The Myth Of Spiritual ‘Life Lessons’
It is not true that we must live a challenging, tormented life to learn certain spiritual “lessons”. Believing that we are here to “learn” is merely a justification that some folks offer to make sense of the bad things that sometimes happen to good people.
The irony is that those who choose to believe this myth will most likely have to face one trial and tribulation after the other, just as they expected. If someone’s life is awash with “weeping and gnashing of teeth” it is often because they choose it to be so.
The hardship and suffering we see in this world is mostly man-made. Misery is something we inflict on ourselves, and each other. It is not of Spirit, Source or God. Continue reading
Free Your Mind, Find Your Bliss
What we think, and what we believe, is what we become. We create our own reality. Constantly exposing yourself to popular culture and the mass media will ultimately shape your reality tunnel in ways that are not necessarily conducive to achieving your Soul Purpose and Life Calling. Modern society has generally ‘lost the plot’. Slavishly following its false gods and idols makes no sense in a spiritually aware life.
The same holds true for toxic relationships, and people in your life who consistently indulge in negativity, cynicism, prejudice, fear-mongering, pessimism, and hatred. But have no illusions – the opposite extreme is just as noxious. Be equally cautious of those who deem themselves spiritually superior or ‘holier-than-thou’. Be wary of the well-meaning souls who profess themselves to be paragons of unconditional love and light, or who claim they have attained perfect insight into all the mysteries of the Universe. Continue reading
The Blind Lady Who Looked At Pictures
An old friend of mine, who I have not heard from in a long time, called me recently and left a message on my voice mail to call him back. When I checked my messages I was surprised to hear from him after so many years.
I asked him how he got my number, since I have not talked to him for so long. Apparently he ran into my brother John at the gas station and asked him for my number. We made some small talk at first, and then told me he had some sad news – Sharon had passed away.
Sharon is my cousin and I was very shocked to hear this! But he quickly realized his mistake and pointed out that it was in fact not my cousin; he was referring to Sharon “the blind lady with the pictures”. Oh man, I have not seen her since my childhood, I exclaimed. Continue reading
Spiritual Practice
Awakening, reconnecting and realigning with the Divine Self is no doubt the most important first step in personal spiritual growth, individuation and ultimate transcendence. To rediscover your Higher Self and tap into your Higher Consciousness is usually a very awe-inspiring and life-changing experience. But your new found spiritual awareness and rediscovered Divine origins may soon lose its power to transform your life if you do not adopt a new lifestyle that includes some kind of consistent spiritual practice.
Divine Living and spiritual practice goes hand in hand. A Divine Life is impossible to achieve without some form of regular spiritual practice, in order to increase and maintain your connection and alignment with the Divine Self. What you come to know and believe about your own spiritual origins is meaningless, unless you have a direct and personal daily experience of receiving guidance from your inner Divinity. The only way to achieve this is to practice your new awareness and beliefs on a daily basis. Continue reading
Soul Mates And Twin Flames
Many have heard of the term ‘soulmate’, but have you ever heard the term, ‘twin flame’? Do you find yourself wondering what the difference is?
A soulmate has many meanings, and not limited to romance either. Soulmates can be co-workers, friends or those in your family.
Soulmates are anyone who has an influence in your life, whether it is positive or negative. These ‘soulmates’ have been with us in many lifetimes. Through each lifetime, we are reunited with these souls by continuing to evolve and learn with them.
A twin flame is the other half of your soul. Every single person on this Earth is born with a twin flame. Not all twin flames unite physically. Some will act as a guide and will always be with you spiritually.
After the soul has been through many trials and tribulations and has opened their heart and mind fully, the twin flame attraction can awaken for those who meet physically. Continue reading
My Method Of Healing Balance
We all have the ability to help and to heal others, but for some of us it’s a calling we are drawn to in this lifetime.
I have studied and applied various healing techniques during my working career as a healer. I have always felt that no matter which technique we use, be it hands on healing, massage, or Reiki, healing actually comes ‘through’ us. When we open ourselves up as channels our spirit helpers can send healing energy through us that frequently creates powerful shifts within the patient. Often it is also to the disbelief of some medical practitioners.
I’ve created my own healing ‘blend’ from the various modalities I have studied, and I like to call this Healing Balance. Healing Balance works with particular access points into the body – the 7 major chakras and the minor chakras located mainly at the joints. These chakras or energy vortex centers are our connection with universal energy through which we access deep levels of healing. Continue reading