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Heal Your Home With A House Blessing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen you purchase a new home a ‘house blessing’ is recommended, especially if it is an older house with more history. An old family home, like ours that dates back five generations, usually hosts high levels of imprinted energy.

I have always sensed that many family events and life experiences have occurred in our house. We have been able to trace the property’s origins back to 1750, so the place as no doubt witnessed its fair share of birth and death, joy and sadness, hope and despair. In fact, I even know in which room my dad was born.

But no home is ever a flawless sanctuary or the perfect ‘happy place.’ Whatever house you may move into, there is bound to be some level of negative energy that still lingers from its previous occupants. A house blessing can help ‘clear the air,’ so to speak.

If you enter a house and instantly feel a little uncomfortable, especially in a specific area or room, chances are something unpleasant happened there. This may range from something as benign as unresolved arguments that repeatedly occurred there, to verbal abuse, physical violence, substance abuse, extreme illness, intense grief, suicide, and even rape or murder.

Apart from the energy imprints left behind by former occupants, some older homes may also be haunted by the attached spirit energies of deceased former residents, as well as in exceptional cases by other spirit entities. These paranormal energies can be present as either residual or intelligent hauntings, or both.

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How To Interpret Your Dreams

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDreaming is the mind’s way of working through our everyday life experiences. Our dreams can tell us a lot about deeper self and what goes on in our subconscious mind. Dreams can reveal things we did not realize were weighing our mind or burdening our spirit. There’s a lot of value in paying attention to our dreams, and really diving into what they may be telling us.

Our dreams are however not only about processing daily life. It is also a powerful metaphysical conduit for communicating with our high self and spirit.

But which is which? When is a dream just a daily psychological ‘filing’ procedure, and when is it a profound psychic or spiritual phenomenon? Is there a way to tell? And how does one go about interpreting a particularly unsual dream when you sense it may be more than just an everyday recap?

Sensing that dream is more than just a dream is an intuitive hunch or gut feeling that one can develop through practice. It starts by simply by paying attention and becoming more aware.

The first tell-tale sign is a dream that is very profound, dramatic, or vivid. It is often also a dream you remember in every detail. What did the dream look and feel like? Did the dream seem any different from your usual dreams? Is there anything particular that stands out for you?

Psychic or spiritual dreams usually just feel very ‘different.’ This feeling of ‘difference’ is unique for everyone, so it’s best to trust your own intuition here. Once you start paying more careful attention, you’ll soon get a sense for what your ‘regular’ dreams feel like, compared to your ‘other’ dreams.

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Everyday Mysteries Of The Unexplained

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLiving on my own I am naturally more conscience of any unusual sounds or movements in and around my home – be they from this realm or the next.

I am not much of a collector, nor a sentimental hoarder. Consequently, the tables, dressers and other surfaces in my house are not crammed with ornaments and trinkets. On my personal dresser I have a few items that have been sitting in the exact same position for a long time. These are only moved on dusting day, which I must confess is not very often.

One of the items on my dresser is a moderate size jewellery box. Inside there are only few sets of modest earrings, as I have never felt the need to wear a watch, and I am not really one for necklaces and bracelets.

Because I seldom need to open my jewellery box, it is always in the exact same place on the dresser.  To my great astonishment, as I was getting ready for the day, it caught my eye that the box was now not only in an entirely different position, but appears to have been moved a substantial distance away from its usual place?

I stared dumbfoundedly for a while, trying to make some sense of it. How was this even possible, as I am the only one in the house? I have not had any visitors recently. How did it get to be placed in such a different position and location?

Whilst I was still trying to figure this out…wouldn’t you know it…another odd event occurred a day or two later.

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