Embracing Art As A Spiritual Resource
Art, in its many forms, continues to be a wonderful source of inspiration for my personal and spiritual growth journey. Art has the power to evoke emotion and connect us to feelings and something beyond the immediate boundaries of our lives.
Whether it is a source of divine inspiration or an expression of spiritual wisdom, art has the potential to infuse our lives with beauty and eternal wisdom. Art is a profound spiritual resource.
The deep connection between Renaissance art and spirituality has not only shaped my own artistic and spiritual journey, but has resonated deeply with countless others throughout history.
The Renaissance, which spanned the 14th through the 17th centuries, was a time marked by a thirst for knowledge and exploration. Artists, scholars, and scientists sought to understand and communicate the mysteries of the world and our place in it. As a result, art emerged as a powerful vehicle for expressing and exploring spiritual themes.
Renaissance artists, often working under the patronage of religious institutions, were masters and storytellers of symbolism. Their works, rich with hidden meanings, served as visual representations of faith and devotion. Their artistic masterpieces, including paintings, tapestries, and sculptures, became integral to devotional practices during this period.
Transform Your Life With Mindfulness
In the midst of our fast-paced daily lives, marked by never-ending to-do lists and the constant barrage of modern distractions, it’s all too common to feel overwhelmed and stressed.
Finding moments of peace can be challenging, but there’s a ray of hope in the form of mindfulness. This ancient practice offers a haven of calm amidst the storm of our chaotic lives.
Mindfulness, the art of being fully present in the moment without judgment, is a profound spiritual practice for cultivating self-awareness. It encourages us to pay attention not only to our external environment, but also to our internal world of thoughts and emotions.
By incorporating mindfulness into our daily routine, we unlock a wealth of benefits that lead to greater fulfillment and happiness. And it doesn’t take much of a time commitment. It’s simply a matter of adopting a new perspective and appreciating the importance of each moment.
Mindfulness isn’t just a practice; it’s a habit and a way of life that leads to a calmer, more fulfilling existence. The following strategies are simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your lifestyle and make it a permanent part of your daily routine. By embracing some or all of these practices, you can transform everyday activities into opportunities for self-discovery, self-improvement, and a deeper connection to the world around you.
Mercury Goes Retrograde Today
Mercury goes retrograde today. This astrological phenomenon occurs three to four times per year, when the planet Mercury appears to move backwards through space. Energetically, it can be a period of frustration, error, confusion, and delay, and each cycle lasts about two to three weeks. Mercury retrograde begins again today and will last until September 14th.
In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury is a prominent god who rules business and finance, communication, travel, luck, swindlers, and thieves. He also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld and as a messenger of the gods. He is also known for his ability to take things apart and put them back together again. In astrology, the planet Mercury is therefore associated with communication, intellect, technology, and travel, so all of these aspects of life can be affected when it goes retrograde.
During Mercury retrograde, all aspects of communication, logic and reason can become more difficult and dysfunctional. Misunderstandings and mix-ups are more likely, and we are sometimes less able to think and express ourselves clearly. This can cause problems in our personal and professional relationships. We are also more prone to making mistakes or overlooking important details, leading to frustration and confusion.
Communication systems and technology are also affected by a Mercury retrograde. Digital communication devices and electronics may malfunction or break down, and internet and phone connections may be disrupted, making it more difficult to stay in touch. Travel may also become more challenging during this time, with delays, cancellations, and other unexpected obstacles.
Once In A Blue Moon
The metaphysics for this month is subject to an astrological rarity. October 2020 features what is known as a Blue Moon, or a second Full Moon in the same calendar month. This month’s second Full Moon will take place next week, on October 31st, and is traditionally known as the Hunter’s Moon. It follows the Harvest Full Moon that took place on October 1st.
As you may have guessed, the phenomenon of the Blue Moon gave rise to the popular saying ‘once in a blue moon.’ It is used to refer to something that is unusual or special, or a rare event that seldom happens.
The origin of the term itself is unclear, but it has nothing to do with the actual color of the Moon. The earliest written record of the term ‘blue moon’ has been found in an 1528 pamphlet composed by two friars, William Roy and Jerome Barlow, in which they state, “Oh church men are wily foxes… If they say the moon is blue, we must believe that it is true.” It has since become part of pop culture and modern folklore, including being the namesake of popular songs and movies.
Astrologically speaking, two full moons in a month only takes place about seven times every nineteen years, due to the way the Moon’s orbital cycle does not line up exactly with calendars on Earth. It’s a rarity, for sure.
So, what can we expect during such a rare event?
To Fester, Or Forgive
Recently, a peer did a short talk on forgiveness, as part of a healing service. Besides her being courageous, sharing aspects of her personal challenges with parents and peers, she also offered a reminder of how instrumental forgiving ourselves is in our healing journey.
The reptilian, primitive part of the brain has a default state of always monitoring its environment. The hunter-gatherer ancestral days had us on constant alert. Anxious. Awaiting possible threat by the saber-tooth tiger. But our modern brain has evolved such, that when we are not active in a task, the brain occupies itself with dwelling on the past.
The idle brain tends to ponder past events and unpleasant thoughts, that in the default state, fill us with anxiety. Pain. Guilt. Self-blame. Shame. Anger. Disappointment.
The typical memories and thoughts, that can consume us in this default state, vary. Some are large and life-changing, such as the loss of a loved one or favorite pet, financial loss, divorce, adultery, retrenchment, and physical or emotional abuse. Others are more behavioral or emotional, but can be just as debilitating.
When our life is ‘heading south’ and we cannot seem to turn things around, we tend to replay the situation. This can lead to becoming more depressed, and having more reason to doubt ourselves. A vicious cycle can result. We spin and spin…like laundry in the dryer, being tumbled. If we remain in that dryer, resentment sets in.
Looking Within – A Message From My Guides
As the holiday season starts to ramp up around the world, everything becomes more and more hectic. Travel plans are made early. Gifts are purchased. Party invitations are extended. New outfits are bought. Menus are set. Baking is done. It is a wondrous time of year, to give thanks and to show appreciation to family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.
Under these circumstances, it is understandable that stress abounds too. For some people, in addition to all the excitement, there is a real feeling of obligation. The expectations of others can be overwhelming and, of course, it is impossible to please everyone. There is also the feeling that time is running too short to accomplish everything on the to-do list. Demands on your time can seem endless and unreasonable.
For others, the holiday season can be a very quiet and somewhat lonely time. Old memories can be triggered. Losses can become more heightened and a sense of sadness can prevail. In the Northern Hemisphere, the days get shorter and sometimes much colder, so sunlight isn’t as prevalent to perk you up and lighten your spirit.
Whether you are run off your feet or living a more solitary lifestyle, we recommend that you make some time to look within. A daily meditation habit can do wonders to give you a sense of peace, calm and gratitude. A quiet mind at the start of your day can prepare you for the remainder of each day as it unfolds. A peaceful feeling can help you to put things into perspective so as not to worry, overreact or panic unnecessarily.
Everyone has a ‘little narrator’ inside their head who is constantly chatting up a storm. If this little chatterbox was a real person sitting with you in your living room or in the car, you would eventually ask him or her to stop talking for a while so that you could think, read, watch TV, listen to music, converse, drive, and so on. However, because everyone has grown quite accustomed to this little tag-along giving constant commentary throughout the day, you carry on in spite of the continual interruptions.