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How To Attract True Love Into Your Life

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever felt so good that not even the most negative person you encounter can ruin your day? That is the type of energy you need to envelope yourself in to be a magnet for attracting love and all that is positive into your life.

I have known some very sad individuals, who constantly get nowhere in life because they seem to be perpetually negative and assuming the worst. Whatever they look at or hear, they always put a negative spin on it – whatever it may be.

These negative people are to me a type of ‘energy vampire.’ They try to bring you down to their level so that they can feel better. If you are protected, however, you can remain in balance and alignment spiritually and emotionally. You can empower yourself on all levels, so that you essentially have an invisible, but very powerful shield of protection around you. This way you can deflect their negative energy. It goes right back to the sender, or the one who is trying to drop their ‘poison’ on you. It renders harmless their ‘psychic attack’ by way of their pessimistic words, harmful thoughts and negative energy. Continue reading

More Veggies, Less Soda

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA healthy body is home to a happy soul. Growing up we were taught of the four basic food groups, but we never learned much more about healthy eating. Vegetables never played much of a role in my life.

I have faced challenges with my weight in recent years and it remains a daily challenge. Some of my clients have had it much worse and have been struggling since childhood. For them it has almost been like a ‘weight demon’ that has been attached to them all their lives. These people sometimes call me looking for help, after they had tried so many other things to lose the weight. It often has cost them a fortune. Continue reading

Thanks Mom For Teaching Me Unconditional Love

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe all know people who have come in and out of our lives at just the perfect time to say just the right thing at just the right time. Some of these wonderful people may have stayed in our lives, or perhaps left just as quickly as they came.

I have had several experiences with Earth Angels, but looking back maybe they were not of this earth at all. When I think of Earth Angels, I think of one person in particular and that is my Mother. My mother has taught me many things that has helped me in my life. She has taught me the fruits of the Spirit by applying them in her life.

So, with this blog post I simply wish to thank my mother for being present in my life. Continue reading

Paranormal Encounters At The Old White House

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFor some time my wife and I had been looking for a new home. Being psychic has always been helpful when one goes house hunting. Growing up in haunted home, I am always very cautious about the properties we consider. Experience has taught me that it is not always the house itself that is haunted – it can also be the land that the house is built on.

Currently we live in the countryside. Yes, we do have one traffic light, and yes, we do have a chicken stand. We wanted to look for something that would offer us a brand new beginning. We have gone through many realtors, of whom none had the patience  for us to find the right house.

My wife eventually found a lady named Alice, from another town. When we met her, we told her we wanted a good size house with some land and an outbuilding to run a small business. I told Alice that I did psychic readings and when I walk into a house I could pick up on any spiritual energy that may be present. Our new realtor thought it cool that I had psychic gifts, and I told her it does help when looking for a house. Continue reading

My Mother, My Self

Get e free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMy mother is a wonderful woman. Kind-hearted, giving, a great cook and a good listener. In short she is all the things a good mother should be.

My mother is also the most mean-spirited and callous woman you could ever not want to meet. She will cause a scene just to do it, just to get a rise out of someone, because she is bored and isn’t getting paid any attention. Which, to her, is all the time.

My mother is bipolar, with severe manic-depressive mood swings that leave you gasping for breath in the wake of an episode, the same way you gasp for breath after being sucked under by a huge wave of water. My mother has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). There, but for the Grace of God, go I, as the saying goes. Continue reading

The Gift Of Traumatic Life Experiences

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt never ceases to amaze me how much I learn from clients every day. More and more clients also show me how they have found ‘the gift’ in their own personal challenges and heartbreak.

One of my clients had a very abusive childhood, and two subsequent abusive marriages. She told me recently how she wrote each of her ex-husbands a detailed letter. She thanked them for the gift they had given her; the growth she had experienced from the myriad of ‘not so happy experiences’ during her life journey with them. Was she playing the victim or merely expressing her anger to them? No, she absolutely meant it.

She also talked about more recent failed relationships and the many gifts derived from knowing deep rejection all the way through to sabotage. And now, finally, she has met a guy who appears to be her ideal mate – she is ready to surrender and enjoy the experience, wherever it takes her. Now she can enjoy the gift of shared love. Continue reading

The Blind Lady Who Looked At Pictures

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAn old friend of mine, who I have not heard from in a long time, called me recently and left a message on my voice mail to call him back. When I checked my messages I was surprised to hear from him after so many years.

I asked him how he got my number, since I have not talked to him for so long. Apparently he ran into my brother John at the gas station and asked him for my number. We made some small talk at first, and then told me he had some sad news – Sharon had passed away.

Sharon is my cousin and I was very shocked to hear this! But he quickly realized his mistake and pointed out that it was in fact not my cousin; he was referring to Sharon “the blind lady with the pictures”. Oh man, I have not seen her since my childhood, I exclaimed. Continue reading

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