News and Views From The Psychic Access Community


Happiness Is Here And Now

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToo often I hear the lament, “When will I be happy?” The answer is simple – right now!

Our mind is our own worst enemy but it can also be our best friend, if we let it. Understanding simple concepts of universal truths can go a long way towards our mind knowing these truths and accepting them as fact into our world.

One of the biggest universal lies is that happiness is a permanent state of being or, worse yet, that everything has to be perfect for you to be happy. That’s a lie. The simple, universal truth is much easier and also much more freeing. Happiness comes in moments, happiness is where you are right now, with exactly what you have. Continue reading

We Are Not All Raised The Same Way

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen dealing with those who don’t show kindness, or people who are not civil towards others, it’s important to remember that everyone is not raised the same way.

I speak to several clients every day. Being an empathic, intuitive person, I can tell when someone has not been told that they are loved. Some folks never enjoyed special family time growing up, and some never even connected with at least one parent. It is really sad.

This is when I give self-care advice, which my clients love. The great feedback I get from my clients about this is that self-care empowers them to become less critical and judgmental of themselves and others. They just feel more free to be themselves, and allow others to be who they are. They learn to accept those who see things differently from themselves. Continue reading

Psychic Attack A Wake-Up Call

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently found myself experiencing the most intense, hectic dreams and unusual symptoms. I became very concerned about what was going on. Physically, I was feeling awful, although I had no underlying health condition. I was experiencing  headaches, and literally felt as if I had been beaten up. Any kind of concentration eluded me, but I did manage to do a reading for myself.

I don’t generally read for myself, for fear of reading too much into a situation. However, this reading revealed to me that I had been under psychic attack for several days!

It didn’t really matter to me from where such an attack might be coming from. It was also not important to me that such negativity ultimately will return to the sender with a vengeance. I just wanted to clear it. My only concern was to immediately restore powerful psychic protection around me, and to be sure that I never again forget to maintain regular psychic protection for myself. Continue reading

Healthy Boundaries – A Message From My Guides

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is okay to say no. As a matter of fact, it is imperative to learn to say no, and stick with it. We observe that many of you try to be all things to all people. You run yourselves ragged, physically and emotionally, trying to please other people.

You put others ahead of yourselves and then become frustrated and angry when you have no time left for your own personal lives. This is exhausting, stressful and becomes completely unrealistic over time.

The challenge in setting healthy personal boundaries often arises when it becomes difficult to prioritize your own needs and desires against the expectations of others. Since when do these people rule your roost? Since when are their expectations more valid or important than your own peace of mind, ideas or schedules? Why do you give them such power over your dreams, goals, ambitions and life? Continue reading

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