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Psychic Readings

How Fulfilled Are You?

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Have you found your niche? Have you discovered what you were meant to do in this lifetime? Doing what you love, while helping others and serving the greater good, is tremendously fulfilling. If you have not found your life purpose yet… the sooner the better.

Personally, I love it when I begin a conversation with a client and I can intuitively reel in information that I can pass on, by way of the Tarot as well as my spirit guides, ancestors and my intuition. To then have a really happy customer by the end of that conversation… well, there is something to be said for that feeling! I feel so good knowing I have helped someone to see their life in a completely different perspective. It is very rewarding. Continue reading

Everyday Life Happens To Psychics Too

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTo be in this world, but not of it… I imagine this motto might be the secret ideal of many a psychic advisor. Clients tend to view us as being calm and together at all times. However, life happens to psychics too.

For example, right now I am nursing a very sickly husband and seeing to some extra chores that he usually attends to. So, even though we prepare for the psychic readings we offer, we still have our own life’s everyday challenges and officialdom to deal with.

Unless we go and reside in a cave somewhere, I guess we will always be exposed to some form of general chaos around us! Of course, this does help us to identify with our clients when they say they are running around like “headless chickens” in their lives. Continue reading

Remote Viewing – Seeing From Afar

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of the many different forms of psychic ability is that of remote viewing (RV). Simply put, this ability allows us to see things or events that exist across time and space. In some ways, it is like watching a television, or listening to a radio thousands of miles away.

But how exactly does it work? The truth is, no one knows for sure. Much like dreams, RV is a way for us to cross the normal boundaries of perception and expand ourselves psychically.

Unlike its cousins, such as out-of-body experiences (OBE), dream walking, or deep hypnosis, RV is done while fully awake and conscious. Some say it is similar to astral projection. The phenomenon has been around since ancient Greece, and in more modern times various military groups and the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have used it strategically, such as seen in the popular film, The Men Who Stare at Goats. Continue reading

Embrace Your Soul Family

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe are all connected. We always meet up with people in our lives that are kindred spirits. We all know that feeling that comes over you; that familiarity that makes you stop in your tracks and think, “Wow I know that person from somewhere, but can’t place where I have met them.”

We haven’t met them in this incarnation, but in past lives.

We know these souls from our past, because they are in our cell memory. There is still unfinished business to be completed. That is why we are meeting up with similar souls that we have known in our past lives, be it here or in another world. We are  constantly learning and constantly evolving, and many times we come back in groups, if not every time. Continue reading

The Powerful Bond Of A Love Connection

Visit and get a FREE reading!I think we can really feel the intensity of true love the most when we are young and experience falling in love for the first time. The feeling is so strong and all encompassing.

When love takes over everything in the world just feels so much better. The grass is greener and everything is perfect and good, in a way that words simply cannot express. If you fall madly in love with someone, and you are really lucky and get to have and hold that love, it is even more profound and deep-seated.

I was fortunate to experience this once. It happened while I was working as a bagger at a local grocery store. I stood up, after stocking the paper bags, and suddenly locked eyes with a wonderful soul. He obviously felt the same way, because he returned with his phone number that he had written on a small piece of paper for me. Continue reading

Yes, Fly Away, But Fly Towards The Dreams!

Get a free psychic reading right now at Psychicaccess.comThere are many dreams in our hearts, in our heads, in our spirit that comes to us during our night dreams, during our day hopes.  The universe gives us the dreams of our heart, so we will continue to strive toward these dreams.

Just when we think it is time to give up, spirit jumps in with a sign, a promise, a word, a touch of given hope, to keep the dream alive in our heart.

Time comes, time goes, like the ebb and tide of the ocean, that we wonder if we are ever going to reach the shore. Then suddenly, there is the land, we can see the shore line the horizon, the dream’s reality right there in our face ready to come to us with happiness. Continue reading

Understanding Psychic Readings – The Clair Senses

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe most commonly known and used ‘clair sense’ in psychic and spiritual circles is clairvoyance. This particular gift is very common in individuals that have a specific soul mission to use their psychic gift predominately for readings. It has even become a universal term that often includes the other clair gifts.

The term “clairvoyant” comes from the French clair, meaning clear (from the Latin clarus), and voyant, the present participle of voir, meaning to see (from the Latin videre)*.

The clairvoyant is able to see beyond what can be seen by the physical eye and interpret vibrational realities that are non-physical, or have not yet manifested on the physical plane. Continue reading

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