Traits Of Your Aries Child
A child born March 21st to April 19th is an Aries. Aries children are smart and very physically strong and coordinated. They are usually very athletic. They may be very quick to walk and talk. Aries are also extremely enthusiastic about life and tend to be optimists.
They are known however to have a bit of a temper. It will help you to establish that you are the boss and not give into temper tantrums very early on in your Aries baby’s life. Keep your calm and exemplify a dignified way of expressing anger and frustration. They are also know to hold a grudge, so teaching forgiveness will also be of benefit.
They are extremely generous and tend to want to give their toys to other kids. However, they may also expect to get some of their friend’s toys in return! They are strong forces and can be demanding and bossy. If you teach them to use that power to accomplish rather than control, they can be anything they want. Continue reading
Traits Of Your Aquarian Child
A child born January 20th to February 18th is an Aquarius. Aquarius children are smart. They are philosophers and are drawn to spirituality – usually non-conforming.
They tend to be studious, but struggle with following a teacher’s curriculum and prefer reading their own books and following their own curriculum.
Aquarius children can be stubborn. They know so much that they think they are always right. Letting them know that they are wise and wonderful, but not always right will help them let in other’s ideas.
They are often natural debaters. Like most children, if they know they can negotiate, they will become manipulative and have a hard time accepting no. Continue reading
Understanding How Men Fall In Love
What makes a man fall completely in love with you? Head-over-heels in love? Well, a man will fall in love when you give the signals that you are really looking for and ready for lasting love.
Maybe it’s the timing, or certain qualities he is looking for, but I feel that it is mostly about chemistry and connection. The way that you look into his eyes, and the way you listen to him as if he were the only one in the world, the way you make him feel, and the feel of you in his arms.
Some men go for personality, and some like the intellectual side of you, the way that you smell, and the feeling that he can’t live without you, and that you are a part of him. Continue reading
Unleash The Power Of Your Inner Wise Woman
Why not let 2017 be the year in which you finally unleash the priestess that lies within, and so become a more confident and happy individual.
According to folk-lore, there is a trio of female archetypes, those being the Mother, the Maiden and the Crone – the latter often being referred to as a Witch or Wise Woman. Indeed, it is in the last and final stage, i.e. post menopause, that us ladies reach our spiritual peak.
In fact, the Crone side of ourselves is, incidentally, our priestess, healer and internal warrior, should we fully embrace it. The need for direction and guidance from others is no longer required. In short, we start to live life on our terms – without the need to apologize for doing so. Continue reading
Live. Laugh. Love.
Do you feel unfulfilled? Stuck in a rut? Try to live, laugh and love a little more… for these are the three L’s of fulfillment.
Firstly, to attain lasting fulfillment it is necessary to actually live your life. This is especially important for anyone who feels stuck in their life or circumstances. I sometimes come across clients that are so bound by their routines that they are unwilling to see a different way.
To have a fulfilling life we must be willing to engage with life in a dynamic way. Take a proactive approach and shedding some of your routines. There are often very simple ways to engage in shifting stagnant routines. It can be as simple as taking the long way to or from work and appreciating the scenery of the new way. Continue reading
Group Consciousness
We are all different. Each person is a piece of the puzzle that creates a group. All people are raised different. People may have different spiritual beliefs, different educational backgrounds, jobs, nationalities. Yet, if the common goal is the same, there is no reason why we cannot achieve much more in our world. Some of us simply need to find a way to respect diversity.
Spiritual groups tend to be the especially challenging when it comes to diversity. Too often spiritually-minded people are expected to always agree with everyone about everything, in order to promote goodwill among group members and keep the peace. But in any group people have to learn how to agree to disagree. It’s always okay to have your own opinion and express how you feel. One must just remember that not all of the group may agree with your thoughts. Continue reading
You Are Enough
You are enough. If only, as we grew up, we had heard more such words, even if there was an additional “… and yet strive for more”. The fact is we were raised in a world where competition is prevalent; where our insecurities are often emphasized to us, or used as leverage (intentionally or otherwise); where our personal beliefs about ourselves potentially delays our soul evolution.
As partners in the Universe we say to ourselves, “Everything has a reason, we each have a soul purpose, all is in Divine Order.” Yet, when a tragedy or life shattering moment hits, we are so intimately impacted that we have to dig deep to console ourselves and try to reframe that that tragedy has a Divine purpose, and that you have enough and are enough in that moment. Continue reading