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spiritual awareness

Unleash The Power Of Your Inner Wise Woman

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhy not let 2017 be the year in which you finally unleash the priestess that lies within, and so become a more confident and happy individual.

According to folk-lore, there is a trio of female archetypes, those being the Mother, the Maiden and the Crone – the latter often being referred to as a Witch or Wise Woman. Indeed, it is in the last and final stage, i.e. post menopause, that us ladies reach our spiritual peak.

In fact, the Crone side of ourselves is, incidentally, our priestess, healer and internal warrior, should we fully embrace it. The need for direction and guidance from others is no longer required. In short, we start to live life on our terms – without the need to apologize for doing so. Continue reading

Lessons In Love – Part 3

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen asked what the best message is that I have ever received from my spirit guides, I had to stop and think, because I am always receiving amazing spiritual messages that make me see things from a completely different perspective.

However, I do feel the most powerful guidance I ever received was on the subject of the fruit of the spirit. Spirit guides want their loved ones to know that in order to live happy, healthy lives we must definitely live with these fruit of the spirit.

The “Fruit of the Holy Spirit” is a biblical concept for the nine attributes of a Christian life, as described by Paul the Apostle in his letter to the Galatians. The fruit of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Continue reading

Repetitive Numbers – What Do They Mean?

Get a free reading at PsychicAccess.comRepetitive numbers, appearing frequently in your daily life, are often signs from your angels and spirit guides. When they appear to you, it is time to pay attention.

These number sequences can come in many ways, for example on the face of a clock, a television station number, a license plate, a flight or seat number, and so forth. So, pay attention.

Don’t look for the numbers, they will appear to you when needed. When your angels feel it is important for you to receive a particular message, you shall receive it. Take heed of the message and your thoughts, words, or actions at the time the number sequence appears.

The most common number combinations I am asked about in psychic readings include: Continue reading

Connecting Spiritual Love With Sexual Energy

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been teaching White Tantric Yoga for 15 years. The premise of White Tantric Yoga, is to unite two people together. It is also designed to connect each person the to the Divine, as well as to connect each individual’s sexuality to their spirituality.

Our sexuality is linked to the second chakra. The color is orange. It is located just below the navel point. It is also connected to our creativity. If you are a dancer, an artist, a musician, or a poet, this is where that vibrant creative energy comes from. If there is any sexual trauma in this area, it can block creative energy, block the ability to connect your sexuality and your spirituality, created physical issues with the sex organs and can create depression and anxiety. Continue reading

Treasure The Living Years

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany of us attach personal meaning to songs. Perhaps it is a song played at your wedding, or a family member’s favorite tune, or something meaningful from your childhood years.

Psychics often have songs come to mind during readings, or we find they are playing on the car radio after we were just thinking of that special family member or friend. We then take that as a sign that they are watching over us and that they had just stepped in from the Spirit side of life to make their presence know. These songs can be the triggers for memories that we once treasured, or continue to treasure, or to remind you how precious and loved you are. Continue reading

The Five Spiritual Truths That Transcend Religion

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirituality and religion are often clumped together into the same category.  They are certainly similar in nature.  For example, a spiritual person can be religious and their religion can intensify their spirituality, but that is not to say religion is the source of spiritual growth.

Religion, however is birthed out of spiritual experiences. Religious practices are often promoted by a specific teacher who has had a profound spiritual experience, or a prophet who communicates information about the spiritual realm, and how it influences the physical world. Continue reading

The Courage To Live And Let Live

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe only way we are really going to make the future work is by allowing others to do their ‘own thing’ in their own way. Our future survival and evolution as a species will not be found in sameness, alikeness, similarity, or coercion. Instead, we must build a new global civilization based on expanding diversity, variety, assortment and multiplicity. Yet, there is one fundamental condition – for it to be successful it must be achieved in harmony with others and our planet.

From the perspective of the old mainstream view of our world, such a future world of unhindered diversity appears quite impossible and non-sensical, because that would mean that everybody does their own thing in their own way. And that seems really counter-intuitive… even dangerous. A disaster waiting to happen!

History has taught us that individuals doing things their ‘own way’ eventually manifests itself as selfishness, greed, creed, personal preference, chauvinism, dogma and ego-centered beliefs – which has caused most of our wars, the establishment of our borders, the separation between the rulers and subjects, and the division between rich and poor. Continue reading

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