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The Synchronicity Of Signs

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSigns are everywhere, all around us, all the time. But paying attention to them, and actually knowing what to look for, is another matter entirely.

The most important thing in correctly reading the signs in your life is to become open to them. I don’t mean become open to what you want the particular answer to be.

Asking a Higher Power for signs means you leave your soul open to whatever the Higher Power chooses to show you, not only what you wish to see. You won’t see anything if you keep up that kind of thought process. It defeats Purpose, and Purpose can never be defeated. It is a losing battle if ever there was one. Continue reading

The Ghost Children Of San Antonio, Texas

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSince it was Halloween a few days ago, I thought a ghost story would be appropriate. Although I could probably write a blog a day for months on my experiences with ghosts, I’ve chosen my favorite ghost story to share.

It happened around 18 years ago, while I was visiting a friend in San Antonio, Texas. I dropped my friend off at work and picked up her sister Lydia, who was from Texas.  We set out to see the sites.

After seeing the Alamo and the River Walk, Lydia suggested we go see Mission Park located off of Military, a major, busy street in San Antonio. Lydia proceeded to tell me the story of a bus load of 1st and 2nd graders, some 50 years earlier, whose bus got stuck on the railroad tracks. The story goes that a train came and hit the bus, killing the children. Continue reading

Prophets And Prophecies

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAll through the pages of history we find instances of prophets and prophecies.

The word ‘prophecy’ is derived from the Greek word prophemi; pro meaning ‘before’ and phemi meaning ‘to tell’.  Thus, prophecy means to foretell what will happen in the future, or to divine or interpret.

Prophecy is one of the many gifts of a psychic and is of much value to humanity. All psychics are prophets.

Today we have valuable prophets among our psychics and many whose prophecies have manifested to the letter.

However, after receiving a prophecy, be practical about it. In fact, make an effort to apply your common sense and power of reasoning to every message or prediction you receive. Continue reading

How to Jump Vibrational Frequency Timelines

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFirst, we must define the three timelines:

First Timeline – Where we want to be, 13 of 100 Lightworkers are consistently in this state, on an ascending path.

Second Timeline – Where most of the population is, erratic in frequency, sometimes in and sometimes out (you could say ‘up and down’), influenced by others around them, worried about what others think. Yet, they are on an ascending path.

Third Timeline – On descending path. They are dealing with some of the following traits; angry, envious, jealous, sorrowful, regretful, greedy, arrogant, pitying themselves, feeling guilty, resentful, inferior – all low level vibrational frequencies. I am sure you can think of many more attributes that apply here. Continue reading

The Angel At Friday Night Football

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFriday night football is bigger and better in Ohio. Where I live everybody knows it is the best place to get away from your everyday work and enjoy the sports under the stadium lights.

My wife and I go with my in-laws, my sister in-law and my nephew to every home game where my nieces are performing as cheerleaders. We usually go to the top of the stadium to the far left, as far as we can go for the best possible view.

Last Friday night at the football something happened to me that I never ever thought would happen to me. An angel appeared to me and talked to me. She looked like a human in the flesh.

I often play an ‘astronaut’ game with my nephew at the football game, to try and keep his attention, while I watch the game the same time. Continue reading

Do You Know Your Life Purpose?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe have all experienced times in our lives when we are unsure about our life path. Do you know what your life purpose is? To be blessed, to recognize your purpose, and to live it actively and consciously is one of life’s truly highest gifts.

My personal definition of my life’s purpose is the exploration of the spiritual and unseen realms in order to perpetuate my own immortal infinite journey.

My goal is to use that knowledge to enlighten others in order to reduce universal chaos and assist in restoration of balance. In short, to be a Source of Light and Illumination for everything in the Universe, to have the honor and pleasure to pass this knowledge on to others that want to receive it. Continue reading

Psychic Access Staff Writer Unveils New Teen Novel

Time Warped by Tracey L. PacelliAs a long-time fan of Psychic Access, I first came on-board, not as a writer, but as a client in need of psychic counseling. And boy, did I get it, not just from one talented psychic advisor, but from several! You might even say the info I was given saved my sanity at a time when I had been devastated to learn I had stage IV melanoma.

Many might assume this to be a death sentence, but it wasn’t. It was just the beginning of a transformation that led me to the wonderful place I’m at now—with a teen novel newly minted from Gypsy Shadow Publishing.

One of my favorite psychics confided that she was given the information that it wasn’t my time to pass, and that I needed to flow through the experience, the best way I could. And I did! It wasn’t easy though, and I suffered through some dark days. But, fortunately for me, I was accepted into an experimental cell therapy program at the NIH, after initially being rejected, and I’m happy to report that two years later, I remain cancer free.

Doug, the owner of, in his infinite wisdom hired me as a staff writer and it’s truly been a wonderful experience for me. I’ve met and interviewed so many truly gifted psychics, and have been privileged to edit their biographies. I’ve worked for Doug for many years now and have not had one unhappy moment. In fact, he even built my incredible paranormal blog site for me and generously offered many marketing tips! Continue reading

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