Spiritual Rituals Provide Sacred Space
Spiritual ceremonies, where humans gather together in a circle, are especially potent. An energetic hoop gathers over the circle to assist in the endeavor for the gathering, whether it be for the purpose of celebrating a new birth, honoring a solstice, or to express anything of importance to humanity, as individuals, or as a group.
Altars are also powerful. They are a gathering place for spirits to provide protection and shielding, to aid in a calling or, perhaps, to provide a sacred place for the energy of one who has crossed to another dimension to gather and connect. Or, we might choose to build an altar dedicated to providing an anchor for our business when we are away, the same as when we are present. Continue reading
What Goes Around Comes Around
Karma is a very real thing. I know an older lady who firmly believes that she will never have to struggle coming in the door, whenever she comes home to her condo. She never has to set down any of her items to look for the right key to unlock the door and let herself in. There always seems to be someone there to let her in; people are usually going out as she is coming back in.
Amazingly, this appears to be true. I have never actually seen her having any trouble letting herself in, and it seems to be the case especially when she is bringing in groceries, or carrying a heavy load.
I asked her why she thinks this is, and she told me that when she was younger, and her legs used to worked better, she used to always help elderly people. She would help them to their car, or help them bring things in, or help them cross the street. It was something her parents taught her from a very young age – to always be ready to lend a helping hand to children and the elderly. Continue reading
How To Not Lose Your Mind
I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve heard comments like “people are losing their minds,” or “folks are sure cracking up lately!” The last one is from my sweet Grandma. She says this almost every day when she watches the news. She does have a point – it definitely does seem that way, doesn’t it?
I noticed people losing their minds on the road, at the gas pump, and in grocery stores. There was also the women at the salon, talking on the phone with someone. Many people do seem to be so quick to anger. Some even go into a mad rage over their hamburger not being cooked right (as we heard recently on the news). Continue reading
Sensitivity Is A Gift
Sensitive people need to give themselves a break! I am very sensitive myself, and I consider it a gift. I wouldn’t be able to have the kind of career that I have without being sensitive. For those of us that are sensitive, it can come as a mixed blessing sometimes. The same sensitivity that allows me to empathically engage with others in an intuitive way, can also be a detriment when I allow the circumstances of this work, or of others, overwhelm me. I must be constantly careful about what I view on Facebook, and read or see in the news.
I personally abstain from following the news for the most part. My world is what I am experiencing at this present time. If we were alive 200 years ago, rather than right now, we would be clueless about most world events. However, these days absolutely everything is streamed into our conscious reality 24-hours a day, seven days a week. For those of us whose life purpose is tied in with sensitivity, it is unwise to partake in this media stream. Continue reading
Good Old-Fashioned Dating Before Your Commit
Some of my most treasured moments have been the conversations I’ve had with folks from my grandparents’ generation. I especially like to ask elderly couples what their secret is to a long-lasting marriage, or relationship.
Their answers always put a smile on my face. Usually they would say that they slowly got to know each other, to see if they had the same values and decide if they were compatible.
Sadly, much has changed over the years. These days people no longer seem willing to put in the work and commitment it takes to build a strong foundation for a healthy, enduring relationship. Instead, we rush into romantic connections without thinking and seldom questioning the other person or their motives. Continue reading
Never Judge A Facebook By Its Cover
People often present a very different image of their life on Facebook, than they do in person. I have seen many times how the people in my own social circle would talk to me about what is really going on in their life, while what they present on their social media accounts is something very, very different.
I also encounter this phenomenon when I do psychic readings. A distraught client might say something like, “My ex called me up and told me how miserable he is in his new relationship, but then his girlfriend posted pictures of them having such a good time! So, what am I supposed to believe?” Continue reading
Poco A Poco
I thought today of how certain expressions tend to stick in our minds; thoughts which we adopt for a while, or even a lifetime. It can be the words of a famous writer we have read somewhere, an expression in a song, or even just the ideas of somebody we just had a brief conversation with.
Internationally renowned author and speaker, Wayne Dyer, once said, “You will never get everything done.” It’s a good feeling at the end of the day, to know that we’ve gotten through much on our ‘to-do list.’ But for me, I also gain some comfort from such as words of wisdom as Wayne Dyer’s, as well as the poem, Desiderata, which advises us to, “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste.” Continue reading