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The Spirit Rituals Of Life – Part 3

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPain can just make things downright miserable. We can have the best of everything: a great job; a wonderful, caring spouse; a wonderful home; wealth and luxury; the list goes on, but if you’re in emotional pain, or suffering from a chronic illness, it is very difficult to connect spiritually… let alone do anything uplifting every day.

But, committing to rituals that are good for us every day, can help relieve the pain. I have many clients who suffer from fibromyalgia, depression, and all kinds of pain. One thing that I can say for sure is that whatever may help or work for one person, may not for another. Each person needs to be helped on a individual level.

I have found that emotional pain is sometimes just as painful as physical pain.  Those that have lost loved ones sometimes don’t want to get out of bed, just like my client who suffers from migraines, she just wants to lay in bed most days with the shades drawn and to be left alone.

While I was alone in the woods, I asked some questions regarding pain, and how pain can help us to take action to connect with more happiness or contentment.

How can we relieve physical pain? Spirit says, “If it doesn’t kill you, it makes me stronger.” Do things that help alleviate pain. For example, one of my clients suffered from severe osteoarthritis and arthritis, so she took it upon herself to start taking supplements that build up the joints and help cushion the bones when they grind against each other. She said that this one little daily ritual is what has saved her from experiencing the pain on a grand scale. It has minimized her discomfort remarkably.

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Spirit Courage, Body Bravery

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all know someone who clearly walks to the beat of their own drum. These people typically have a robust inner strength, and refuse to accept at will any pertinent information handed to them by anyone in a position of authority. The one such character that stands out in my life is my maternal grandfather.

We came from a small town of 8,000 souls. Although our neighbors enjoyed the comforts of electricity, running water and all the modern conveniences of that time, my grandfather instead chose a code of living that suited him best.

The farmers in the area also had the use of tractors and other types of modern farming equipment that enabled them to work in a more worldly fashion, but my grandfather stubbornly refused to adhere to these modern trends. He had reliable horses to pull his plow and haul the hay, used kerosene lanterns when electric lighting was easily available to him, and firmly kept to his agenda with a tedious water pump that was needed for the normal household chores.

He was a very dedicated and diligent employee, working in the shipyard. He helped to load cargo ships from all corners of the globe, which came for the mighty salmon our region was extremely well-known for. Papa, as he was known to one and all, married at a very young age, which was a normal occurrence in those days, and managed to sire 15 children. He was also very well-versed and totally immersed in politics. The entire neighborhood would first ask his advice before casting their ballot, or not, for any politician brave enough to run for local office.

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Creating Space Between Yourself And The Addict

click pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comEverybody needs a little time away. Some of us need much longer. I personally know people who have been together for decades, who have found the best way for them to stay together is to give each other some space.

But some of us need even more space than others, especially those of us who are with people who struggle with substance abuse in some way, shape or form. Spirit says that you can still love someone with addiction issues, but you might need some space and time away for your own well-being. I feel strongly that it is unhealthy to stay with someone if they have an addiction, because it does not contribute to peace in the body, mind, spirit, or the home in which you dwell.

Those that have to live with someone who abuses alcohol or drugs, know how hard it can be to have a meaningful conversation or healthy relationship with that person. The energy is always of a lower vibration. And children caught up in those situations have to feel it more than the adults, who may have learned to put up a shield of protection.

We must create a space between us and the addict, in order to keep peace and harmony in the home, for ourselves and those we love and care about. Keeping a peaceful home is a responsibility not only to ourselves, but to those who we are responsible for.

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Daily Energy Cleansing With Epsom Salts

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI love to take baths. I can remember enjoying a good bath as far back as far as my early teens. I have always loved the way it relaxes me – mind, body and soul. For the past 15 years I have been adding Epsom salts and essential oils to my baths. It’s not only relaxing and soothing on all levels, but it helps me to quiet my mind and allow anything that is not serving me to seep out… down into the drain.

My favorite time to take a bath is after a day of doing psychic readings. Being an empath I think it is super smart to take daily Epsom salt baths. Empaths tend to absorb energy from others and it can weigh us down. Baths with salts helps us to detach and connect with our own energy, and let go of any drama and chaos that may have attached itself to us.

I do energy cleansing visualizations while taking my baths and it has become my daily energy cleansing ritual. The salt cleanses me from any negative energy that may have attached itself to me. I can step out of the bath feeling lighter, energetically recharged, and renewed.

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Thoughts On Depression

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comClients sometimes call me regarding their own, or a loved one’s depression. Of course, I am not a medical practitioner and as a matter of course I always recommend that the caller seeks professional advice. However, a psychic reading can sometimes help the customer to unmask what might lie beneath their ‘blues’ from a spiritual perspective.

Lately, one cannot help but notice the media attention that mental health issues are being given here in Europe. Companies here are encouraged, for example, to acknowledge the mental health issues of their staff. The topic also receives much attention in the media, even with the help of celebrities and royalty.

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How To Choose Your Path

click here for a FREE reading at PsychicAccess.comThink about all the choices you make every day. Do you cut that person off in traffic? Who do you vote for? Do you stay faithful to your partner or spouse? We all make many decisions every day that affect our lives and the people around us.

It is recommended we take time to wrestle with our decisions and make the right decision. When we are grounded and in alignment with our true self, it is not as difficult as it may seem. It is always more difficult when we take the path that the rest of the world seems to preach or dictate. The tendency is to take the easy path; the simple path; the selfish path. And once we do, we then wish we had taken a different path – a path less travelled. Hindsight is too often 20/20.

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Shamanic Healing For Chronic Illness

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen treating chronic illnesses, such as depression or pain, we too often look only at the symptoms, and not the root cause. The fact is, most if not all of these conditions have at their foundation some form of loss: the loss of sensation, loss of control, or the fear of loss. For this reason shamanic medicine can be quite effective as a form of treatment.

Shamanism, the connection between the physical world and the spirit realms, is all about connections. As we look closer at chronic illness, we find that much of it is caused by a lack of connection: to our authentic selves, to our spirit guides, to nature, and to our intuition. This is whey shamanic healing can be of great value.

For thousands of years, before the emergence of modern medical practices, shamans were the healers and diviners of the community. Fortunately, their practice is as strong today as it was then.

A trained shaman is able to determine which type of healing we may need: soul loss or retrieval (often through past-life work), spiritual retrieval (a power animal, angel, or other spirit guide), or reconnection to the earth and spiritual realms. There are shamans with different specialties, just as we have physicians with different areas of practice. Continue reading

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