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Can A Psychic Read During Illness?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe actual and more correct question ought to be – should a psychic read while suffering from an illness? A psychic can read anytime, anywhere – or at least this has been my personal experience. But do you want to do it? Is it fair to you and your health as a reader? And can you truly give your client your best, which is what any reader worth their salt wants to do at all times?

I have chronic bronchitis which rears its ugly head approximately twice a year. I keep antibiotics on hand, and plenty of fluids. But I lose my voice, and I must be very careful with it lest it turns into pneumonia, which used to happen quite frequently until I learned what times of year and weather patterns triggered my sickness.

So, while I am able for the most part to keep it under control, I still end up feeling rather the worse for wear for at least two to three weeks. I try, for my own sake, not to work at this time, because I take my clients’ issues to heart on a good day, when I am filled with energy. To try and take on these same issues, while I am hacking and coughing, just doesn’t resonate well with me. Continue reading

Psychic Time Frames

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAt times I am a client and the other times I am on the other side of the fence. Either way, predicting time is always a challenge.

I have been doing psychic readings for a very long time. I can remember when I found out I had the gift and over the years how challenging time frames are to predict.

When I was hired to do psychic readings for Psychic Access, I looked at the other psychics that work with the same company. I finally felt that I was not alone, because they had the same gift. My first phone call from a customer I can remember very well. I was nervous.

At times it is hard to give a time frame for when something will happen, depending on the circumstances. Even when I hire a psychic for myself, wanting to know when certain events will happen in my own life, I have a hard time being patient. Continue reading

Do You Really Want Your Ex Back?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhat is it about holding on to the exquisite pain of love gone awry? It may surprise you to know that about 60% of the psychic readings I do come from this perspective, and trust me when I say it is a clouded perspective at best.

“Will this person come back to me?” or “What did I do wrong?” or the best of them all… “How can I make them come back?”

They may come back to you, yes. There is always that possibility. But do you want them to? An ex is an ex for a reason. You didn’t do anything wrong. Unless of course you did – and that list can be long and prestigious…don’t get me started.

And last but not least, you cannot make them come back to you. What is this… a soap opera? This is real life, your life and theirs too. Continue reading

Can Oxygen Help To Prevent Cancer?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSix years ago this week, I sat with my mother as she took her last breath. She died of brain cancer. She went to the doctor with a massive headache. They ran some tests, and she was told that she had fourth stage brain cancer, and had only three weeks to live.

Last night, in the exact same Hospice Center, six years after her death to the day, I sat with my life-long, dear friend and roommate of six years, as he was taking his last breaths. He too is dying of cancer at the age of 37. This cancer was also detected about three weeks ago. After only two chemotherapy treatments, the doctors said it was useless. He was then transferred to the Hospice Center to die.

Last month, my cousin went to the doctor complaining of pain in his groin area. He was admitted to the hospital for tests. They found fourth stage cancer and he died four days later. Continue reading

Saturn’s Call To Action

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSaturn – a planet of structure, rules, responsibilities and change – has gone retrograde until June 2012. For people that don’t like rules and responsibility, it is not a good time. Come June, should they not have taken care of proverbial business, they will be even more unhappy. But if they take this time to do what needs to be done, to put their back into it, they can see truly amazing results.

The planet Saturn was named after Cronos, a Greco-Roman God, the father of Zeus and the Ruler of Time itself.

There is also an astrological aspect known as Saturn return. It usually hits your chart anywhere from age 28 to 32 years of age. The more you fight the aspects of it, the worse it will be for you. At this stage of your life you will be called upon to decide who and what you want to be for the next 20 or so years, and you will clean house in the process. Continue reading

Ectoplasm The Basis Of Spirit Manifestation

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEctoplasm is an outer layer of protoplasm; one could say it is an etherealized protoplasm. Protoplasm is the basis of all plant and animal life.

Physical mediumship requires either a superabundance of one of the chemicals contained in protoplasm, or the addition of an unknown chemical built up by spirit power. This substance in its many forms is used as the basis of all physical spirit manifestation.

It forms the body and clothing of a materialized spirit. It is also used in telekinesis and automatic writing. In fact, even the tiniest of spirit raps cannot be produced without the aid of a physical body from which is drawn the necessary ectoplasm.

Spirits, without the use of a material instrument, are powerless to produce a sound or anything that comes into the range of our five physical senses, for they live in a higher range of vibration of which we are unconscious. To produce any form of sound they need ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is the key to how spiritual entities manifest once again in a body that can be seen and even, sometimes, touched. Continue reading

Spirit Teachers Aim To Serve Humanity

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have learned through spirit communication that each individual on earth is guided by someone in the spirit world even though they may not be conscious of the fact.  Many go through life receiving spirit help, but are absolutely unconscious of that guidance.

Various names are applied to these spirit helpers, such as Guardian Angels, Teachers, Guides or Ascended Masters. Regardless of the title given to them, they are all spirit helpers.

Our spirit helpers come into our lives through the Law of Attraction. Something in our character, ability or aspiration that corresponds with that of the spirit helper attracts them to us. For example, it is not logical to believe that the famous Greek philosopher Socrates will choose as his human instrument here on earth someone who knows nothing of philosophy. Continue reading

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