice anything out of the ordinary.