She Called Me Mom
It was just one little message that came through for her. It wasn’t the message she expected. “It was so much more,” she said afterwards. It defined how she felt. And, it came in the form of only four words.
It was the summer of 2017. I received a call from a lady for whom I had never read before. She was very quick to get out her question and said that she had limited time to talk. I shared with her that I felt a strong female energy around her. I saw my symbolic image for ‘mother and child,’ so I felt this was may be her mother I was connecting with.
I felt such a loving presence. In my mind’s eye I could see her mother smiling. She told me to simply give her daughter this message: “She called me Mom.” I shared this with my client, and she immediately said, repeatedly, and I will never forget it, “Thank you!” She said it over, and over, and over. There was so much joy in her words. And then her time ran out and our call was disconnected.
A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take ~ Cardinal Mermillod
After the call, I stayed connected to the female spirit and asked her if she was indeed my client’s mother. I felt most certainly that she was. But she said, “No, I was her mother-in-law. But we had a strong connection, better than most biological mother and daughters have.”
A few days later, I received another call from the same client. She said, “Thank you for bringing through my mother-in-law!” I immediately knew who I was talking to and I was super-excited to reconnect with her.
She told me that she was never close with her own mother, as she grew up in a household where there was a lot of toxic energy. Her parents abused alcohol and there was a lot of hostility in her family. Her mother could have done so much better with her life, had she not drank so much. She was a functional alcoholic, but because of her mind was so messed up most of the time, it created a huge disconnect between her and her mother. It was the same for her and her father.
Once she met her husband, he introduced her to her mother-in-law. It was an altogether different type of relationship compared to what and compassionate towards her. She complimented her and appreciated her as a daughter. She also said, “I love you.” This was something she had never heard from her own mother. She never called her mother-in-law by her first name. She always called her, “Mom.”
What do girls do who haven’t any mothers to help them through their troubles ~ Louisa May Alcott
Many don’t realize the gift of love they are given throughout their lives, and throughout all the many different relationships they encounter in a lifetime. Ego gets in the way of so many relationships. Brother and sister, husband and wife, parent and child, and so on.
Fortunately, my client was spiritually mature and aware to embrace and value her healthy relationship with her mother-in-law before it was too late. And to this day their bond endures beyond the grave.
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