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spiritual practice

Trusting Your Intuitions

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comCall them whatever you like – hunches, moments of grace, inklings – our intuitive feelings are usually right on the money. They take so many forms: dreams, feelings of déjà vu, sensations of a hand on our shoulder, hearing your name when no one is there. So why don’t we listen more often?

As spiritual beings we live in a world that tells us there should be a “rational” or “scientific” explanation for everything. Yet we’ve all heard the stories about the woman who didn’t board a plane, which later crashed, because of her intuition. Or a man who never plays the lottery and instinctively buys a ticket, which turns out to win. The truth is, the universe is constantly sending us these kinds of messages, even if they’re not always on such a grand scale. It is up to us to adjust our minds and spirits to properly receive them. Continue reading

Five Crystals For Angelic Connection

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comConnecting with angels can be a beautiful way of connecting with Spirit. Crystal therapy can be used to help you connect with these higher vibrational beings.

Angels are an extension of our source, and are loving, light beings that can help us in our everyday life. They are ministers of the Divine, and bring with them Divine energy and healing energy.

There are different classes of angels, including guardian angels, archangels, and the ministry of angels. When first connecting with angels, it is best to start with your guardian angel. Our guardian angel is a more familiar energy, since it is the angel that has been with you from birth. Your guardian angel has a mandate to follow you through your entire life experience. Continue reading

Invite Healing Into Your Life

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comToo often, in this modern world of ours, we seem to get sick, or just not feel quite right? It’s not a matter of more germs. Most of us are simply out of balance with our many psychic energies.

When we don’t connect properly to nature, or don’t get the proper amount of sleep, or eat food that doesn’t nourish us, we are inviting sickness. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Just as there are many types of western medicine, many branches of energy and spiritual healing also exist. Which one is right for you? The answer doesn’t have to be just one. Whether you choose to heal with acupressure or chakra medicine, crystals or aromatherapy, there is a solution out there for you. Continue reading

Be Brave My Fellow Indigo

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA zealous pastor once pointed at me in front of a congregation of churchgoers and said, “You, young man, will someday go into the darkest of places and bring many souls to the Light.” At the time I did not realize that I would first have to drag myself through a dark night of the soul, before his prophecy would finally become manifest and I would be of any real use to anyone else.

As ethereal and cool as his words may have sounded at the time, the actual journey itself was certainly not a glamorous affair! Yet, I still consider myself to be one of the lucky ones.

I have been asked why my first book, Divine Living, was dedicated to “those Indigo Souls of my generation who may have lost their way.” As a formerly lost, unconscious Lightworker, and one of the seemingly misplaced New Children, it was simply my hope that my experiences might inspire others of my kind. It was my humble attempt at helping to prevent the tragedy of more of us being unnecessarily lost to humanity and our true life purpose. Continue reading

The Nature Of Spirit

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen getting a reading you may hear a psychic use the term “Spirit” during the reading. But what is Spirit? Spirit is another way of saying “God” or “the Divine.”

In my personal experience Spirit is the in-dwelling essence from which all things come. Spirit is the life force that dwells within us and in all living things, and represents each individual’s highest path and potential.

So how do we connect with “Spirit”?  The concept or idea of Spirit is found within many spiritual traditions. It is the reason why individuals to this day practice specific religions in hopes that they too can align themselves with the higher power or Spirit. Continue reading

The Powerful Properties Of Lavender And Sea Salt

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf you’re looking for natural, organic ingredients to purify, cleanse and detoxify yourself and your space, there’s no better choice than lavender and sea salt – two ingredients that are relatively inexpensive and easily found. You can even make potpourri or enjoy a relaxing bath with homemade salts without breaking the bank.

Depending on your preference, and its intended use, you may wish to obtain your lavender in crushed or essential oil form. Either can be found at an esoteric or herbal shop. In crushed (flower) form, lavender is well-known for its aromatic quality and can be mixed with another floral scent if preferred. Lavender is also famous for its autoimmune properties and ability to stimulate mental clarity, including psychic ability. Continue reading

Three Famous Prayers Of Power

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPrayer is the method we can use to petition our Source or Creator for our own highest good.  It is a way for us to communicate what we truly want within our situation, and align ourselves with the highest potential in any given situation.

There are many ways to pray, and one great way to begin a practice of prayer is to use prayers that have already been written down.

The following are three “power prayers” that I use in my own life.  I know that anyone who adopts these three prayers as a method for communicating their innate desires to the Divine will find what they seek. It is my prayer that each person reading this article will find the strategies that work best for his or her own journey on this planet. Continue reading

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