Cleansing Your Energy With Sage
To cleanse using the smoke of burning sage is an ancient Native American healing art, also known as smudging, which is designed to help clear negative energy. It can be used in your home, office, car, and also on your own energy.
If you are feeling depressed, angry, frustrated or even having trouble sleeping, smudging with sage can help you clear your negative thoughts and start anew. To sage yourself, buy organic sage. Place the sage in a bowl or an abalone shell (my preference because of the ocean energy it brings). Using a match or lighter, light the sage. It will briefly produce a flame and then it will just smolder and smoke.
Using your hands, pull the smoke into your face and upper chest area, over and over. While doing this, think about what you want to clear. Be specific and detailed. Then think about what you want to bring into your energy: peace, calm, love, positivity, hope, guidance, kindness, self-love, self-acceptance, vitality, youthfulness, energy, patience. It is helpful to take a shower afterwards, to cleanse all of the vibrations you just released off of your body and energy. Continue reading
Clearing Toxic Energy From Your Home
When I read for a client, I am not just reading their energy, but I am also reading the energy of their loved ones, co-workers, friends, their home environment, as well as their work environment and community. During a psychic reading in can become evident, for example, that the home environment is toxic, stagnant, or energetically polluted, which has a negative effect on my client.
This pollution is not always metaphysical in origin. Sometimes it is caused by a physical contaminant. For example, it can be a mildew issue, which will make me smell mold and sense moisture, like a smothering humid feeling, or see black mildew spots on a psychic level. The toxicity can also be due to a leak of actual chemicals, bugs or something else that has become a threat to the client’s health. Continue reading
Create Your Own Energy Cleansing Spray
Remember the last time you changed out a dirty air filter from your air-conditioning unit, vacuum cleaner, or your car? Remember how clogged with dust it was? In our living spaces, negative energies accumulate over time just like those ‘dust bunnies.’ Even though we can’t see these energies, there is a way to clear them on a regular basis. Think of it as the spiritual version of house cleaning.
The first and most obvious step to take is to physically clean your space. Clutter and unwanted items work as repositories for negative energy, so it’s important to get rid of it. After you’re done, imagine the space being deep-cleaned with an indigo or violet-colored flame. Use this as a silent meditation, and picture the flames consuming all that invisible ‘dust.’ Continue reading
The Ancient Art Of Smudging
There are many effective ways to purify ourselves of old baggage or toxins in our lives. A great place to start is a very ancient art popular among indigenous peoples known as “smudging.” This refers to the burning of sacred or blessed herbs, or grasses to cleanse yourself and your space.
If you are just beginning try burning sage, one of the most popular and fragrant herbs. As you become more adept, you may want to customize your herbal blend. Bundles may be purchased at an esoteric store, or a Native American or natural market, and burned in a vessel of your choice.
Before you start, make sure there are no fire hazards and open a window or two for ventilation. When you light your sage stick, make sure you are only using the leaves and not the other parts. Continue reading
The Secret To Smudging Is In The Smoke
“The secret to smudging is in the smoke.” These were the words of my mentor when I undertook my Ukuthwasa as a shaman initiate many years ago in Southern Africa. I have also come to know that the true intention behind any smudging ceremony is a very significant part of its success.
An initial part of my rigorous training as a Sangoma, or traditional healer, was a self-cleansing ritual using Mphepo, made up of herbs indigenous to Southern Africa.
“Smudging,” simply put, is the burning of certain herbs to create a cleansing smoke bath. The smoke is used to cleanse areas used for rituals and ceremonies, as well as any tools or objects used for such cleansing, as well as to cleanse people. Continue reading